The Ballymaloe Christmas craft event has been steadily growing for the last 5 years, with a reputation for excellence, showcasing craft, design and fine arts.

We are delighted to open bookings for this year’s Ballymaloe Craft and Design Festival.

Last year’s increased stand numbers drew in our biggest visitor numbers to date, jumping from an average attendance figure of 3,000 in previous years to 7,000 in 2013.

Below are all the details you need for the event, followed by booking information and terms and conditions.

The booking application form is attached separately to enable easy return when completed, either via email or post.


Stand locations:

The Grain Store venue will be structured as in previous years, offering stands upstairs and downstairs in the main hall and stands at a reduced rate in the Carrigaun room. This year we have lowered the rate in the Carrigaun room in line with the Big Shed venue – as a space off the main area of the Grain Store, please be aware that stand holder performance here can very, though some makers request space here annually!

Ballymaloe’s Big Shed venue again offers us the capacity for a larger event, allowing us to provide stand space at a very competitive weekend rate under cover, right next door to the Grain Store.

All hot food stands will be in the Big Shed, with a large seating area for the general public, plus the Big Shed bar will be open to accommodate something to warm our customers up!

Completely free access to the general public:

The event continues to be totally free to the general public.

We hope that this helps to support the craft maker/designer/fine artists as much as possible in securing sales during the event.

Event marketing:

With the event continuing to develop annually as a key date in the national event calendar in the southeast, marketing and promotion for the event will be as strong as ever, with local and national papers and radio coverage as part of our event drive.

We also encourage all stand holders to promote the event on their own social media feeds and we will provide the event poster to you all to be printed and hung/emailed/posted wherever possible, along with our own poster distribution network.

The event will be listed on all online event feeds, along with extensive coverage on all Ballymaloe related social media feeds.

Event signage will differ slightly this year, since nearly all signage was removed by the NRA last year. We will be installing a large, mobile sign in Midleton. Further smaller signage will be installed, but we are obliged to stay away from main junctions.


Event times

The event will run Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th November, from 10am to 6pm each day.

Stand information and allocation of stands

There will be approximately 48 stands at the Grain Store, 12 in the Carrigaun room and a further approximately 50 stands in the Big Shed.

Stand holders can apply on a first come, first served basis to the three areas outlined above (please tick preference on application form), but please note it will not be possible for stand-holders to select locations within those areas; your location will be made known to you on the set up day.

Space is apportioned on the basis of one 8ft x 2ft trestle table which will be provided, with the overall space approximately 9ft by 5ft.

Please note: this year, tables will be supplied to all as part of the stand fee. Please do not bring your own tables. This has been changed to ensure regulation of all stand spaces for each stand holder, and we hope is more convenient for all.

Any additional tabletop space MUST be discussed and cleared with the event organiser.

Free standing wall displays, rack systems, backing boards, slim line shelving units, hat stands, towel rails, pull up signs are all permitted, but must be confined within the limits of your stand space. If you are uncertain about a specific display item, please contact Victoria to discuss.

We trust that all stand holders will understand that we are committed to ensuring that all stand holders receive the same amount of space for the fee paid.


Stands in the Grain store area are allocated strictly on a first come first served basis, starting downstairs and moving upstairs into the mezzanine area.

Please note that access to wall space is limited and given on a first come first serve basis where required only, i.e. priority will be given to makers with framed/hung work. Those who are given wall space may display items using the installed wire and hook system. You should bring catgut to suspend work from the hooks. Nothing may be affixed directly to the walls.

Stand types will vary, some in central areas and others backed by walls. The vast majority of stands will have easy access to plug sockets, but you should bring an extension cable if you need to use a socket. Some stands do not have sockets nearby, and these will be allocated to those not requiring use of power.


Stand spaces in the Carrigaun room are slightly more generous than the Grain Store area and all stands here have access to wall space. There is a hook and wire system in the Carrigaun room also, but please ensure you bring adequate materials to suspend/display work. Access to power is also easy here, though again please bring extension leads.


Stand spaces in the Big Shed will be the same size as the Grain Store, though priced lower. Please remember that all food and seating options for visitors will be in the Big shed, making it a busy and productive area for sales.

Most stands here will be without wall facilities, but feel free to bring small screens or other designed systems if you need to display products vertically.

There is access to power throughout this space, though again please bring extensions.

There is overhead lighting, but please be advised that if you require strong directional lighting on your stand, bringing your own lighting would be essential.

Stand Fees

Grain store, lower and upper levels - €235 including VAT

Carrigaun Room - €180 including VAT

Big Shed - €180 including VAT

These fees are for your stand for Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th November, with access to set up on Friday 14th.

If you require a VAT invoice, please mark clearly on your application form.

Please remember that your stand fee includes table hire.

Set-up and takedown times

You will be able set up on Friday 14th November - times for this will be confirmed nearer the date. All stands must be fully set up by 9.30am on Saturday 15th, ready for opening at 10am. Your stands will need to come down again from 6pm on Sunday 16th.

If you have any additional requests outside of these arrangements regarding access, please contact Victoria as soon as possible.

Card Sales Details

There will be a credit/debit card machine point available in both the Grain Store and the Big Shed. This is for stand holders convenience if a customer wishes to pay with a card but you do not have your own machine. Please note, all cash sales are your own! This is not a central till point, simply a card machine option for visitors to the event.

This runs similarly to previous years. Each stand holder will be required to provide his or her own duplicate receipt book. A receipt will be issued for a product and brought to the central cash desk. Payment is made and the customer can collect the product from the stand holder. This system has worked very well each year and we are pleased to be able to offer a card facility to customers at the event. Please note there is a standard card commission of 5% on all card sales.

If you have your own credit/debit card machine, please feel free to bring this. This can only be a mobile unit however, as there will be absolutely no connection to phone lines available.


You may park close to all Grain Store doors to unload, and then move your car/van to stand-holder parking spaces for the duration of the fair - staff will be on hand to direct you.

Access to the Big Shed is through the main, front entrance – please unload as quickly as possible to allow all stand holders time to set up.

Terms and conditions for stand holders

•  Please note that receipt of application does not guarantee a stand at the event.

•  Stands will not be considered booked and held until the full stand fee has been received.

•  All applications received will be subject to being approved by the event organisers.

•  Please include photographs of your work in order for your application to be processed. (Please enclose a S.A.E. for return of same if required.)

•  Only products specified on the application form can to sell at the event. Any additional products must be cleared by the event organisers prior to the event.).

•  In the event of a cancellation, stand fees can be refunded in full up to Friday 17th October. After this date, no fees can be refunded.

•  Please note that all stand allocations are final and cannot be changed.

•  Please ensure that any special circumstances in terms of access requirements etc are made known at time of booking.

•  Please make all payments payable to Rory Allen.

•  Payment will be accepted via cheque or bank draft only and must only be made out as advised above. Incorrect payments will be returned. We are not in a position to accept electronic payments, we apologise for any inconvenience.

I look forward to receiving your application.

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind Regards

Victoria Tammadge

Ballymaloe Craft & Design Festival 2014

Tel: +353 87 942 5387 or +353 21 462 2987

Add: 29 Cois Cuain, Whitegate, Co. Cork.