College Council
3:00PM – 5:00PM Monday, December 7, 2015 AC-119
Co-Chairs: Bill Henry, Vern Butler, James Thompson
Present: Rosa Carlson, Bill Henry, Val Garcia, Sam Aunai, Arlitha Williams-Harmon, Diane Thompson, Lorie Barker, Joe Cascio, Jay Navarrette, Rickelle Syrdahl, John Word, Susan Lala, Michael Carley, Stewart Hathaway, Joel Wiens, Jay Hargis, James Thompson, Lupe Guillen, Maria Roman, Ann Marie Wagstaff, Vern Butler, Giovanni Ruiz
Absent: Kim Behrens
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 3:03 p.m.
II. Adoption of Agenda
Motion made to adopt the agenda for December 7, 2015.
M/S/C: Wiens/ Hargis
III. Approval of Minutes
Motion made to approve the minutes from November 16, 2015.
M/S/C: Hargis/ Lala
IV. Information/Announcement Items
V. Discussion/Action Items
VI. Sub-Committee Reports
A. Budget (Arlitha Williams-Harmon) The meeting was cancelled, Arlitha will send out emails to the budget committee to look over submissions received by the departments. Budget Allocation Model Review- BAM district wide review before approval, will have the final recommendations by May.
B. Strategic Planning (Val Garcia) No report.
C. Enrollment Management (Bill Henry) EM will meet in January to go over the Library Program review.
D. Grant Oversight/Grant Progress Report (Arlitha Williams-Harmon) Looking for a grant to help pay for a charging system. The campus is also getting ready to apply for a Hispanic Serving Institution STEM grant, currently seeing if eligible.
E. Facilities Planning Advisory (John Word) The goal is to have the parking lots open by January 12th. Basketball scoreboards are here and will be installed December 18th. The Fire Department will be here for inspection on the 15th. There has been some trouble with the old elevator, contractors are currently inspecting for repairs.
F. Information Technology (Rickelle Syrdahl) Discussion on SARS messaging for emailing and texting students and the discontinuance of SharePoint and seeking alternatives.
G. Title IX Advisory (Val Garcia) No report.
H. Marketing & Outreach (Arlitha Williams-Harmon) Handout- A College Transition Workshop Saturday 12/12/2015. Student Services is also doing free workshops at the Porterville Fairgrounds 12/10-11/2015.
I. Student Success and Equity Committee (Ann Marie Wagstaff) Revising the curriculum outline for Ed 101. The committee will be meeting Tuesdays starting in the fall.
VII. Other Reports
A. President (Rosa Carlson) The Chancellor has asked that we provide a State of the College report by 12/14/2015. Starting in January, all departments will help with the Educational Master Plan, what you would like your department to look like in 5-10 years.
B. Accreditation (Bill Henry) ACCJC called about the annual report, they will visit October 2018.
C. Academic Senate (Stewart Hathaway) Student Equity Academy will be held in March and will cover how to spend funds.
D. CCA (Ann Marie Wagstaff) CART committee has completed the work on division chair responsibilities and compensation. In January there will be a full negotiation meeting to see if they can work out the final agreement. Fall 2016 we will need to begin paying on insurance.
E. CSEA (Vern Butler) Voting on new officers. Meeting with Abe on the health benefits that will need clarification.
F. ASPC (Giovanni Ruiz) PASS Leaders are now in ASPC. District wide student development retreat for student equity and success.
G. Other (Bill Henry) The campus will be on a hard shut down 12/24/15-1/4/2016.
VIII. Future Agenda Items
IX. Adjournment 3:30pm
M/S/C = Motion/Second/Carried