Biology Syllabus
Holloway High School
2017-2018 School Year
Instructor: Martin Binhammer
Room 201
Course Description:
Biology is the study of living things. In this class, we will focus on many major themes throughout the semester including: Cell Biology, Genetics, Evolution, Biodiversity, Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration and Human Anatomy. We will explore these topic through textbook readings, class discussion, homework assignments and hands-on lab activities.
Course Standards:
The link below refers to the TN Biology Scope and Sequence of standards. (Note: This course will be completed in 2 quarters instead of 4 quarters as the S&S suggests)
Course Requirements:
Textbook: Prentice Hall-Biology by. Miller & Levine
Supplies: College ruled paper, 1” or 2” 3 ring binder, index cards (package of 100), Pencils/pens, composition notebook.
Optional Supplies: Calculator, Ruler, Coloring supplies, Highlighters, Kleenex, Personal Device (refer to BYOD policy for more info)
Classroom Rules:
General rules:
1. Be Prepared.5. Give it your best try.
2. Be on Time.6. Be Respectful of yourself/others.
3. Be Engaged and Attentive7. Come with a good attitude.
4. Be Responsible for your own work.
Course Grading:
Throughout the course you will be given 3 types of assignments: tests/quizzes, classwork, and homework. The following percentages show the weight associated with each type of assignment. I will return all assignments that you are required to keep up with in a Manila folder that I will provide you. You are responsible for keeping up with your grades through iNow.
Tests/Quizzes…………… 100 points per assignment
Classwork………………… 100 points per assignment
Homework………………… 50 points per assignment
The Rutherford County Board of education has assigned the following percentages to each letter grade.
I……………………………… Incomplete
Late Work: Any late work that is accepted will only be accepted up to 3 days after the due date. All assignments turned in passed that point will be given a 0 (no exceptions). For each day an assignment is late I will automatically deduct 5% from the total earned score.
Make-up Work:
If you miss a day(s), you must take it upon yourself to come to me and receive the assignment. You will be given the same amount of time to complete the work up until the final date late work is taken.
Retest/Retake: Only tests below 70% will be eligible to be retaken. Retesting is to be completed within 1 week of the original assignment and the higher of the two grades will be recorded.
Extra-Credit:There will be very few opportunities for extra credit and will only be given and graded at my discretion.
Additional Help:I am aware that Biology will not be as interesting to each of you as it is to me. If you would like extra help on an assignment or understanding of any topic we discuss I will be available 30 minutes before school each day, during my planning period (4th block) and 30 minutes after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays).
Being Tardy
You will be considered tardy as soon as the bell rings to start class. 3 tardies will result in immediate parent contact. If you continue to be chronically late you will be referred to the office or guidance.
BOYD (Bring Your Own Device):I am completely understanding that most if not all of you will have a personal device with you throughout the day for various reasons. However, device use in my classroom will be for the sole purpose of learning and engaging in activities relevant to the course. Therefore, at the beginning of each class you will place your phone in the “Phone Zone”. After 25 minutes of class you will receive a technology break of 2 minutes and then your phone will go back in the “Phone Zone” for the next 25 minutes until the next technology break. These breaks are subject to change based off lessons each day. Any violations of this policy will result in you not having access to your phone during class for 1-5 days depending on the number of previous violations.
Please Cut along the dotted line and sign your name and date below to signify you have read and understand the course syllabus. This will go in the grade book as your first homework assignment.
Name: ______
Date: ______