Castle Donington parish council
Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on Thursday 25 February 2016 at 7.30 pm at the Parish Rooms, Hillside, Castle Donington
present : Cllrs S Ambrose-Jones (in the chair), M Barker-Lane, G Dalby, R Else, C Hills, R Nickless, R Nickelss, A Saffell, R Sizer, G Stewart, A Sowter and D Wintle. PCSO K Bradley. NWLDC Cllr R Canny, LCC Cllr T Pendleton. 1 member of public.
apologies: Cllrs C Burton (personal).
Cllr S Ambrose-Jones declared a non-pecuniary interest in respect of item 3692/16 planning applications for Donington Park.
Cllr A Saffell declared a pecuniary interest in respect of item 3690/16 wages cheque payable to Miss G Saffell.
a) Crime figures and information for February.
Contact your local Safer Neighbourhood Police Officer via
Local beat team members have been busy offering Crime Prevention Advice, carrying out Community Consultations and promoting the ever increasing services offered by the Police and Partner Agencies, for further practical Crime Prevention advice visit the website at
Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me or any other member of the beat team.
PCSO K Bradley presented the crime figures and advised of a new beat officer PC Louise Gravenall.
Cllr D Wintle expressed his concerns regarding a recent knife incident in the village and the general knife culture of today. RESOLVED: The Clerk is to write to the Police Crime Commissioner (and other appropriate parties) to raise its concerns about knife culture and that it may become more of a major issue locally.
02/02 Burglary Dwelling Filed, SOCO no forensics
02/02 Theft from Motor Vehicle (tools) Filed, no further lines of enquiry
03/02 Theft of Vehicle (civil) Vehicle returned. NFA
03/02 Assault ABH Suspects – under investigation
10/02 Theft from shop Under investigation (CCTV circulated)
11/02 Theft from business Filed, no further lines of enquiry
11/02 Sec23 MDA Warrant (drugs) x3 arrested – under investigation
14/02 Sec5 Public order NFA
14/02 Theft of Motor Vehicle (Market) PNC under investigation
14/02 BOTD (Cavendish Bridge) Under investigation
14/02 BOTD (Cavendish Bridge) Under investigation
15/02 BOTD (Cavendish Bridge) Bike Filed
20/02 Assault GBH Serious Under investigation
22/02 Harassment Malicious Comms Under investigation
24/02 Theft of trailer Under investigation
RESOLVED: To receive and approve the minutes:
a) Full Council – 28 January 2016
b) Recreation Committee – 11 January 2016
c) Amenities Committee – 11 February 2016
d) Planning Committee – 11 February 2016
a) Showman’s Guild lunch – The Chairman updated the Parish Council on the recent attendance to the Showman’s Guild lunch which was a great success. RESOLVED: To receive the information.
b) Annual Chairman’s Dinner – The Chairman advised that the Annual Chairman’s dinner is to be held at the Priest House Hotel on Friday 29 April. RESOLVED: To advise the Clerk of Councillors attendance.
c) NuNews – The Chairman updated the Parish Council on the progress of the newspaper but advised that there were issues arising and that the group are unable to appoint an editor at present. RESOLVED: To receive the information.
d) The Clerk and Chairman attended a meeting with NWLDC CEO, developers and other officers to discuss the installation of the perimeter road early in overall development. All parties had been working together to bring forward a solution. The developers will need to apply for a loan from Highways England and amend their planning application to allow a number of houses to be built up front. Ultimately this should allow for the road to go in its entirety approximately 3/4 years ahead of the original expected time. RESOLVED: The Parish Council is to send a letter of support to NWLDC for the general principle as outlined above.
a) Comments register. RESOLVED:
Complaint / Resident complaint received regarding pothole on Park LaneResolved / Email sent to LCC who have advised that the pothole does not currently warrant any action but will be monitored ref 9324442
Complaint / Complaint received regarding vandalised bus stop on Back Lane
Resolved / Email sent to LCC to repair. Wait to be completed REF:76036761950
Complaint / Resident complaint received regarding car on Bosworth Road parked at pavement edge leaking oil and petrol onto the highway and encroaching on neighbour’s driveway.
Resolved / Email sent to LCC to investigate await response ref 9333688
Complaint / Resident complaint received regarding broken fence in Clapgun Street car park
Resolved / Email sent to NWLDC response received saying appropriate action will be taken. Awaiting work to be completed
Complaint / A resident complaint received regarding clarification of yellow line sizes in conservation areas as Castle Donington’s are 4” but Melbourne’s are 2”
Resolved / Email sent to LCC for clarification ref 9349270 LCC advised that lines should be 2” in a conservation area and transition is in process as works are to be carried out
Complaint / Resident complaint received regarding street light only working intermittently on Meadow Crescent street column #5
Resolved / Email sent to LCC to investigate REF:76338811960
Complaint / Complaint received from resident regarding a street light being out on Montford Mews, the residents mother had previously reported to LCC on 29/01/16 and was assured problem would be resolved by 12/02/16. After work was not completed resident requested CDPC to also make complaint
Resolved / Email sent to LCC quoting previous ref number and dates of previous complaints and requested update ASAP
Complaint / Resident complaint received regarding dustbins and recycling bins on St Ann’s Lane being left out often and rubbish spreading down the road
Resolved / Email sent to NWLDC to investigate
Update / Resident complaint regarding a street light not working on Mount Pleasant
Email sent to LCC ref no. 9296002 work could not be completed due to fault being electrical so has been passed to electrical supplier who have now completed works
Update / Resident attended full council meeting raising concerns at potholes, sunken drain and faded lines at main traffic lights. Concerns have also be raised regarding missing white lines at the main junction
All works have been completed by LCC
Update / Complaint received regarding blocked drains on Borough Street outside the Co-op and Chequered Flag, outside The Castle Inn on Bondgate opposite the junction of Market Street and on Market Street outside Hel Yen Chinese Takeaway
Emails sent to LCC to investigate report no.9258100, REF:74402829085, no.9264164 advised blockage cannot be cleared until road is clear of cars so access to drains can be gained, these works will be programmed in the near future
b) Lane reduction scheme from A50 into village. The LCC has confirmed that road markings will be installed to reduce the width of the road from the A50 to the first island and will be implemented by the end of March 2016. RESOLVED: To receive the information.
c) Star Councils – The Clerk attended an All Party Parliamentary Local Democracy Group meeting chaired by Andrea Jenkins MP. The purpose of the meeting was to highlight the Star Council winners and projects and also the work of the Group in raising the profile of the first tier of Government. The event emphasised the positive difference Town and Parish Councils can make to the local communities and the growing role in devolution. RESOLVED: To receive the information.
d) For councillor’s information – Admin assistant and Lengthsman positions – These are being reviewed in terms of hours, etc. further report to be brought back to the Parish Council, plus temporary Admin Assistant position is being advertised to formalise employment conditions. RESOLVED: To receive the information.
e) Tesco Grant Scheme – The Parish Council has been successful in obtaining a grant of £8,000. However this may be increased up to £12,000 with a counter voting system in place in local Tesco stores. RESOLVED: To receive the information.
f) NWLDC Twenty for Seven Grant scheme – reminder to all Councillors to encourage votes in order to obtain additional funding. RESOLVED: To receive the information.
g) Melbourne Operatic society – Invite to the annual performance has been received. RESOLVED: To receive the information.
h) Clean for the Queen Litter Pick – 5 March 2016 – REMIMDER – RESOLVED: To receive the information.
i) Street Party for the Queens 90th Birthday – 5 June 2016 – REMINDER – RESOLVED: To receive the information.
j) Purple Flag Scheme – This is a scheme to promote a clean and safe environment for the night economy. Cllr A Saffell and the Clerk to find out more information and bring it back to the council in due course. RESOLVED: To receive the information.
Nothing to report.
3690/16 ACCOUNTS
RESOLVED: That the accounts and wages for the month of February be approved.
Description / Supplier / TotalHelp at events Wakes / Robert Holman / 100.00
Flowers / Buddies / 25.00
Alarm call out / Keepsafe Security Services / 24.00
Materials / R Massey & Sons / 138.16
Tax and NI / HMRC / 1,909.13
Wages / Staff / 6,997.45
Cleaning materials - Spital / Censol Ltd / 297.95
Fuel / Martin Lee / 67.35
Fuel / Martin Lee / 10.49
Locks / AA Locksmith / 667.92
Alarm works / Chubb / 201.90
Cloud Back up / Sc It Solutions / 30.00
Stationary / Viking / 213.93
Advertising / Rural Trader / 429.12
Play Equipment repairs / Streetscape / 3,003.60
Alarm works / Chubb / 140.53
Grounds Maintenance / Ulyett / 5,101.82
Materials / Travis Perkins / 18.22
Workwear / Jencourt Group / 219.66
Total / 19,596.23
3691/16 BOWLS CLUB Roof
Two quotes had been obtained to repair/replace the Bowls Club roof 1) a rubber option with a 20 year manufacturers guarantee at an approximate cost of £6300 and 2) to strip, re-felt and nail roof at an approximate cost of £4000. RESOLVED: To Parish Council approved to progress with the rubber option at an approximate cost of £6300.
PLAN NO / ADDRESS / DETAILS / OBSERVATIONS16/00158/FUL / 11 Charnwood Avenue / Two storey side extension to form annex / No objection
16/00202/FUL / Donington Park Race Circuit, Donington Park / Erection of 17m temporary mast / No objection
16/00210/VCI / Donington Park Race Circuit, Donington Park / Removal of condition 1 of planning permission 12/00741/FUL in order to allow for the retention of an office / OBJECT - on the grounds of highway safety and responsibility Donington Park and Ritchie's should control their lorry movements. CDPC request a planning condition for an approved route exiting the site which would take all lorries on to the A453. CDPC feel that this is not a viable application as currently lorries are breaking the weight limit in the village. CDPC are to arrange a meeting with Donington Park, Ritchie's and the Police in order to address issues.
16/00211/VCI / Donington Park Race Circuit, Donington Park / Removal of condition 1 of planning permission 13/00640/FUL in order to allow for the retention of a modular building on a permanent basis / OBJECT - on the grounds of highway safety and responsibility Donington Park and Ritchie's should control their lorry movements. CDPC request a planning condition for an approved route exiting the site which would take all lorries on to the A453. CDPC feel that this is not a viable application as currently lorries are breaking the weight limit in the village. CDPC are to arrange a meeting with Donington Park, Ritchie's and the Police in order to address issues.
PLAN NO / ADDRESS / DETAILS / OBSERVATIONS / DECISION15/00848/LBC / 4 Apiary Gate / Replacement of two ground floor windows and stone lintels as well as the re-pointing of stonework / No objection / Approved
15/01171/FUL / 11 Cavendish Bridge, Shardlow / Erection of a ground floor rear extension / No objection / Approved
15/01172/FUL / 35 Hastings Street / Proposed two storey side extension and single storey rear extension / No objection as long as there are no neighbour objections / Approved
a) East Midlands Airport
b) Donington Park
c) Town Centre
d) Conservation Area
The four policies were tabled and discussed for submission to NWLDC endorsing each policy with additional items from the Parish Council. The subcommittee was thanked for the good work in working on and preparing the policies. RESOLVED: To receive and accept the policies.
The Chairman updated the Parish Council and discussion took place as to allocated sites already within the area. RESOLVED: Questions from consultation document completed at meeting. It was felt that the Parish already had a number of traveller and showman sites in the locality and that these should be listed in its response; and that if it needed to suggest a preferred new site, then it would be to extend the current Showman’s site at Hemington.
a) Parish Council to consider whether to take-on the purchase of the building or to allow the Charitable Incorporated Organisation to lease the building allowing the purchase at a later date? RESOLVED: That the Library Group will take on the lease of the building and the Parish Council will continue to progress the purchase in due course.
b) Charitable Incorporated Organisation – Update on recent meeting of volunteers and the plan for transfer of the running of the library service. The CIO needs amending due to the fact that the Parish Council is no longer going to purchase the building. RESOLVED: This will be resubmitted in due course. The transfer of the library service is to take place on 20 June 2016, with training for volunteers the previous two weeks. The Library Group will meet to look at the co-ordination of the volunteers and who and what they would want to train for. RESOLVED: To receive the information.
a) LRALC – Newsletter 1. RESOLVED: To receive the information.
b) RCC – News Bulletin – February 2016. RESOLVED: To receive the information.
Meeting closed 9.56pm