

3Pastor David Stead’s Annual Report

4Ladies’ Bible StudyReport

5Deacons’ Annual Report

6Clerk’s Report

6Vacation Bible School Report

7Mission Planning Team Report

8Tech Team Report

9Decorating Committee Report

9Social Committee Report

10Music and Worship Report

10Choir and Bell Choir Report

10Christian Education Report

11Human Resources Report


12Fellowship of Christian Farmers Report

12Heritage Report

13Library Report

14Administrator’s Report

15Property Board Report

16Finance Report

17Treasurer’s Report

22Nominating Committee Report




MARY CARSONMay 15, 2017

RONALD W. FERGUSONNovember 30, 2017


JEAN COLEMANFebruary 3, 2017

DR. ALLEN CHURCHILLDecember 15, 2017











Jesus said:

“I am the resurrection and the life.

He who believes in me will live even though he dies;

And whoever lives and believes in me will never die.”

John 11:25

Pastor David Stead’s Annual Report

What a privilege it is to serve the Living God!. There is a sadness on my heart that is deep and wide as I turn pen to paper for this year’s Annual Report. It seems as if there was a lot of death and loss in year 2017 at First Baptist Church. Yes, we did have a number of dear saints going home to be with their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, but we also had a number of our dear beloved family who have chosen to walk away from fellowship here at First Baptist Church in the past calendar year. Especially since the spring when the controversies within this Church began to escalate, there has been a significant concentration of prayer, a lot of tears, a lot of struggling and wrestling personally within my own spirit. And while there has been a lot of hurt, my soul aches longingly for broken fellowship with those who decided to leave FBC SF. As such, let me apologize for any and all actions I have done, or words I have said, that may have led to any issue arising at FBC SF. My prayer is for full restoration, and for the Kingdom of God to grow in mighty ways here at First Baptist Church.

It is with thankfulness that I acknowledge the support, encouragement and prayers of so many of our congregation. You are a blessing to our church and to me!

Having acknowledged that, the prayer for 2018 has been that God would return a sense of joy and hope to First Baptist Church – a feeling that has been lacking for far too long. Joy and hope in Jesus Christ are the two great gifts of God. God’s joy and hope make the Church powerful. God’s message of the Good News of Jesus Christ is awesome. This joy and hope in Jesus draws people to His beloved Kingdom. So, let us resolutely continue to seek God’s tremendous joy and God’s wonderful hope for today and until the Lord returns.

In the coming year we have to do a number of things better here at First Baptist Church to continue to make God’s Kingdom strong. First, we have to communicate better. Next, let’s pledge here and now that we will lovingly talk through any issue that we have in the name of Jesus Christ. Then, let’s avoid mass e-mails and other forms of news-sharing that create imbalances, choosing to lovingly talk one-on-one, face-to-face. Fourth, let’s agree to stand behind our Church leaders in the love of Jesus Christ, giving grace to those in leadership, and let’s prayerfully support those who are willing to work for Christ here at First Baptist Church. Fifth, let’s commission ourselves to daily prayer for First Baptist Church and for our Church’s leaders. Finally, let’s continue to find ways to meet and get together (through Bible Studies, potluck meals, fellowship hour after Church, phone calls, etc.) so that we are sharing the love of Christ as we fellowship together.

Here are the funerals which I conducted in 2017: 1. Jean Elizabeth Coleman (Funeral on Feb. 08, 2017); 2. Marjory Ellen Lemax (Funeral on May 05, 2017); 3. Joan Elizabeth Elsby (Died in December of 2016, but her Funeral was on May 20, 2017); 4. Mary Margaret Carson (Funeral on May 27, 2017); 5. Kevin Blake Chapman (Funeral on Aug. 17, 2017); 6. Albert Nugent (Funeral on Nov. 23, 2017); 6. Ronald Wayne Ferguson (Funeral on Dec. 04, 2017); and #7: Allen Douglas Churchill who died on December 15, but whose funeral was held on Jan. 06, 2018).

While no Baptisms or Baby Dedications happened in 2017, FBC SF had another busy year with community outreach. I’m so pleased to see us involved in town with a number of outreach projects including: The Mission across the street in downtown Smiths Falls; the Breakfast Club at Duncan J Schoular School; and with activities like the Proclamation Reading, Vacation Bible School, and the Hymn Sings.

Thank you for the opportunity of ministering in Haiti during our Mission Trip in February. It was an experience in life learning and practical ministry, and your support was appreciated.

When visitors come to First Baptist Church the comment that I often hear is about how friendly the Church is. When there is a need, First Baptist Church is among the first in line to assist in this community. When other Smiths Falls Churches gather for prayer or for special services, people from First Baptist are not only in attendance, but are leading, helping or supporting.

And... “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:1).


Rev. David W. Stead, Lead Pastor FBC SF

Ladies’ Bible Study

This group started up in mid March using Twelve More Women of the Bible as our resource for study material, and then we broke for the summer months.

In September the group started up again, this time using Chandra Pierce’s DVD and Book “Laughing in the Dark” as our study material.

As always we continue to pray each night we meet for the many needs of our church.

Respectfully submitted,

Betty Anne Small

Deacons’ Annual Report

The Deacons of First Baptist Church started this year with the motto: “this would be the best year ever!” It was the intent of every one of the Board of Directors to see growth spiritually and numerically, to see an increase in fellowship, and to see unity in a fracturing family. Having gone through a difficult autumn at First Baptist Church, we feel that the hope and joy at First Baptist Church are not only returning, but a strong returning. We want to thank everyone for your patience and for your faith in the leadership here at First Baptist Church. God is good, God is faithful. And while it’s been a difficult experience, God changes his Church to become what He wants it to be. We greatly miss those who have stepped away but it is recognized that there is also an atmosphere of hope and joy at this church that is solid and true, and comes from our God alone.

It has been a good year of activities with Bible studies [including women’s Bible study]; a new children’s program started by Deacon Jamie Schoular; a marvellous after Church coffee fellowship time started by Ed and Gail Moorhead; fellowship opportunities on a monthly basis including games nights and summer movies at the Stead’s; Our Church sponsored mission trip to Haiti that Pastor David and I took along with two other members in February; “Have a Coat Give A Coat”; our church members have worked to increase our presence in the community including regular service at the Mission, Breakfast Club, and serving during the Christmas parade. As a result of the hard work by the members of this church we are seeing new people attend. Thank you all who have participated.

I would like to also thank all the Board of Directors for their dedicated service this past year (Nancy Cassibo, Jamie Schoular, Betty Ann Small, Charlotte Bell and Susan Cole). Among the tough jobs that the Board of Directors will have in the near future is to look at the current Constitution and to assess what changes need to be made to reflect FBC in 2018. To help with this exercise, we are relying on a document from one of our Ottawa churches that began this process 3 to 5 years ago. Our prayer is to reduce the number of committees/boards and to reduce the numbers that are needed for these boards.

We are God’s chosen people by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. You only have to look to the Cross. It is proof that we are all included in God’s plan in His timing, by His priorities and fulfilling His purposes revealed in Christ’s death and resurrection. He has not forgotten you or His church. Please, continue to pray for First Baptist Church in 2018.

Sincerely In Christ

Patsy Garvin

Chair of Deacons

Clerk’s Report

Total Membership December 31, 2016119

Transfers + 0

Experience + 0

Baptisms + 0

Reinstatement +__0


Removed by request - 9

Removed by congregational vote - 0

Removed by transfer - 0

Deaths - 3

Total Membership December 31, 2017107

Special thanks go to Sandy Nugent, the Assistant Clerk, Nancy Ferguson and Janet James, who have assisted and guided me in this position.

May God Bless and Guide our Church Family in 2018.

Joan Schapansky, Clerk

Vacation Bible School Report

Vacation Bible School was held for four days in the second week of August. Our theme was “Made by Design, Built for a Purpose”. The week was enjoyed by an enthusiastic group of 13 children who flourished in a week where everyone had the opportunity to participate and blossom. We are so blessed to have more volunteers than children to share the work and to spend time and experience with the children. It is so inspiring to see our adults invest in the lives of our children and to share personally one-to-one.

Plans are already under way for VBS 2018. It is going to be an amazing week!

Thank you to all who donated, helped, volunteered, participated and prayed! God is good!

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Stead

Mission Planning Team Report

Highlights of 2017:

  • February 13-21: Short Term Mission Away Opportunities (STMAO)trip to Haitian Orphanage, Centre Vie, for Lynda Bradford, Patsy Garvin, Brenda Hutchings and Pastor David Stead. Ron Ferguson had to cancel due to health problems. Their achievements included: taking needed supplies, interacting with the children, building sewing machine tables, repairing items, etc.
  • February: The Christian Salvage Mission recycles new and used evangelical literature, shipping it to nations worldwide. Thanks go to Joan Schapansky who looked after our collection and delivery of materials.
  • March 26: luncheon of food of Haiti and reports on the STMAO trip from the team. “Thank you” to Jennifer and Frank Bell for the delicious meal.
  • May 14, Mother’s Day: special offering for Support of Canadian Baptist Ministries (CBM) “She Matters” project raised $720.00 for the training of leaders to work with marginalized women and children.
  • June 10, Garage sale: The Outlet Youth Group and MPT worked together to raise $957.00, thanks to the generous donations of items and lots of help.
  • August 22: MPT met with Dieudonne Batraville (DD) for an update on Centre Vie. There are 32 children living there and including village students, an onsite school of 70.
  • September 18: Potluck dinner including area churches to meet our Partner in Mission, Aaron Kenny of Nairobi, Kenya. Aaron shared news of the projects he and his wife, Erica, are involved with in that area.
  • November: Samaritan’s Purse Shoeboxes-44 filled by FBC.
  • December: Celebration of Lights display erected on FBC lawn since the park site was unavailable. Thanks to Pastor David for a new feature, Dan for wiring, and all who helped.
  • Santa Claus Parade: 528 candy canes with the story of their origin were given outalong the parade route. Thanks to many hands who helped prepare these during coffee time on Sunday. Hot chocolate was given out at the Town library along withpopcorn provided by the Town.

Mission funds supported Springs of Life, a children’s home in Kenya; the Food Bank as well as having food collections monthly delivered by Bob James and John Chapman; the Salvation Army over 477 boxes of stuffing for Christmas hampers; Susan Shirley Home until it closed; Christian Farmers and the French Baptist Union of Quebec Churches.

In addition to giving a donation towards the monthly community dinners at the Anglican Church and volunteer help, and Presbyterian Church, we have embarked on a new community outreach project. Monday to Friday lunch is provided at the Mission on Beckwith St. Our involvement started with Bob and Janet James preparing and serving the lunch one day each week. Lynda Bradford, Patsy Garvin, Judy Snider and Marie Wilde are now involved with others helping from time to time. We are providing the food and serving lunches Thursday and Friday each week. Numbers vary from 12 to 40 or 50. The need is there and mission money is helping to offset some of the cost.

Centre Vie and Ron Ferguson have gone together at FBC since 2010. We miss Ron so much even though with his failing health, he made our role much easier by transferring the Sponsorship program to St. James Anglican Church in Carleton Place. A newly formed board, of which Ron was a member until his death on November 30, is working with DD to partner with a Christian charitable organization “Impact Nations”. The MPT budget will be providing some support for Centre Vie with all other donations going directly to St. James.

Several “Mission Moments” in Sunday services gave updates to the congregation on our mission projects. Judy Snider keeps up-to-date displays of mission information on the bulletin board at the entrance.

Mission Planning Team members for 2017 were: Jim Cassibo, Ron Ferguson, Jamie Schoular, Marie Wilde and Lynda Bradford (since October).

Thank you to all whose help has made it possible to complete the above events/projects. Special thanks to Judy Snider, former chair, who has patiently taken many phone calls with questions.

Marie Wilde, Chair; Mission Planning Team

Tech Team Report

Every week there is a small group of people in the back corner who help to make the services enjoyable. Seann Jenner continues to handle running the sound board every week, with Chelsea Thubron and Faith Stead coming on board being trained. Jennifer Bell makes sure you can follow along on the screen.

Nick Kuehl has agreed to take over making sure that the services are recorded every week from September to June, with help from Faith and Heather Stead and Chelsea Thubron as needed.

As of September, Ron Ferguson no longer edited and created DVD's. Pastor Stead uploads his sermons every week to the website, and passes on the recording for Cogeco to edit for broadcasting.

Seann Jenner, Tech Team Lead

Decorating Committee Report

Our first year as new ‘Decorators’ and I think a pat on the back is due for the whole team. We had much appreciated direction from the 2016 team and now we’re off and running. A little bit of new you’ll see for the future with a hint of the old. With willing hands and new ideas, God’s little bit of heaven on the corner of Church and Beckwith will be for His glory! The ‘decorate your window’ was a big hit-watch for it again in the future! …the Decorating Team

Social Committee Report

The Social Committee assisted with Games Day and Potluck suppers on January 28th and November 2nd.

Thanks go to Gail and Ed Moorehead, who organized “The Coffee Klutch” beginning on February 5th. The tea, coffee, milk and cream have been provided by the Social Committee, and the treats are donated by various people. This has been well attended and enjoyed. Thanks go to everyone who have helped in the kitchen and who have donated treats each Sunday.

Easter Breakfast was organized by Linda Stead on April 16th.

Luncheons were provided for:

-The Annual meeting February 26th

-The Spring meeting May 28th

-Anniversary Sunday October 15th

-The Fall Business meeting November 26th

-The funerals of Marjorie Lemax on May 6th, Joan Elsby on May 20th and Ron Ferguson on December 4th.

Cake was served July 15th to say Goodbye to Sharon and John Kreyvenchuk, who moved to Alberta.

We assisted the Mission Team with a Potluck Supper on September 18th to meet the Kennys.

Thank you to Dianne Hyndman for canvassing for food donations and everyone who has helped in any way preparing or serving for the different events.

May God Bless You.

Joan Irvine