Social Studies

1st 9-Weeks TEST

Study Guide

A study guide tells you what will be on the test and helps you prepare and study. You must complete this assignment if you do not have your corrected social studies TESTS. Here are the following TESTS you should have:

  • TEST # 1 – Five Themes of Geography
  • TEST # 2 – Map Skills
  • TEST # 3 – Earth in Space (Shaping the Physical Environment)
  • TEST # 4 – Forces of Earth (Shaping the Physical Environment)

For every TEST missing, you must complete the corresponding portion of the study guide!!! This is a homework grade!!

These answers can be found in your binder OR your textbook.


Define the following terms:

  1. Geography
  2. Geographer
  3. Movement
  4. Region
  5. Human-Environment Interaction
  6. Location
  7. Place
  8. Absolute Location
  9. Relative Location
  10. Landform
  11. Culture
  12. Globe

Answer the following questions:

13.What are the two basic questions that geographers always ask when they are studying the earth?

14. How would you describe the physical features of a place?

15. How would you describe the human features of a place?

Fill in the blank with a theme of geography:

16. Olive Branch is located at 35 N, 90 W ______

17. Olive Branch is south of Memphis. ______

18. Mississippi River flows through the U.S. ______

19. Spanish is the official language of Mexico. ______

20. YouTube, Instagram ______

21. Old Towne in Olive Branch ______

22. Littering ______

23. Rocky Mountains in Colorado ______


Define the following terms:

24. Latitude

25. Equator

26. Degree

27. Projection

28. Distortion

29. Compass Rose

30. Cardinal Direction

31. Key

32. Prime Meridian

33. Longitude

34. Scale

35. Globe

Answer the following questions:

36. Give advantages and disadvantages of globes.

37. Give advantages and disadvantages of maps.

You will need to know how to label this projection on your test!

a. Prime Meridianb. Equatorc. lines of latituded. lines of longitude
e. the NorthernHemispheref. the Southern Hemisphere
g. the Western Hemisphereh. the Eastern Hemispherei. the North Pole
j. the South Pole

  1. ____
  2. ____
  3. ____
  1. ____
  2. ____
  3. ____
  1. ____
  2. ____
  3. ____
  4. ____


Define the following terms:

38. Revolution

39. Rotation

40. Orbit

41. Axis

42. Solstice

43. Equinox

44. Time Zones

45. Milky Way

Answer the following questions:

46. Why does the area around the equator stay the same temperature year-round?

47. In the Northern Hemisphere, what is happening on:

a. March 21st?

b. June 21st?

c. September 23rd?

d. December 21st?

48. In the Southern Hemisphere, what is happening on:

a. March 21st?

b. June 21st?

c. September 23rd?

d. December 21st?

49. How many time zones are in the U.S?

50. How many time zones are on Earth?

51. Earth’s orbit around the sun causes ______

52. Earth’s rotation around its axis causes ______

53. Name all of the time zones we discussed and label them on the following map:


Define the following terms:

54. Crust

55. Mantle

56. Inner Core

57. Outer Core

58. Weathering

59. Erosion

60. Deposition

61. Plate Tectonics

62. Plates

63. Magma

Answer the following questions:

64. Name and describe four landforms we learned about.

65. What increases as you godeeper inside the Earth?

66. What is the Earth’s only liquid layer?

67. Which is the thickest layer?

68. How do earthquakes occur?

69. What causes a volcano to spew lava?

70. What aresome agents of erosion?

71. How is mechanical weathering different from chemical weathering?

72. The ______is easily able to flow due to its temperature.

73. The atmosphere holds in ______from the ______.

74. Give two examples of how earthquakes can affect people.

75. Give one reason volcanos are dangerous for people and one reason volcanos can be beneficial to people.

76. List six natural disasters/hazards.

77. Give some examples of preparations that can be made for natural disasteroccurrences.

78. What challenges face leaders of areas that often experience earthquakes or volcanic eruptions?