Meeting Date:
July 29, 2014
Team Chair: John Bergeron
MELSA Staff Liaison: Judy Todd
WCL – In person we ask for ID to confirm the address. However, with our current address checking that’s going on, those with a last name that starts with the letter that we are address confirming that month are blocked from using their WCL account until confirmation has taken place. As a result, those blocked for the address check reason can call to confirm address, phone and email or can do so through Aska Librarian. However, they must have library card barcode or no confirmation via phone or email can take place. If they are unable to provide their barcode, they would have to confirm in person with proof of address.
Systems That Will Access The Patron’s Account Over The Phone If They Don’t Have Their Library Card
ACL - No
CCL– Yes – asking for personal information to confirm the account.
DCL– No with exceptions – not offering any personal information to the patron – they are offering the information to confirm the account.
RCL – Yes – asking for personal information to confirm the account.
SPL – No with the exception of using the barcode on the book to renew the book.
SCL– Yes – asking for personal information to confirm the account.
WCL–Yes – asking for personal information to confirm the account to renew materials. No – for giving out private information such as materials checked out, etc.
Systems that have a Restriction Form for Minors to Use to Prohibit Their Parents or Legal Guardians From Accessing Their Account
ACL – Yes
CCL – Yes
DCL – Yes
RCL – Yes
SPL – No
SCL – No
WCL – Yes
John Bergeron will forward a copy of RCL’s Restriction Form for Minors to the Team.
Update on the MELSA Cultural Pass Program
Sally Lederer joined the meeting to give a brief description of the MELSA Cultural Pass Program. More information will be made available when MELSA confirms this program is moving forward.
Review of “Question of the Week” Topics – Checkouts at One Time, Fines and Holds – Maximum Amount
Judy Todd asked the team to review and forward updates as needed on the three topics. She will make any changes and send out an electronic “circulation book” to the team when everyone has sent their changes to her.
System Updates
ACL – ACL is getting rid of their bins in the track and going to trucks. The trucks will go to the Northtown Branch where they’ll redistribute the materials and forward to the appropriate branches. Northtown is currently closed for renovation and due to open again in June. The 40 lockers at Andover are very successful; the Ramsey location has 20 lockers and 5 or 6 are filled per week. Less traffic here may be due to hours open at the City Hall location. The Public Plus Card allows a person to checkout an iPad at the Ramsey location (person applies at the branch and application is good for one year). The iPad can be checked out once a week for a week for the year. The Mississippi Branch has a similar program for the iPad with a one day checkout and the iPad can’t leave the building.
CCL – The plans for Victoria are moving along with a technical base and popular collection. Ground breaking will happen in 2015. More lockers are expected this fall for the City of Carver. The new AMH system installed in Chanhassen has greatly improved their checkin rate.
DCL – The Inver Glen and Farmington remodels are proceeding as expected. A new children’s programming person has been hired.
RCL – White Bear Library is closing in June for a year and staff will be dispersed to the branches that will be most impacted. Those branches will also increase their hours. The Shoreview Library will either be renovated or replaced after White Bear Library is completed. The Friends of the Ramsey County Libraries’ semi-annual book sale starts Thursday.
SPL – 50 lockers will be installed late summer in the tunnel between the Xcel Energy Center and the Skyway System. Arlington Heights Library will have a grand opening on May 22. Because there is a community center attached to the library, the plan calls for cross training for all staff. Hayden Heights and Merriam Park Libraries have extended hours with the closing of Sun Ray and Highland Park Libraries. A new Library/Friends campaign is now in place – #BecauseOfTheLibrary. The Friends’ campaignwill include a buddies program with the library in June. The new collection program has been in place for over a year now and will start revenue recapture this summer. Debbie Willms, Deputy Director for SPL, will be retiring in November.
SCL – The new website will be running tomorrow. The IT person retired in March after 25 years of service. The Savage Branch Manager will be retiring in Julyand the Administrative Secretary for SCL will retire in November.
WCL –The RH Stafford, Park Grove and Hardwood Creek Libraries have been open since January on Sundays 1 – 5 pm and will continue through the year. Two youth services positions are available at the Forest Lake Library. The Wildwood Library is open again after the water main broke and flooded the area. The libraries upgraded to Google Chrome on their Internet stations. A lot of participation at the libraries with Winter Jackets – more involvement than in the past.
Next Meeting Date – Tuesday, July 29, 2014, 1:30 pm at Judy’s House!