I, ______, identified with ______, series ______, no. ______, issued by ______, on ______, personal identification number ______, with the permanent address in ______, street ______no. ______, County ______,
We, ______, with the registered office in ______, street ______no. ______, County ______, registered with the Office of the Trade Register ______as no. ______, VAT no. ______, legally represented by ______,
Holder of a ______shares issued by S.C. ROMCAB S.A. registered with the Office of the Trade Register MUREȘ as no. J26/764/1995, VAT no. RO 7947193, gives a number of ______voting rights at the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Assembly of the Shareholders, of the total 9,386,066 shares issued by S.C. ROMCAB S.A. (corresponding to a total of 9,386,066 voting rights), understand to participate in and exercise my voting rights related to my shares
by correspondence, in the “Extraordinary General Assembly”of the shareholders of the company which will take place on13.06.2016, 12.00 a.m., at the registered office of the company, or on14.06.2016(the same time and place) the date of the two assemblies, where the former would not be organized, as follows:
- Power of attorney to the Board of Directors to decide the following: contracting bank credits, to sign credit / leasing contracts, extension of bank credit / current leasing contracts, establishing the structure of guarantees relating to contracts of credit/leasing, access, extension, restructuring, rescheduling of the loans granted, changes in the structure of guarantees of the existing loans, appointment of the persons who will sign on behalf and for S.C. ROMCAB S.A. in these relationships. For the documents exceeding the limits of decision conferred by the relevant legislation, the Board of Directors will require subsequent ratification of related Decisions at the general assembly of shareholders.
For ______Against ______Abstention ______
- Approval of the registration date identifying the shareholders who will benefit from rights and who shall bear the effects of the decisions of the General Assembly of the Shareholders on 30.06.2016.
For ______Against ______Abstention ______
I enclose this vote by correspondence:
I. In the case of shareholders individuals:
□ a copy of valid ID (identity card for Romanian citizens or, where applicable, passport/residence pass for foreigners), signed as true copy of the original.
II. In the case of shareholders legal entities:
□ a copy of identity card of the legal representative, signed as true copy of the original;
□ copy of an official document certifying to the quality of legal representative (certificate of the company’s details, signed and stamped, not older than 30 days, or any other document issued by a competent authority for foreign legal entities, not older than 30 days), signed as true copy of the original.
This document has been signed in two counterparts: one for the shareholder and one for S.C. ROMCAB S.A.
Date ______
(Surname and given name /name of the shareholder legal entity)
(Signature of the shareholder, individual, or of the legal representative of the shareholder,
legal entity, and stamp of the legal entity)