References on Polypharmacy

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References on Polypharmacy (continued)

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References on Polypharmacy (continued)

§  Rochon PA, Gurwitz JH. Optimizing drug treatment for elderly people: the prescribing cascade. BMJ 1997; 315:1096-9.

§  Schmader K, Hanlon JT, Weinberger M, et al. Appropriateness of medication prescribing in ambulatory elderly patients. JAGS 1994; 42: 1241-1247.

§  Simon SR, Chan A, et al. Potentially inappropriate medication use by elderly persons in US HMOs, 2000-2001. JAGS 2005; 53: 227-232.

§  Steinmetz KL, Coley KC, Pollock BG. Assessment of geriatric information on drug labels for commonly prescribed drugs in older people. JAGS 2005; 53: 891-94.

§  The AGS 2012 Beers Criteria Update Expert Panel. AGS Updated Beers Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Older Adults. JAGS. 2012; 60: 616-31.

§  Thompson, CA. JCAHO views medication reconciliation as adverse-event prevention. Am J Health-System Pharm. 2005. 62(15): 1528-32.

§  Budnitz D et al. Emergency Hospitalizations for Adverse Drug Events in Older Americans. NEJM 2011;365:2002-12.

Recommended web sites for general drug information:










Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM):



§  To find a package insert on the web for most drugs: type in (e.g., – this will bring you to the drug’s web site where you will most likely find a “prescribing information” link.

Ø  Drug Information Center: Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

617-732-2759 Service available for any patient specific or general drug information question.


Heidi Auerbach, CRIT 2012