McLean - Week of Sept.1 to Sept. 3

Our Week Schedule


Music – 11:15 to 11:45

Gym - 2:20 to 2:50

Lunch – 12:25 to 1:10 (Every day – eat first and then recess)


Spanish- 11:15 to 11:45

Library – 2:25 to 2:55


Music – 11:45 to 12:15

Gym –2:20 to 2:50


Spanish – 11:15 to 11:45


Gym – 2:20 to 2:50


Our Week

We have had a wonderful three days getting to know each other!

In Communication, we read the morning chart and we worked in our notebooks. We have read The Kissing Hand, Your Manners are Showing, Elmer, and The First Day of Kindergarten. We made our own Manners Bears, kissing hands, and Elmer the elephant. Please ask your children which book was their favorite!

We danced to “Who Let The Letters Out?” and played Monkey See, Monkey Do.

We have been touring the school and meeting all of the teachers. We have found all of the classrooms, bathrooms, lunchroom, and church.

Learning how to use our markers, seat sacks, crayons, scissors, and notebooks has also filled our days.

We worked on our calendar and practiced with shapes. We have been counting up and counting down. Shape blocks, linking cubes, and 3-D shapes have also been fun to pull out during choice time. Numbers are fun!

Choice time has been full of playing with cars, legos, play dough, letter cubes, books, and drawing.

Learning routines has been a lot of work for us this week. We will continue to learn rules throughout the next few weeks. It takes time but it is worth it. Don’t be surprised if your child says they didn’t do much though. They are always learning and working even when they have no idea!


1.  When you come to pick up your child after school, please wait outside the school building on 44th street. Please remind your child to say good-bye to me with a high five, a hug, a handshake, or a wave only when they see you! This is very important and ensures me that your child is going with the right person. We are working hard at this!! Thank you for your help.

2.  Please make sure your child has a bus tag safety pinned on the outside of their backpack.

3.  Please make sure your child knows where they go on that specific day. It helps if you tell them every day how they are coming home so they can let someone know if there is a mistake.

4.  Please remind your child to check their backpack at school for important papers. All papers should go into Mrs. McLean’s Mailbox (it is silver with flowers).



*Old children’s socks without holes (we are using them as erasers for our dry erase boards)

*Seat sack checks for 12 dollars and money for milk cards. Send in if you have not done so yet.

*A volunteer to rip out math pages (can be done at home)

*A volunteer to rip out religion pages (can be done at home)

Thank you!