Bedford City Schools

475 Northfield Road

Bedford, OH 44146


Personal Fitness

Summer 2006

Prepared by:

Stephanie Moisio

Marc Lantos

Felice Willis

Director of Secondary Education

Sherman C. Micsak

Assistant Superintendent

Marty A. Motsco, Esq.

Superintendent of Schools

Bedford City School District

Personal Fitness Graded Course of Study

Table of Contents

Statement of Philosophy (District)2


Philosophy (Personal Fitness)3

Performance Objectives4

Benchmarks& Evaluation5-7

Course Outline8

Curriculum Guide9-10


The purpose of the Bedford City School District is to provide opportunities for the development of each child to the highest level of his/her maturity in order to assist him/her in becoming a creative force in our democratic society.

This statement of purpose suggests several basic provisions:

  1. The educational program assists the pupil to achieve and maintain sound mental and physical health.
  1. Personal and social relationships are encouraged in order to strengthen the moral values essential for the preservation and improvement of our democracy.
  1. Situations are provided which give the pupil opportunities to develop logical thinking and effective communications.

The pupil is assisted not only in preparing for further education, but also in acquiring those knowledges, skills, and interests necessary for vocational success and the intelligent use of leisure time. This includes the development of an appreciation of aesthetic values in all aspects of daily living.


This course is designed to establish an interest in developing and improving areas of physical fitness. It also includes, but not limited to, teaching the components and concepts of physical fitness, nutrition, and body composition. The students will participate in weight training, cardiovascular activities, circuit training, flexibility, and lifetime activities to promote the importance of staying healthy and being able to incorporate these skills into their daily life. The students will create individualized programs and learn the cognitive aspects of physical fitness.


Personal fitness provides each student with the tools necessary to make worthy use of leisure time and maintain a level of fitness to function effectively in society. These components will help meet the immediate and long range needs and interests of individual students regardless of mental and physical abilities.

Continuous evaluation of the Personal Fitness program should be ongoing to meet the physical, mental, social, and emotional needs of students in the new millennium. The goal of achieving a lifestyle of total wellness is paramount in our ever-changing society.

Personal Fitness Performance Objectives

The student should be able to:

  1. Understand the importance of overall fitness.
  2. Improve individual aspects of body development, muscle development/strength, flexibility, & cardiovascular endurance.
  3. Discover new ways to be active for a lifetime by exploring the various activities to improve overall fitness.
  4. Set realistic personal fitness goals to be achieved during the semester course and when the course is concluded.

Benchmarks & Evaluation

National Standards for Physical Education

(Taken from Moving into the Future: National Standards for Physical Education, 2nd Edition)

Standard #1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns

needed to perform physical fitness activities


The student will:

  1. Explain overload principle and design a personal fitness program accordingly.
  2. Understand the importance of correct technique with regards to performance and safety.
  3. Feel empowered to maintain and improve strength and cardiovascular fitness, motor skills, and knowledge about physical fitness.


  • Oral questioning
  • Demonstration
  • Daily involvement in fitness activities
  • Training log
  • Personal training programs- computer generated, sport generated, individualized, &/or research driven

Standard #2: Exhibits a physically active lifestyle


The student will:

  1. Monitor exercise and other behaviors related to overall fitness and wellness.
  2. Demonstrate and enthusiasm for involvement in lifetime fitness activities.


  • Oral feedback
  • Teacher observation
  • Training journal
  • Class discussion

Standard #3: Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness


The student will:

  1. Identify and assess personal fitness levels in all 5 components of fitness: strength, cardiovascular, flexibility, muscular endurance, and body composition.
  2. Set and meet realistic personal fitness goals during a predetermined training period.
  3. Design and implement a personal fitness program then reevaluate it regularly and make adjustments accordingly.
  4. Evaluate personal fitness profile and identify strengths and weaknesses to design individualized program to meet their sport or specific needs or weaknesses.
  5. Participate regularly in a variety of activities appropriate for improvement of total fitness.


  • Oral feedback
  • Teacher observation
  • Oral/Written Test
  • Training log
  • Daily journal
  • Teacher questioning
  • Measurement scale
  • Teacher conference
  • Personal assessment
  • Daily/Weekly log

Personal Fitness Course Outline

The Personal Fitness course is intended to help students understand the connection between their diet, activity level and their physical fitness or lack of fitness. Just by observing the teens in our schools it is apparent that there is an epidemic of obese and overweight teens, as well as teens with unhealthy habits. Unfortunately, many of these teens don’t see the connection between their poor self-esteem, possible health problems, and lack of energy and their nutrition and exercise habits. Our goal is to provide resources and tools for these teens to connect their life outside of school to what they are learning in school and create more healthy lifestyles.

In this course the students will:

  1. Complete weekly journals and workout charts
  2. Participate in a variety of fitness activities
  3. Create a personal fitness program
  4. Participate in classroom lessons
  5. Perform 3 fitness tests throughout the semester course
  6. Engage in conference with teacher on personal fitness plans and goals
  7. Participate in challenge activities during the semester course


Personal Fitness Curriculum Guide

(This outline may be modified based on individual goals & time constraints)

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Week 1 / Introduce weekly journal / Personal fitness goals /
Fitness Testing
Fitness Testing
Fitness Testing
Week 2 / Aerobic or Strength Activity / Exercise basics lesson / Aerobic or Strength Activity / Importance of stretching lesson / Fitness Activity
Balls, bands, step aerobics, etc.
Week 3 / Aerobic or Strength Activity / Aerobic Activity / Aerobic or Strength Activity / Aerobic Activity / Fitness Activity
Circuits, Yoga, etc.
Week 4 / Aerobic or Strength Activity / Aerobic Activity / Aerobic or Strength Activity / Metabolism lesson / Fitness Activity
Cardio, abs, etc
Week 5 / Aerobic or Strength Activity / Aerobic Activity / Aerobic or Strength Activity / Aerobic Activity / Fitness Activity
Balls, bands, step aerobics, etc.
Week 6 / Aerobic or Strength Activity / Healthy Fast Food eating lesson / Aerobic or Strength Activity / Aerobic Activity / Fitness Activity
Circuits, Yoga, etc.
Week 7 / Aerobic or Strength Activity / Aerobic Activity / Aerobic or Strength Activity / Aerobic Activity / Fitness Activity
Cardio, abs, etc
Week 8 / Aerobic or Strength Activity / Aerobic Activity / Aerobic or Strength Activity / Serving size/portion control lesson / Fitness Activity
Balls, bands, step aerobics, etc.

Week 9

/ Aerobic or Strength Activity / Aerobic Activity / Aerobic or Strength Activity / Ab challenge / Fitness Activity
Circuits, Yoga, etc.
/ Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday

Week 10

Fitness Testing
/ Fitness Testing / Fitness Testing / Fitness Basics lesson / Fitness Activity
Balls, bands, step aerobics, etc.
Week 11 / Aerobic or Strength Activity / Fats/TransFats lesson / Aerobic or Strength Activity / Aerobic Activity / Fitness Activity
Circuits, Yoga, etc.
Week 12 / Aerobic or Strength Activity / Push-up challenge / Aerobic or Strength Activity / Aerobic Activity / Fitness Activity
Cardio, abs, etc
Week 13 / Aerobic or Strength Activity / Aerobic Activity / Aerobic or Strength Activity / Supplements lesson / Fitness Activity
Balls, bands, step aerobics, etc.
Week 14 / Aerobic or Strength Activity / Aerobic Activity / Aerobic or Strength Activity / Aerobic Activity / Fitness Activity
Circuits, Yoga, etc.
Week 15 / Aerobic or Strength Activity / Eating disorders lesson / Aerobic or Strength Activity / Distance challenge / Fitness Activity
Cardio, abs, etc
Week 16 / Aerobic or Strength Activity / Aerobic Activity / Aerobic or Strength Activity / Aerobic Activity / Fitness Activity
Balls, bands, step aerobics, etc.

Week 17

/ Aerobic or Strength Activity / Aerobic Activity / Aerobic or Strength Activity / Lifetime fitness lesson / Fitness Activity
Circuits, Yoga, etc.
Week 18 / Fitness Testing / Fitness Testing / Fitness Testing / Student’s choice activity day! / Healthy Eating PARTY!