U.S. History SATP
Legislation, Amendments, &Court Cases Review

Legislation/Amendment / Description
Homestead Act / 160 acres of land to those willing to move West
Morill Act / Gave land to states for agricultural colleges
Dawes Act / “Americanize” Native Americans by giving land to farm on (assimilation)
Interstate Commerce Act 1887 / Created the Interstate Commerce Commission to oversee abuses of the railroad industry
Sherman Antitrust Act 1890 / Illegal to form a trust that interfered with free trade between states or other countries (difficult to enforce)
Chinese Exclusion Act / Restricted who could enter the U.S. from China (immigration restriction)
Gentlemen’s Agreement / Restricted number of unskilled Japanese who could enter the U.S. (immigration restriction)
Pendleton Civil Service Act / Appointment of federal jobs through a merit system (what you know, not who you know)
Plessy v. Ferguson / Supreme Court ruled that “separate but equal” was constitutional
Meat Inspection Act / Cleanliness in meatpacking factories (The Jungle) (Progressive)
Pure Food and Drug Act / Inspection of foods and medicines (Progressive)
Clayton Antitrust Act 1914 / Not able to form a monopoly by buying too much stock of another company , and made labor unions were not subject to antitrust laws –STRENGTHENED Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 (Progressive)
16th Amendment / Graduated federal income tax (Progressive)
17th Amendment / Direct election of senators (Progressive)
18th Amendment / Prohibition of the manufacturing, distributing, and consumption of alcohol (Progressive)
19th Amendment / Gave women the right to vote (suffrage) (Progressive)
Selective Service Act 1917 / Draft for men to fight in WWI
Espionage and Sedition Acts / Illegal to say anything or act against the war effort
Schenck v. United States / Personal freedoms are revoked during times of war (freedom of speech not upheld)
The Scopes Trial / Evolution vs. Religion in Public Schools
Sacco and Vanzetti Trial / Immigrants convicted and executed for murder with little to no evidence (red scare)
Selective Training and Service Act / 1st Peace Time Draft (Started before our involvement in WWII)
20th Amendment / Changed the inauguration date of the President from March to January (lame-duck)
21st Amendment / Repealed prohibition/18th Amendment
Neutrality Acts / Passed to keep the US from trading with any warring nations
Lend-Lease Act / Passed to aid those countries whose defense would be vital to our defense (went around the Neutrality Acts in WWII)
GI Bill of Rights 1944 / Provided loans for education and training for returning veterans, also cheaper loans for housing and businesses
22nd Amendment / Presidential Term Limits
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka / Overturned Plessy v. Ferguson, made “separate but equal” illegal, schools would have to integrate
Brown II / Integration of schools needed to be followed and expedited
Civil Rights Act of 1964 / Banned discrimination in employment and public places, established EEOC
Voting Rights Act of 1965 / Eliminated literacy tests for voters, more federal regulation of voting
Civil Rights Act of 1968 / Prohibited discrimination in the sale or rental of housing
Miranda v. Arizona 1966 / Rights of the accused are protected/ must be read rights when arrested
23rd Amendment / Voting rights to Washington, D.C.
24th Amendment / Eliminated Poll Taxes
25th Amendment / Presidential Succession (in line for Presidency)
26th Amendment / 18 year olds right to vote
Tonkin Gulf Resolution / Granted the president broad military powers in Vietnam
War Powers Act / Essentially repealed Tonkin Gulf Resolution, President has to notify Congress of troop committal and cannot deploy troops for more than 90 days without Congressional approval
27th Amendment / Congressional Pay Raises
****Tariffs**** / A tax on goods imported to the country/used to protect US manufacturing