HonorsBiology Expectations

Mrs. Farrell

Topics covered include:

  • Metric review, scientific writing, scientific method, chemistry of life, cell structure and function, genetics, protein synthesis, evolution, ecology, and the body systems

Grades will be based upon:

•Exams and quizzes, announced and unannounced

•Labs and classroom activities

•Homework assignments

•Comprehensive final exam100-90%=A

89-80%=B*Grades will be

79-70%=C updated on Aeries

69-60%=D regularly


Late work is accepted ONE day late for 70% credit.Incomplete work NOT accepted.

If a student misses class for any reason they are responsible to find out what assignments were collected and assigned, as well as, what subjects were covered in class. (ask the teacher/ check the board)

If a test is missed or a worksheet is due on the day of an absence, students will make it up or turn it in on the day they return. If a lab activity is missed, students will have TWOschool days to make it up.

Iwill be available before school, some days after school, and at lunch for help and to make up work. Please let me know at least one day ahead of time for lab make-ups so I may have the materials ready for you.

Homework is collected at the BEGINNING of the period and expected to be completed at home.

Students are expected to be in the classroom moving toward their seats when the tardy bell rings.

Gum, food, and drinks are not allowed in the classroom. Water must be kept in students backpack.

Electronic devices (iPods, smart phones, etc.) must also be kept in students backpack at all times.

**Students must have:

1. A SEPERATE Biology spiral notebook (at least 100 pages) for notes

2. An individual pocketed folder (to keep returned work and handouts in)


We may be watching the videos Lorenzo's Oil, Medicine Man and GATTACA this year while studying genetics and ecology. These videos are rated PG-13

*There will be small animals housed in the classroom for observational purposes.

If either of these are a concern please contact me.

If you need to speak to me please feel free to call me at:

(714) 986-7500 ext.14319

Please sign, cut, and return the bottom portion.Sharon Farrell


I understand all of the policies and regulations mentioned on the Honors Biology Classroom Expectations

Student name: (print) ______signature______

Period ______Parent or guardian signature ______