Mr. Neal’s Science Class

Grade 8

Lesson Plan for March 23- April 3, 2009

Big Idea: Forces in the lithosphere continually shape Earth.

Goal: During this cycle, students will learn that the surface of the Earth changes. Some changes are due to slow processes such as erosion and weathering, and some changes are due to rapid processes such as earthquakes and volcanoes. Students will use their computers to record and summarize their thoughts and ideas as they construct meaning from the learning.

PA Standard Statement(s):

·  3.2.10A p. 28

·  3.5.10A p. 52

·  3.5.10C p.56

Objectives: Students will be able to

·  Distinguish between non-explosive and explosive volcanic eruptions

·  Identify the features of a volcano

·  Explain how the composition of magma affects the type of volcanic eruption that will occur

·  Explain how volcanic eruptions can affect climate

·  Describe the formation and movement of magma

·  Explain the relationship between volcanoes and plate tectonics

·  Summarize the methods scientists use to predict volcanic eruptions

·  Relate and apply understanding of science concepts to authentic, real-life events

Focus Strategies:

·  Scaffolding of a research project

·  Empowering student ownership through use of a computer-based, interactive learning module and a semi-autonomous, self-guided research project

Focus/Process Skills:

·  Research to acquire the understanding that science uses both direct and indirect observation means to study the world and the universe.

·  Describe constructive and destructive natural processes that form different geologic structures and resources.

·  Identify and communicate how global patterns of atmospheric movement influence regional weather and climate.


·  Do Now:

o  Day 01-02: Preview Chapter 6 & identify one concept (thing) about volcanoes that peaks your interest

o  Day 03-04: Comment on video clip on recent volcanic activity

o  Day 05- 10: TBA based on student research

o  Basic Steps (Explained in the "Volcanoes" document below):

o  Complete part 1 of a KWL chart: "What I Know"

o  Complete part 2 of a KWL chart: "What I Want To Learn"

o  Participate in class discussions & view teacher-selected videos

o  Conduct research based on questions codified in "What I Want To Learn" (research links are located in the "Volcanoes" document)

o  Complete part 3 of a KWL chart: "What I Learned"

o  Print the completed KWL chart, share findings with class, and turn-in for a grade

·  Extended Activities: See "Volcanoes" document below

·  Extra Credit: See KWL Rubric below

·  Required Documents:

·  Volcanoes.docx

·  KWL Document.doc or KWL Word Document.docx

·  KWL Rubric.docx