Appendix (Online Resource)

Leonie K. Fischera,b, Verena Rodorffa, Moritz von der Lippea,b & Ingo Kowarika,b

Drivers of biodiversity patterns in parks of a growing South American megacity

aDepartment of Ecology, Ecosystem Science/Plant Ecology, TechnischeUniversität Berlin, Rothenburgstr. 12, D-12165 Berlin, Germany

bBerlin-Brandenburg Institute of Advanced Biodiversity Research (BBIB), D-14195 Berlin, Germany

Corresponding author

Leonie Katharina Fischer


Online Resource A.1: Prevalence of introduced species in urban grasslands in Santiago de Chile compared to urban grassland studies from other continents. Numbers from European studies refer to neophytes (alien species introduced post-1492); numbers in brackets show proportion of European archaeophytes (pre-1492 introductions), where given.

Total number of species / Introduced
species (%) / Number
plots/relevés / Land-use type / Country, location / References
South America
41 / 95 / 150 / Urban parks / Chile, Santiago de Chile / Fischer et al. (this study)
20 to 40 / 64 to 97 / 31 / Various / South Africa, Potchefstroom / Cilliers et al. (1999); Cilliers et al. (2004)
112 / 69 / 210 / Urban grassland / India, Srinagar, Kashmir / Andrabiet al. (2015)
127 / 87 / 327 / Various / New Zealand, Christchurch / Stewartet al. (2009)
20 / 35 / 68 / Urban park, esp. grassy woodlands / Australia, Tasmania, Hobart / Kirkpatrick (2004)
102 / 41 / 11 / Grassland remnant / Australia, Melbourne / Morgan (1998)
North America
~48 / Historic park, esp. dry grassland areas / USA, New York city region / DeCandido (2004)
183 / 5 (+10) / 120 / Various / Germany, Munich region / Albrecht and Haider (2013)a
19.6 * / 10 (+15) / 345 / Various; esp. mesic grassland / Germany, Berlin / Kowarik (1990)
177 / 5 (+16) / 237 / Urban parks and residential areas / Germany, 15 cities in Bavaria / Müller (1988)
334 / 14 / 68 / Lawns in residential areas / Germany, Berlin / Maurer (2002)a
160 / 6 (+11) / 486 / Historic parks / Germany, Berlin/Potsdam / Peschel (2000)a
79 / 9 / 100 / Parks / France, Paris region / Politi Bertonciniet al. (2012)
133 / 12 / 56 / Various / Italy, Turin / Siniscalco and Montacchini (1983)a
159 / 6 / 52 / Yards / United Kingdom, Sheffield / Thompsonet al. (2004)a
252 / 16 (+37) / 18 / Public land / Finland, Helsinki region / Manninen et al. (2010)a, b
62 / 12 / 240 / Yards / Hungary, Aranyosgadány village / Palet al.(2013)a

* mean of all studied plots

aproportion calculated from other numbers given in the study (e.g., from number of total and introduced species)

bneophytes assessed as species established in the region later than 1700


Online Resource A.2: List of species found in urban grasslands in Santiago de Chile with information on species’ introduction status in Santiago de Chile and Europe. Species’ frequencies in parks of Santiago de Chile are compared to urban grassland studies from other continents (see also Online Resource A.4). Frequency classes: +, found in <10% of sites; I, found in 10-20% of sites; II, found in 21-40% of sites; III, found in 41-60% of sites; IV, found in 61-80% of sites; V, found in 81-100% of sites; x, mentioned in study without information on frequency.

Species / Growth form / Introduction status in Santiago de Chile / Introduction status in Europe * / Fischer et al.
(this study) / Cillierset al. (1999) / Andrabiet al. (2015) / Stewart et al. (2009) / Kirkpatrick (2004) / Morgan (1998) / DeCandidoet al. (2007) / Albrecht andHaider (2013) / Müller (1988) / Maurer (2001) / Peschel (2000) / PolitiBertonciniet al. (2012) / SiniscalcoandMontacchini (1983) / Thompson et al. (2004) / Maninnenet al. (2010) / Pal et al. (2012)
Amsinckiacalycina(Moris) Chater / herb / native / +
Bellis perennis L. / herb / exotic / native / II / x / II-IV / V / III / +-III / x / +-I / x
Bistorta officinalis Delarbre / herb / exotic / native / I
Brassica rapa L. / herb / exotic / a / II
Bromus erectus Huds. / grass / exotic / native / I / x / + / +-II
Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik. / herb / exotic / native / II / x / III-IV / x / + / I / + / x / +
CerastiumholosteoidesFr. / herb / exotic / native / I / x / III / II / +-II
Chenopodium album L. / herb / exotic / native / I / x / + / + / +
Cirsiumarvense(L.) Scop. / herb / exotic / native / I / x / + / I / + / x
Convolvulus arvensisL. / herb / exotic / native / II / x / x / I / +-I / x
Cynodondactylon(L.) Pers. / grass / exotic / b / IV / III / x / x / II-III
Erodiumcicutarium(L.) L'Hér. / herb / exotic / native / + / x / II-V / x / + / + / + / x
Erodiummoschatum(L.) L'Hér. / herb / exotic / native / II
FestucaovinaL. / grass / exotic / native / I / x / + / + / +-IV / +
FestucarubraL. / grass / exotic / native / IV / II-V / x / III / IV / II-V / x / + / x / x
Galega officinalis L. / herb / exotic / native / +
HordeummurinumL. / grass / exotic / native / III / x / + / x / II
HypochaerisradicataL. / herb / exotic / native / I / II-V / I / x / I / I / +-V / x
LactucaserriolaL. / herb / exotic / native / III / x
Lepidiumdidymum L. / herb / native / I / x
Lepidiumstrictum(S. Watson) Rattan / herb / native / III
LoliumperenneL. / grass / exotic / native / IV / x / III-V / + / x / IV / IV / + / x / V / x / IV
MalvaneglectaWallr. / herb / exotic / native / IV / x / x / + / x
MatricariadiscoideaDC. / herb / exotic / c / III / x / +
MedicagolupulinaL. / herb / exotic / native / II / x / x / x / II / I / + / x / +-I
MedicagopolymorphaL. / herb / exotic / native / I / x
Melilotusindicus(L.) Lam. / herb / exotic / d / I
Modiolacaroliniana(L.) G. Don / herb / exotic / e / I
PlantagolanceolataL. / herb / exotic / native / III / + / x / II-IV / spp.: V / x / x / III / II / I-V / x / +-III
Plantago major L. / herb / exotic / f / II / x / x / II / III / + / x / II-III / IV
PoaannuaL. / grass / exotic / g / III / x / II-V / spp.: V / x / II / V / + / x / III-IV / x / X
PolygonumaviculareL. / herb / exotic / h / III / II-IV / + / II / + / x / +-I
RanunculusmuricatusL. / herb / exotic / i / I / x / spp.: I
Setaria viridis (L.) P. Beauv. / herb / exotic / native / II / x / + / + / +-I
Sisymbriumofficinale(L.) Scop. / herb / exotic / native / II / + / x / I-II
Sonchusoleraceus L. / herb / exotic / native / I / x / x / x / + / x
Stellaria media (L.) Vill. / herb / exotic / native / II / x / x / + / I / x / +
Taraxacumsect. RuderaliaKirschner et al. / herb / exotic / native / IV / + / x / II-V / x / IV / IV / I-IV / x / II / x / x / III
TrifoliumrepensL. / herb / exotic / native / IV / x / III-V / spp.: I / x / x / V / IV / +-V / x / III / x / x / III
Veronica arvensisL. / herb / exotic / native / II / II-IV / + / II / I-II / x / I
Veronica persicaPoir. / herb / exotic / j / II / x / II-III / x / + / x / +

* Jäger (2011), exceptions marked; aprobable origin Eurasia; bprobable origin Old World; corigin East Asia (Seitzet al. 2012); dnative to Southern Europe; eapparently native to American tropics (Wagner et al. 1999); forigin Eurasia;gprobable origin Europe; hnative(Kühn and Klotz 2002); inative to Southern, Eastern Europe; jorigin South-west Asia (Schmeil and Fitschen 2009)


Additional referencesin Appendix

Albrecht H, Haider S (2013) Species diversity and life history traits in calcareous grasslands vary along an urbanization gradient. Biodivers Conserv 22: 2243-2267

Andrabi S, Reshi Z, Shah M, Qureshi S (2015) Studying the patterns of alien and native floras of some habitats in Srinagar city, Kashmir, India. Ecological Processes, 4. doi 10.1186/s13717-014-0030-9

Cilliers SS, Wyk E, Bredenkamp GJ (1999) Urban nature conservation: vegetation of natural areas in the Potchefstroom municipal area, North West Province, South Africa. Koedoe 42: 1-3

Kowarik I (1990) Some responses of flora and vegetation to urbanization in Central Europe. In: Sukopp, H, Hejny S, Kowarik I (eds) Plants and plant communities in the urban environment. SPB Academic Publishing, The Hague, pp 45-74

Kühn I, Klotz S (2002) Floristischer Status und gebietsfremde Arten.In: Klotz, S, Kühn, I, Durka, W (eds) BIOLFLOR - Eine Datenbank zu biologisch-ökologischen Merkmalen der Gefäßpflanzen in Deutschland.Schriftenreihe für Vegetationskunde 38. Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Bonn, pp 47-56

ManninenS, Forss S, Venn S (2010) Management mitigates the impact of urbanization on meadow vegetation. Urban Ecosystems 13: 461-481

Maurer U (2002) Pflanzenverwendung und Pflanzenbestand in den Wohnsiedlungen der 1920er und 1930er Jahre in Berlin. Ein Beitrag zur historischen Pflanzenverwendung. Dissertationes Botanicae, 353: 1-221

Morgan JW (1998) Patterns of invasion of an urban remnant of a species-rich grassland in southeastern Australia by non-native plant species. J Veg Sci 9: 181-190

Müller N (1988) Südbayerische Parkrasen - Soziologie und Dynamik bei unterschiedlicher Pfege. Dissertationes Botanicae123: 1-176

Pal RW, Csete S, Botta-Dukát Z, Pinke G (2013) Composition and diversity of lawn flora in differently managed village yards – A case study from southwestern Hungary. Folia Geobot48: 209-227

Peschel T (2000) Vegetationskundliche Untersuchungen der Wiesen- und Rasengesellschaften historischer Gärten in Potsdam. ibidem, Stuttgart

Seitz B, Ristow M, Prasse R, Machatzi B, Klemm G, Böcker R, Sukopp H (2012) Der Berliner Florenatlas. Natur+Text, Rangsdorf

Siniscalco C, Montacchini F (1983) Analysis on turfgrass formations in the city area of Turin. Allionia 26, 107-121

Wagner WL, Herbst DR, Sohmer SH (1999) Manual of the flowering plants of Hawai'i (Revised edition). University of Hawai'i Press, Honolulu