BILLS LIST NO —7-9 June 2016
Bills presented to the Legislative Assembly for the Australian Capital Territory—8th Assembly (2012-2013-2014-2015-2016)
Before the Assembly
*++ /
/Appropriation (Office of the Legislative Assembly) Bill 2016-2017 / ++ / 7.06.16
Appropriation Bill 2016-2017 / ++ / 7.06.16
Australian Capital Territory (Ministers) Bill 2013 / PMB / 15.05.13
Building and Construction Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 / 9.06.16
Crimes (Serious and Organised Crime) Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 / 9.06.16
Discrimination Amendment Bill 2016 / 8.06.16
Electoral Amendment Bill 2015 / 29.10.15
Family Violence Bill 2016 / 7.06.16
Freedom of Information Bill 2016 / EMB / 5.05.16
Gaming and Racing (Red Tape Reduction) Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 / 9.06.16
Legislative Assembly (Parliamentary Budget Officer) Bill 2016 / PMB
++ / 4.05.16
Lotteries Amendment Bill 2015 / PMB / 16.09.15
Monitoring of Places of Detention (Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture) Bill 2013 / 21.03.13
Payroll Tax Amendment Bill 2013 / PMB / 5.06.13
Personal Violence Bill 2016 / 7.06.16
Public Sector Bill 2014 / 27.11.14
Public Sector Management Amendment Bill 2016 / 8.06.16
Rates (Pensioner Rebate) Amendment Bill 2016 / 7.06.16
Reportable Conduct and Information Sharing Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 / 9.06.16
Residential Tenancies Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 / 8.06.16
Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 / 8.06.16
Safer Families Levy Bill 2016 / 7.06.16
Traders (Licensing) Bill 2016 / 8.06.16
Waste Management and Resource Recovery Bill 2016 / ++ / 7.06.16
Bills Passed
*++ /
/Act No
/Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elected Body Amendment Bill 2012 (No.2) [Act Citation: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elected Body Act 2013] / 29.11.12 / 26.02.13 / A2013-6 / 1.03.13
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elected Body Amendment Bill 2014 / 10.04.14 / 6.05.14 / A2014-15 / 9.05.14
ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal Amendment Bill 2016 / 8.03.16 / 10.03.16 / A2016-15 / 11.03.16
ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal Amendment Bill 2016 (No.2) / 5.05.16 / 7.06.16 / A2016-28 / 15.06.16
Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Amendment Bill 2013 / EMB
* / 16.05.13 / 19.09.13 / A2013-37 / 25.09.13
Animal Diseases (Beekeeping) Amendment Bill 2015 / 29.10.15 / 19.11.15 / A2015-53 / 26.11.15
Animal Welfare (Factory Farming) Amendment Bill 2013 [Act Citation: Animal Welfare (Factory Farming) Amendment Act 2014] / * / 19.09.13 / 25.02.14 / A2014-3 / 6.03.14
Animal Welfare Amendment Bill 2016 / 10.03.16 / 5.04.16 / A2016-19 / 13.04.16
Annual Reports (Government Agencies) Amendment Bill 2014 [Act Citation: Annual Reports (Government Agencies) Amendment Act 2015] / ++* / 27.11.14 / 14.05.15 / A2015-16 / 27.05.15
Appropriation (Loose-fill Asbestos Insulation Eradication) Bill 2014-2015 / * / 25.11.14 / 4.12.14 / A2014-61 / 5.12.14
Appropriation (Office of the Legislative Assembly) Bill 2013-2014 / ++ / 4.06.13 / 15.08.13 / A2013-33 / 22.08.13
Appropriation (Office of the Legislative Assembly) Bill 2013-2014 (No.2) / ++ / 20.03.14 / 13.05.14 / A2014-20 / 21.05.14
Appropriation (Office of the Legislative Assembly) Bill 2014-2015 / ++ / 3.06.14 / 14.08.14 / A2014-34 / 21.08.14
Appropriation (Office of the Legislative Assembly) Bill 2015-2016 / ++ / 2.06.15 / 13.08.15 / A2015-32 / 19.08.15
Appropriation Bill 2012-2013 (No.2) / ++ / 14.02.13 / 11.04.13 / A2013-14 / 18.04.13
Appropriation Bill 2013-2014 / ++ / 4.06.13 / 15.08.13 / A2013-32 / 22.08.13
Appropriation Bill 2013-2014 (No.2) / ++ / 20.03.14 / 13.05.14 / A2014-19 / 21.05.14
Appropriation Bill 2014-2015 / ++* / 3.06.14 / 14.08.14 / A2014-33 / 21.08.14
Appropriation Bill 2015-2016 / ++ / 2.06.15 / 13.08.15 / A2015-31 / 19.08.15
Auditor-General Amendment Bill 2013 / * / 9.05.13 / 6.08.13 / A2013-25 / 20.08.13
Auditor-General Amendment Bill 2014 / 5.06.14 / 7.08.14 / A2014-31 / 20.08.14
Australian Capital Territory (Legislative Assembly) Bill 2014 / 5.06.14 / 5.08.14 / A2014-30 / 18.08.14
Australian Capital Territory (Ministers) Bill 2013 (No.2) [Act Citation: Australian Capital Territory (Ministers) Act 2013] / 31.10.13 / 26.11.13 / A2013-47 / 3.12.13
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment Bill 2013 [Act Citation: Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment Act 2014] / 28.11.13 / 20.03.14 / A2014-8 / 27.03.14
Board of Senior Secondary Studies Amendment Bill 2015 / 7.05.15 / 6.08.15 / A2015-27 / 20.08.15
Building (Loose-fill Asbestos Eradication) Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 / * / 24.09.15 / 27.10.15 / A2015-42 / 5.11.15
Canberra Institute of Technology Amendment Bill 2014 / 30.10.14 / 25.11.14 / A2014-55 / 3.12.14
Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2012 (No.2) [Act Citation: Children and Young People Amendment Act 2013] / * / 29.11.12 / 21.03.13 / A2013-10 / 27.03.13
Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2013 [Act Citation: Children and Young People Amendment Act 2013 (No.2)] / EMB
* / 16.05.13 / 6.06.13 / A2013-21 / 13.06.13
Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2015 / 26.03.15 / 5.05.15 / A2015-13 / 27.05.15
Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2015 (No.2) / * / 7.05.15 / 4.06.15 / A2015-22 / 16.06.15
Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2015 (No.3) / 24.09.15 / 29.10.15 / A2015-46 / 6.11.15
Children and Young People Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 / 3.05.16 / 9.06.16 / A2016- 38 / 22.06.16
Community Housing Providers National Law (ACT) Bill 2013 / 11.04.13 / 14.05.13 / A2013-18 / 23.05.13
Construction and Energy Efficiency Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 / * / 6.06.13 / 13.08.13 / A2013-31 / 26.08.13
Construction and Energy Efficiency Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 (No.2) [Act Citation: Construction and Energy Efficiency Legislation Amendment Act 2014] / 28.11.13 / 25.02.14 / A2014-2 / 5.03.14
Construction and Energy Efficiency Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 [Act Citation: Construction and Energy Efficiency Legislation Amendment Act 2014 (No.2)] / * / 27.02.14 / 8.04.14 / A2014-10 / 17.04.14
Corrections and Sentencing Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 / 27.02.14 / 18.03.14 / A2014-6 / 27.03.14
Corrections Management Amendment Bill 2015 / 13.08.15 / 22.09.15 / A2015-37 / 1.10.15
Courts Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 [Act Citation: Courts Legislation Amendment Act 2014] / 28.11.13 / 25.02.14 / A2014-1 / 5.03.14
Courts Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 / * / 19.02.15 / 26.03.15 / A2015-10 / 7.04.15
Courts Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 (No.2) / * / 29.10.15 / 19.11.15 / A2015-52 / 26.11.15
Crimes (Child Sex Offenders) Amendment Bill 2015 / * / 13.08.15 / 22.09.15 / A2015-35 / 1.10.15
Crimes (Domestic and Family Violence) Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 / 24.09.15 / 27.11.15 / A2015-40 / 4.11.15
Crimes (Sentencing and Restorative Justice) Amendment Bill 2015 [Act Citation: Crimes (Sentencing and Restorative Justice) Amendment Act 2016] / 19.11.15 / 11.02.16 / A2016-4 / 24.02.16
Crimes (Sentencing) Amendment Bill 2013 / * / 6.06.13 / 17.09.13 / A2013-36 / 24.09.13
Crimes (Sentencing) Amendment Bill 2014 / 30.10.14 / 27.11.14 / A2014-58 / 4.12.14
Crimes Amendment Bill 2014 / 7.08.14 / 23.09.14 / A2014-40 / 2.10.14
Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 (No.2) [Act Citation: Crimes Legislation Amendment Act 2013] / * / 29.11.12 / 9.04.13 / A2013-12 / 17.04.13
Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 [Act Citation: Crimes Legislation Amendment Act 2013 (No.2)] / 31.10.13 / 28.11.13 / A2013-50 / 9.12.13
Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 [Act Citation: Crimes Legislation Amendment Act 2015] / 27.11.14 / 17.02.15 / A2015-3 / 2.03.15
Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 [Act Citation: Crimes Legislation Amendment Act 2015 (No.2)] / 13.08.15 / 22.09.15 / A2015-36 / 1.10.15
Criminal Code (Cheating at Gambling) Amendment Bill 2013 / 6.06.13 / 6.08.13 / A2013-26 / 20.08.13
Dangerous Substances (Asbestos Safety Reform) Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 / 30.10.14 / 25.11.14 / A2014-53 / 3.12.14
Dangerous Substances (Loose-fill Asbestos Eradication) Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 / 19.02.15 / 17.03.15 / A2015-6 / 31.03.15
Directors Liability Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 [Act Citation: Directors Liability Legislation Amendment Act 2013] / 29.11.12 / 14.02.13 / A2013-4 / 21.02.13
Disability Services (Disability Service Providers) Amendment Bill 2014 / 15.05.14 / 5.06.14 / A2014-27 / 12.06.14
Disability Services Amendment Bill 2012 (No.2) [Act Citation: Disability Services Amendment Act 2013] / 29.11.12 / 28.02.13 / A2013-8 / 6.03.13
Domestic Animals (Breeding) Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 / 19.02.15 / 24.03.15 / A2015-9 / 7.04.15
Domestic Animals Amendment Bill 2014 / 5.06.14 / 18.09.14 / A2014-39 / 30.09.14
Domestic Violence and Protection Orders Amendment Bill 2016 / 11.02.16 / 18.02.16 / A2016-9 / 1.03.16
Duties (Commercial Leases) Amendment Bill 2014 / 20.03.14 / 10.04.14 / A2014-12 / 15.04.14
Duties (Duty Deferral) Amendment Bill 2013 / 8.08.13 / 17.09.13 / A2013-35 / 24.09.13
Education Amendment Bill 2015 / 14.05.15 / 2.06.15 / A2015-18 / 11.06.15
Electoral Amendment Bill 2014 / 5.06.14 / 5.08.14 / A2014-29 / 18.08.14
Electoral Amendment Bill 2014 (No.2) [Act Citation: Electoral Amendment Act 2015] / * / 27.11.14 / 19.02.15 / A2015-5 / 2.03.15
Electricity Feed-in (Large-scale Renewable Energy Generation) Amendment Bill 2014 / 27.02.14 / 20.03.14 / A2014-7 / 27.03.14
Electricity Feed-in Tariff Schemes Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 / * / 14.05.15 / 4.06.15 / A2015-20 / 15.06.15
Emergencies Amendment Bill 2014 / * / 25.09.14 / 28.10.14 / A2014-50 / 10.11.14
Emergencies Amendment Bill 2016 / 5.05.16 / 9.06.16 / A2016-33 / 20.06.16
Energy Efficiency (Cost of Living) Improvement Amendment Bill 2015 / 4.06.15 / 4.08.15 / A2015-24 / 18.08.15
Environment Protection Amendment Bill 2014 / * / 18.09.14 / 30.10.14 / A2014-52 / 11.11.14
Exhibition Park Corporation Repeal Bill 2014 / 23.10.14 / 25.11.14 / A2014-54 / 3.12.14
Financial Management Amendment Bill 2012 (No.2) [Act Citation: Financial Management Amendment Act 2013] / 29.11.12 / 14.02.13 / A2013-5 / 21.02.13
Financial Management Amendment Bill 2015 / 4.06.15 / 15.09.15 / A2015-34 / 1.10.15
First Home Owner Grant Amendment Bill 2013 / 6.06.13 / 15.08.13 / A2013-34 / 26.08.13
First Home Owner Grant Amendment Bill 2015 / 4.06.15 / 6.08.15 / A2015-27 / 20.10.15
Food Amendment Bill 2014 / * / 23.10.14 / 27.11.14 / A2014-57 / 4.12.14
Gaming Machine (Red Tape Reduction) Amendment Bill 2013 [Act Citation: Gaming Machine (Red Tape Reduction) Amendment Act 2014] / 24.10.13 / 18.03.14 / A2014-5 / 27.03.14
Gaming Machine (Red Tape Reduction) Amendment Bill 2014 [Act Citation: Gaming Machine (Red Tape Reduction) Amendment Act 2014 (No.2)] / * / 30.10.14 / 25.11.14 / A2014-56 / 4.12.14
Gaming Machine (Reform) Amendment Bill 2015 / * / 14.05.15 / 4.06.15 / A2015-21 / 15.06.15
Gaming Machine Amendment Bill 2012 [Act Citation: Gaming Machine Amendment Act 2012 (No.2)] / 27.11.12 / 29.11.12 / A2012-50 / 5.12.12
Gaming Machine Amendment Bill 2013 / EMB
* / 14.02.13 / 21.03.13 / A2013-9 / 27.03.13
Gaming Machine Amendment Bill 2013 (No.2) / 6.06.13 / 8.08.13 / A2013-29 / 21.08.13
Gas Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 / 5.06.14 / 16.09.14 / A2014-38 / 30.09.14
Government Procurement (Transparency in Spending) Amendment Bill 2014 [Act Citation: Government Procurement (Transparency in Spending) Amendment Act 2015] / PMB
* / 24.09.14 / 6.05.15 / A2015-14 / 20.05.15
Health (National Health Funding Pool and Administration) Bill 2012 (No.2) [Act Citation: Health (National Health Funding Pool and Administration) Act 2013] / * / 27.11.12 / 12.02.13 / A2013-2 / 20.02.13
Health (Patient Privacy) Amendment Bill 2015 / EMB
* / 17.09.15 / 29.10.15 / A2015-43 / 4.11.15
Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 [Act Citation: Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2016] / 19.11.15 / 18.02.16 / A2016-11 / 1.03.16
Heavy Vehicle National Law (ACT) Bill 2013 / 24.10.13 / 28.11.13 / A2013-51 / 9.12.13
Heavy Vehicle National Law (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2013 / 24.10.13 / 28.11.13 / A2013-52 / 9.12.13
Heritage Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 [Act Citation: Heritage Legislation Amendment Act 2014] / * / 16.05.13 / 25.09.14 / A2014-43 / 3.10.14
Holidays Amendment Bill 2014 / 8.05.14 / 5.08.14 / A2014-28 / 18.08.14
Holidays Amendment Bill 2015 / 29.10.15 / 17.11.15 / A2015-51 / 25.11.15
Human Rights Amendment Bill 2015 [Act Citation: Human Rights Amendment Act 2016] / ++ / 26.03.15 / 11.02.16 / A2016-5 / 25.02.16
Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission (Water and Sewerage Price Direction) Bill 2014 / 10.04.14 / 8.05.14 / A2014-16 / 20.05.14
Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission Amendment Bill 2016 / 5.05.16 / 9.06.16 / A2016-34 / 21.06.16
Information Privacy Bill 2014 / * / 20.03.14 / 3.06.14 / A2014-24 / 11.06.14
Judicial Commissions Amendment Bill 2014 [Act Citation: Judicial Commissions Amendment Act 2015] / * / 27.11.14 / 10.02.15 / A2015-1 / 25.02.15
Justice and Community Safety Legislation (Red Tape Reduction No.1—Licence Periods) Amendment Bill 2013 / 6.06.13 / 8.08.13 / A2013-28 / 21.08.13
Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 / 14.02.13 / 26.02.13 / A2013-7 / 5.03.13
Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 (No.2) / 28.02.13 / 21.03.13 / A2013-11 / 28.03.13
Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 (No.3) / * / 9.05.13 / 4.06.13 / A2013-20 / 13.06.13
Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 (No.4) / 8.08.13 / 31.10.13 / A2013-45 / 11.11.13
Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 / * / 20.03.14 / 8.05.14 / A2014-17 / 13.05.14
Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 (No.2) / 18.09.14 / 28.10.14 / A2014-49 / 10.11.14
Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 / 26.03.15 / 5.05.15 / A2015-11 / 20.05.15
Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 / * / 5.05.16 / 9.06.16 / A2016-37 / 22.06.16
Justice Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 [Act Citation: Justice Legislation Amendment Act 2016] / * / 19.11.15 / 16.02.16 / A2016-7 / 29.02.16
Land Rent Amendment Bill 2013 / * / 15.08.13 / 19.09.13 / A2013-38 / 26.09.13
Land Tax Amendment Bill 2014 / 5.06.14 / 14.08.14 / A2014-36 / 22.08.14
Legislation (Penalty Units) Amendment Bill 2013 / 6.06.13 / 8.08.13 / A2013-30 / 22.08.13
Legislation (Penalty Units) Amendment Bill 2014 / 5.06.14 / 14.08.14 / A2014-37 / 22.08.14
Lifetime Care and Support (Catastrophic Injuries) Amendment Bill 2016 / 7.04.16 / 5.05.16 / A2016-25 / 12.05.16
Lifetime Care and Support (Catastrophic Injuries) Amendment Bill 2016 (No.2) / 5.05.16 / 9.06.16 / A2016-35 / 21.06.16
Lifetime Care and Support (Catastrophic Injuries) Bill 2014 / * / 27.02.14 / 10.04.14 / A2014-11 / 17.04.14