Warrington Pool League
Sponsored by The Boxworks
Warrington Pool League constitutional Rules
The League is for teams based in Warrington Pool playing establishments. These are not restricted to licensed premises, but in the main are likely to be. Some premises do not have a children’s licence and as such cannot admit people under the age of 18. Please inform the league if there are any restrictions to people wishing to take part in the organised pool to be played at your home venue. There is no distance restriction from the playing venue from which players may be drawn.
Venues are expected to provide “half time” food. Most lay on sandwiches or “chippie” style fodder. The arrangements for paying for this are between the Team and the venue, the Pool League will not pay for the half time food.
The League is run during the year by a committee. The committee is elected at the AGM and unless there are exceptional circumstances they remain in place until the end of the next AGM,where upon the new committee will take over, and officersare elected for a period of one year. The Chairman. Secretary and Treasurer will hold the post for a Two year period and if then they are opposed they will stand for re-election.
Only players who have played in the in the league for two consecutive years may stand for election on to the committee if they are nominated.
All voting situations during the season will be decided by ballot(the committee will decide on the format).Each team will receive one vote only.
It is the responsibility of each team secretary to make sure that they represent the views of their team as a whole, whatever their personal views may be, in any voting situations.
At an AGM/EGM all registered players will be entitled to vote. Not one vote per team.
The Elected Committee for 2015/16 are:-
Paul Carter-Chairman, Phil Quinn-Treasurer, Shane Carter-Secretary, Terry O’Neil- Committee Member,
Robbie Wright- Committee Member
On the whole the committee enforce the rules agreed by the players present at the AGM. Only where incidents occur for which there are no clear rules do the committee make executive decisions, and these can be reviewed at the following league meeting.
A “team” is deemed to be the “players” in that team, and NOT the venue that the team currently plays from. It is the team’s responsibility to pay the league fees, not the Landlord/Manager’s responsibility. If a team is able to reimburse itself from the venue, then they gain free entry for their team.
The league organisers will chase the captain/secretary of the team for payment, not the venue.
- The league shall consist of divisions, as required. The First Division shall be a minimum of NINE teams and a maximum of TWELVE. The number of teams in the division will be decided by the committee prior to the commencement of the season. Once the participating teams have been registered.
a. In general there will be movement between the divisions from one season to the next. However, with the nature of the current climate, teams fold and venues close, so the general league structure will be decided at the AGM.
b.Teams shall pay the league entrance fee. Each team shall pay the same fee. The fee for the winter league 2015/16 is £120. £20 of this fee will be used towards the funding of the end of season PARTY.
The registration Meeting is the 25th August 2015 and the league entrance fees must be paid by the 1st September 2015 due to printing deadlines for the fixture poster.
c. Teams register by completing a team registration form that must contain name and contact number for each registered player, each team must contain a minimum of SIX players. The team is not restricted to this list of players, and other players may be registered to play throughout the season up to the Christmas break. Taking into account other rules in force regarding transfers etc. Only players who have registered for a team, or have played at least one normal league match will be eligible to enter competitions. Only players who have played at least 5 of the league matches for the season will be eligible to participate in the finals of ANY of the competitions.
d. Up to 3 additional players may be registered at anytime during the season providing other conditions are met. New players must be registered by notifying a member of the committee prior to the new player playing.
e. If a player wishes to transfer to another team he or she must seek the agreement of both captains. All transfers are subject to the agreement of both teams involved and must be approved by the committee.
f. No transfers will be allowed after the halfway stage of the season without express permission of the committee.
g. All players who play in the Warrington Pool League (Winter) must not play or register with any local rival pool league which is played on Wednesday nights. Anyone found doing so will be expelled from the league for a minimum of 12 months and will only be allowed re-entry subject to committee approval. In addition, playing an un-eligible player will result in a 9-0 win awarded to the opposition.
h. Players must play for one team only.
i. Players may be barred by the committee from participation in the activities of the Warrington Pool League. This will not be done lightly. Any complaints of activities or behaviour which the committee is required to consider will be investigated and if upheld a period of ban will be implemented, or other appropriate action as deemed necessary, including, but not limited to, reporting the incident to the police. Racist remarks or Racist abuse will not be tolerated in the Warrington Pool League and anyone found to be guilty of these actions will be banned for life and reported to the police.
Players barred from participation have the right to appeal to the committee. This appeal must be IN WRITING and launched within 14 days of the initial decision. If no appeal is made then the player will be determined to have accepted their ban.
- The prize monies will be announced at the Captains Meeting in November together with the date and format for finals Day’s. This is toensure all sponsorship monies have been received.
- Warrington Pool League Blackball Rules will applply to all matches organised by this league.
- All league matches will be played on Wednesday evenings, 8pm start.
- All league and team KO matches will consist of nine frames. In league matches all nine frames must be played, regardless of any dispute, unless either team has insufficient players to complete the match.
- It requires three players to constitute a legal team. If any team fail to provide at least three players for any match it will be classed as failure to attend and will be dealt with accordingly.
- Failure to provide the minimum number of players to constitute a legal team (as in rule 6) by 8.15pm will result in one frame being claimed by the opponents, provided that they themselves have the required number of players at that time. Subsequent frames may be claimed at 15 minute intervals up to 9pm, when the match may be claimed at 9-0. In these circumstances no win bonus points are awarded.
a.Any team failing to attend a match will receive a warning in the first instance. A second offence will result in a two point deduction. Upon failing to put out a side for the third time the team will be expelled automatically from the league. No Refund of fees will be allowed. Failures do not have to be concurrent to incur penalties.
8. In league matches, teams will be awarded one point for every frame won or claimed plus two bonus points for winning the match.
a. Teams level on points at the end of the season will be placed accordingly to matches won. If still level, frames won, then frames lost will be taken in to account. Any teams involved in promotion, relegation or playoff issues that still cannot be separated will play a deciding match a neutral venue.
9. All points gained against any teams that drop out of the league for any reason will be removed from either the start of the season or the halfway point.
a. Any teams dropping out of the league before the end of the season or being expelled from the league for any reason will only be allowed to re-enter the league at the committee’s discretion.
10. In all matches the opening break shall be the home team. All the frames following including the last frame will start by each team alternately. This also applies to all competition matches.
a. In all matches the home team should provide the referee for the opening frame and then each team should referee alternate frames.
b. In all matches (both league and competition) the referee’s decision is Final. I f there is a dispute during the game the match should be played to the finish, with the best of order, and the complaint should then be followed up using the official dispute procedure if the matter cannot be resolved.
11. Official disputes must be made using the space provided at the bottom of the result sheet, placed in a sealed envelope together with the £5 fee required and then sent to the league organiser. If the dispute is upheld the £5 fee will be refunded,or it may be refunded at the committee’s discretion.
a. The deadline for receipt of disputes is 8pm on the Saturday following the match. Any disputes received after the deadline will be declared null and void.
b. Any team or player who is subject to an official dispute shall be called before the committee to present their case in the presence of the complainants. The case may be heard in public or private, whichever the teams or players prefer. In all cases the committee’s decision is final.
12. It is the responsibility of the home team to provide the match sheet and ensure its prompt return to the league. These can be passed to any committee member or returned at the next Captains Meeting.
a. It is the responsibility of both team Captains to make sure that the result and their respective winners and losers names, together with any 8 ball clearances, is texted to the league organiser on the evening of the match.
b. Failure to return match sheets will result in a warning in the first instance followed by a 2 point deduction for each missing match sheet.
13. It is the responsibility of the team captain to make sure that the names of their players are entered on the match sheets and can be clearly read. DONOT PUT NICKNAMES ON THE MATCH SHEET OR STATISTICS WILL NOT BE ADDED.
a. All venues with participating teams must send at least one representative to every league meeting. Dates of the meetings are in the captains folders. Venue for the meeting will be added and notified via text. This representative is the official contact between the team and league.
b. Venues failing to send a representative to an official league meeting will receive a warning. Subsequent meetings missed shall be penalised by the deduction of 2 points.
14. All teams must have paid the relevant fees in full at the start of the season otherwise they will not be allowed to take part in the league and any monies already received will forfeited.
15. Any team wishing to re-arrange matches must notify their opponent and the league organiser in writing or by phone at least seven days in advance of the fixture.
16. All prize winners are responsible for the safekeeping and condition of their returnable annual trophies. These must be returned to the league committee at the meeting before finals day.
a. Any teams or players failing to return their annual trophies. Or return them in an unacceptable condition will be refused entry to the league until such time as the trophies are returned or the damage made good to the satisfaction of the committee.
b. Any trophies or prize money not collected on presentation night will automatically become property of the league and donated to charity. No prize monies will be given out after presentation night.
17. It was decided rather than a presentation night we hold an end of season party where players and their partners are welcome to attend. You as a team pay towards this event and as a result all teams will be encouraged to send representatives from their team.
18. If any players are excluded from any venue, at any time for any reason, it is their own responsibility. Matches cannot be re-scheduled to take account of these exclusions.
19. Warrington Pool League (winter) shall affiliate to Cheshire as part of region 2 of the EPA. The league shall financially support the inclusion of an “Interleague Team”, which is selected by fair and appropriate means, from players who have,or are significantly participating in a local team in this current season,or last season.
a. Trials for the Interleague Team will be conducted before the start of the Interleague season.
b. Note- The Interleague Team plays on the last Sunday of every month from February to November and plays “World 8 Ball Rules”.
c. EPA Player Cards are required for eligibility. These are available for £10.00 fee.
20. The Violation of any of these rules may result in disciplinary action being taken.
21. The league committee shall decide on any matters not provided for in these rules.
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