Basic Classroom Philosophy

Basic Classroom Philosophy

Policies and Responsibilities

Algebra II

Mr. Engler

Voice mail: (215) 529-2131 e-mail:

Basic Classroom Philosophy:

The underlying basis for classroom policies and procedures is RESPECT. All classroom expectations are based on this rule. Students are expected to show respect for the teacher, classmates, for learning and for school property.

Grading Policy:

  • Marking period grades will be based on total points earned on tests, quizzes, class work and HOMEWORK. There will be no extra credit
  • Your final marking period average will be based on points. 15% of your grade will be homework, classwork and participation, while 85% of your grade will come from assessments.
  • Assessments can be collected homework, in class work, projects, quizzes, take home quizzes and chapter tests.
  • A Final exam will be given at the end of the year. The final will be averaged together and that score will make up 10% or your course grade.
  • 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th marking period grades will make up 90% of the final course grade. The final 10% will come from the average of midterm and final exam grades.

Marking period letter grades will be computed as follows:

Average of scores associated with assessment levels of standards for that grading period.

Report Card Grade Conversions

Final Average Range / Resulting Letter Grade
90 - 100 / A
80 - 89 / B
70 - 79 / C
60 - 69 / D
0 – 59 / F
Incompletes / I

No student can earn lower than a 50% for any marking period grade regardless of their actual percentage.

Tests and Quizzes:

Tests will be announced. Quizzes may be announced or unannounced and can be in class or take home. If a student is absent on the day of a test or a quiz, he/she will take it in class the next day they return. If a student has missed numerous days leading up to a test or quiz, they will have the opportunity to take it during class or before/after school. Students will have the opportunity to remediate all assessments up to two marking periods given they have fulfilled their requirements. Some assessments will have a time limit this year. Those students who are allowed extra time to complete assessments will receive it.

Requirements to Remediate Assessments

  • Students must have all homework assignments complete relating to the assessment they wish to remediate.
  • Students then must work on extra practice problems outside of class relating to the assessment they wish to remediate.
  • Students will then come in before school, after school or during pride to go over these problems or any other problem they wish to discuss.
  • Once this is done, students may be able to retake a similar assessment before school, after school or during pride
  • Maximum score on any remediated assessment is a 75%


Homework is a necessary part of the learning process because it provides an opportunity for the student to practice what we have learned in class. Homework will be assigned routinely and each student is responsible for all assignments. Assignments will always be discussed and sometimes collected. If no work is shown then the assignment is not complete. When you are absent, it is your responsibility to show me the completed assignment and it is your responsibility to find time to talk to me if you have questions on specific problems. Homework will be evaluated as followed.

Completed homework assignment is worth 2 points.

Completing half to completing all but one is worth 1 Point.

Completing less than half is worth 0 points.

Class Preparation and Participation:

Students must be prepared for class everyday. Being prepared includes having his/her math textbook, notebook, folder and pencil in class each day. Students must also fully participate in all class assignments and activities. If you need to borrow something from me, make sure you have something to give me as collateral.


Cheating is never acceptable and does not help anyone. The consequence for any student caught cheating is:

1) Receive an automatic zero

2) Contact parent/guardian

Classroom Behaviors:

  • Snacks and Water are allowed within reason. Be prepared to share all food with me.
  • Limit your requests to be excused during class to a reasonable amount. Your times out of class will be monitored so do not abuse it. You must have your agenda book to use the bathroom and you must fill in the sign out paper or you will not be allowed out. No exceptions.
  • Limit your out of seat time. Pencil sharpening and getting paper for the day should be done before class starts.
  • Bathroom breaks should be at the beginning or end of class, not during the lesson.
  • All students will remain in a seat until the bell rings.
  • Cell phones usage is not permitted during class activities/discussion.
  • All students are expected to be in class and seated before the bell rings.


  • Follow school guidelines for turning in excuse forms for absences. Unexcused absences result in a zero for the day.
  • If you are absent for more than a day or two, arrange for someone to pick up your work for you or email me for assignments.
  • Work you miss from being absent must be made up within a timely manner.

Extra Help/Pride:

Extra help is always available. Students may receive extra help Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 6:15 to 6:45 – 7:00. Extra help will also be given Monday and Thursday after school from 2:15 to 3:00. I would recommend that all students take advantage of pride classes first to receive extra help.

Suggestions for How to Study for Math Tests:

  • The best way to study for a Math test is by doing the work.
  • Listen to and write down the topics that will be covered on each test/quiz.
  • Find examples in you notes for each problem and work them through again and again and again.
  • Study definitions for new terms.
  • Look back over corrections in you homework assignments and do the problems again.
  • Review special procedures, formulas, and terms that you should know.

Suggestions for How to Take a Math Test:

  • One of the most important things to remember when taking a test is to remain calm and think positively.
  • During a test, the only things on your desk should be pencil, scrap paper (for showing all work) and in some cases a calculator.
  • Please remember-use only pencil on Math tests.
  • Work must be shown for all problems.
  • Take the first two minutes of the test time to write down notes/reminders of special procedures, formulas, and terms. This “Take-2 Sheet” must be written from memory and may then be used during the test as a reference sheet.
  • No one will be permitted to leave the room during a test unless the exam is completed or except in the event of an emergency.

Tips for a Successful Semester:

  • Be in class (come on time and ready to learn): You will struggle if you miss a lot of classes.
  • Complete all assignments. This includes make up when you are absent.
  • Ask questions when you have them.
  • Get help when you need it.
  • Keep a positive attitude.