PE and Sports Premium atSandye Place Academy

One of the main strengths of the PE Department at the Academy is the progress and achievement made by pupils from entry to exit. In Sept 2013 pupils made excellent progress within many aspect of the PE curriculum however there were two key areas for improvement and intervention:

  1. Some pupils were not making expected progress in gymnastics compared to other curriculum areas. This was more evident in year 7. More specifically, pupils were given little opportunity to develop and refine flight techniques and skills (which is required at Key Stage three). A pupil survey in September 2013 indicated that pupils did not enjoy Gymnastics (KS2 = 49%) (KS3 59%). The department put these result down to the minimal gymnastics equipment available for flight work and the lack of challenge.This was also evident when looking at extracurricular clubs as there was a low uptake in the number of pupils attending gymnastics club forcing the department to cancel it.

Action: The department used a large quantity of the Sport Premium Funding to improve the ‘quality and provision of curriculum and extra curricular gymnastics. This will be evaluated at the end of the Academic year through more pupil participation in Gymnastics clubs, more progress in PE gymnastics lessons and greater enjoyment.

  1. Another area for development was Assessment for Learning within the PE department. The department felt there were limited resources and some pupils were not fully aware of their attainment levels and how they need to improve, crucial for making progress. A booklet was discussed to last the duration of a key stage to develop understanding and show progression of their learning in all curriculum areas. The department also have low y5 baseline entry data each year and felt that this was of some concern. The booklet could also be used in the lower schools to generate a smoother transition from primary to middle school in PE. It would also give the staff a better indication of what they can achieve and what they have covered.

Action: We used a quantity of the Sports Premium Fund to improve the pupils understanding of their attainment and the areas in which to improve to achieve at a high level. This will be evaluated at the end of the Academy year through pupil voice, staff observations and pupil progress from entry to exit data.