WoolgroveSchoolMedium Term plan Class;3-4T/ 4ETerm;Autumn 1 2016Topic India
Texts / Literacy / Communication and Language / MathsNumber Place Value
Multiply/DivideFractions MeasurementShape
Position,Direction / Topic
Science,Geography,History,Art,DT,Computing. / Religious Education / PSHE. / Outdoor Learning / British values/SMSC
Week 1 / Non-fiction
Little Red Hen / Labels, Lists and Caption
To identify labels and lists around school / Discussing rules / Counting
Money maths / To describe the properties of solids and liquids.
Introduce topic and locate India on a world map. What books do we need, fiction, non-fiction, dictionary, atlas? Colour India/UK on a world map choosing appropriate colours related to countries flags
Dress in traditional Indian Costume (No jewellery)
To know the Internet contains a large amount of information. / To experience and appreciate the natural world / Learning that we belong to a community / Exploring Harvest time in local fields / Class discussion on working together and developing ‘Our Class Rules’
Developing ability to work and contribute in whole class activities
Develop awareness of and respect for cultural differences
Week 2 / Non-fiction
Atlas / Labels, Lists and Caption / Retelling what they saw on the class trip. / Addition and subtraction to 5 or more
Money maths / To observe the characteristics of liquids.
Develop knowledge of India using an atlas.
Create class collage map for display showing a range of features
To know that anyone can put information on a website not all information is true / To hear and talk about the Christian story of Creation / Understanding that we can be the same and different from our friends / Explore environment area including characteristics of the pond
Week 3 / Sequencing words on white board / Instructions / Using present tense / Addition and subtraction to 5 or more
Money maths / To observe the characteristics of solids ,
Make Indian Jewellery
Make Lassi drink – links to literacy
To search and locate information using menus on a web site. / To think about how Jewish and Muslims believe how the world was made / Learning that we should feel safe in our class / Giving verbal instructions to move around sensory garden and environment area
Week 4 / Sequencing words on white board / Instructions
Writing morning arrival routine in instruction format / Order and sequencing events / Addition totals to
Money maths / To understand the difference between freezing and melting ,
To talk about the Indus civilization (BBC Bitesize)
Make Indian Jewellery
To search using key words / To know that different religions celebrate Harvest festival.
Write a Christian prayer / Feeling good about similarities in our group
Week 5 / Oh Dear
Rod Campbell / Stories with Predictable Phrasing / Using repetitive language / Properties of shape
Money maths / To recognise that some solids dissolve and some do not
Diwali – Making Diva lamps
To search using the index / To know that different religions celebrate Harvest Festival.
Know about Sukkot / To know how to make someone feel welcome / Create a Jewish shelter
Week 6 / Owl Babies
Martin Waddell / Stories with Predictable Phrasing / Reading aloud / Addition and
subtraction to 10
Money maths / To separate solids from water ,
Diwali – Making Diva lamps
Information can be connected in different ways at the same time by hot links or hyperlinks and that these can be used to navigate a web site / How do Muslims show they are thankful for the natural world? / To be able to feel good about my strengths / Outdoor story time
Week 7 / Ten in the Bed
Penny Dale / Stories with Predictable Phrasing / Performing stories to peers / Assessment of HT / To know that some materials can be changed – temporarily/permanently
Virtual trip to India tasting traditional foods.
To begin to be aware that objects can be organisedaccording to their properties or characteristics / To reflect on the half terms learning / To know how to calm down when cross or upset / Perform stories