Scholarship Application 2017

This application is for Bedford and Hanscom residents graduating from high school or already attending collegeto apply for a $1000 scholarship. Two scholarships are offered each year, with preferencegiven to students with an interest in pursuing a career in horticulture or related fields, such as agriculture, botany, conservation, ecology, forestry, landscape design, and environmental science.

1.How to Apply

  1. Complete the attached application form (attach additional sheets if necessary)
  2. Include a letter to the Garden Club discussing your reasons for seeking a scholarship. Your letter could include, but is not limited to:
  • Describing your dreams and aspirations
  • Discussing any unusual personal circumstances that have affected your achievement in school or your participation in school and community activities.
  • Summarizing the activity or experience of which you are most proud and how it has affected you.
  1. Attach two recommendations. At least one should be from a classroom teacher; the second may be from another teacher or other adult who knows your abilities, accomplishments and goals.
  2. Submit this application and the requested materials or before March 31, 2017, to the Guidance Office, Bedford High School, 9 Mudge Way, Bedford, MA, or mail to: Bedford Garden Club, Scholarship Chair, P.O. Box 915, Bedford, MA 01730.



Name______Phone (_____)______E-Mail______(Last) (First) (MI)


(Number) (Street)(Town or city)(State)(ZIP)

Birth date______High School______Class of _____

(Month, day, year)

Specify full or

Name OccupationEmployerPart Time




Address of parent or guardian if different: ______

Parent/Guardianphone:______Is your legal address with: Mother__Father__Guardian?___

High SchoolCollegeAt Home/ Siblings Age Grade School or Occupation Class of Class of Works______



3.SCHOOL DATA (College Students, date will pertain to the college you attend.)
A. Proposed area(s) of study______Degree you seek______

B. List schools where you have applied and freshman year costs in order of preference, first to last. If you have been accepted and made your decision about which you will attend, put a star in front of it.

School LocationTuition & Fees + Room & Board + Other Costs = Total Cost

______$______+$______+$______= $______

______$______+$______+$______= $______

______$______+$______+$______= $______

______$______+$______+$______= $______

______$______+$______+$______= $______

Is your first choice a 4-year college/university?___ Community college?___Voc/Tech?___ Other (specify)?___

Will you live on campus? ______Off-campus but away from home?______At home and commute?______

Will you be a full-time student? _____ Half-time or more?_____ Less than half-time (describe)?______

C. List all financial assistance, including scholarships and grants, which you have received.

SourceLimited to 1 School Only?Amount for Freshman Year





Please describe jobs you’ve held in high school or beyond. Include the amount of funds you’ve put aside for college, if you have plans to contribute to your education while enrolled, and any summer job plans. ______













  1. List extra-curricular activities, excluding any for which you earned school credit, but including other school, community, religious, club, or sponsored activities and memberships. You may attach your own form as long as it includes the following information:

Music, drama, arts, sports, club, committee, activity, service / Sponsoring Organization / Leadership Roles Held / During Grades / Hours/Week / Weeks/Year
  1. List any school or community awards or recognition you have received during high school and describe why you were selected/for what effort or project and by whom.



6. Required Letters


A. I have included my personal letter with this application.______

B. I have included 2 recommendations with this application.______

7. Authorization

I authorize the release of my transcript and any other information or materials needed to complete the application process. I certify that the information I have provided is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Student’s signature______Date______

Parent/Guardian’s signature______Date______(Required if student is not yet 18 years old by application due date.)


Modified directions for Bedford and Hanscom residents currently in college:pleaseinclude a copy of your most recent college transcript.