Baker Elementary Parent Guide To PTA Committees and School Programs
President: / Felicia Musillo / 412.221.0316 /Vice-Pres.: / Kim Megonnell / 412.833.4505 /
2nd Vice-Pres. / Mr. McClintock-Comeaux /
Treasurer: / Gigi Crowley / 412.835.3594 /
Secretary: / Jody Yurcich / 412.854.5499 /
Giant Eagle Apples for Students: School fundraiser through Giant Eagle that can earn the school a wealth of computers and other technological gear. You just register online or by phone with your Advantage Card. Then when you use your card to shop, the points are automatically credited to the school of your choice. Chairperson: Jenn Glassbrenner
Anti-Bullying: This program helps to educate the students on how to prevent bullying within the walls of Baker. Chairperson: Kris Ritter
Assemblies: In-school assemblies for the students. Programs are fun and entertaining while being educational and usually tie in with current curriculum at various grade levels. Chairperson: Kim Popp
Asset Science: The PTA assists the 3rd level science team by organizing materials for class projects.Chairperson: Jenn Glassbrenner
Author Visit: A local author visits the school to read from his or her own works. Copies of the work can be purchased prior to the visit and the books can be dedicated to individual students. Chairperson: Kate Mayberry
Baker Bowling: This is one of Baker’s newest after school activities. Each grade level K through 4th will have an afternoon of bowling at the local bowling alley, AMF Lanes in Mt. Lebanon. Chairpersons: K-Cathy Roman, 1st and 2nd –Betsy Boughner, 3rd and 4th –Angie Kweder
Baker Boo Bash (formally The Baker Caper): Major fundraiser of the year with carnival style games, dinner, silent auction, raffles, cake walk and other fun things for the whole family. This is the biggest event of the year and the one that needs the most volunteer help. In order for this to be a success we need over 100 volunteers. So when the flyers start coming out for help, please sign up! Planning begins in the summer. The event is scheduled in October. It’s the best party in town so plan to come and also to help out. Chairpersons: Natalie Seery and Angela Berger
Baker Gardens: Volunteers help maintain and beautify the grounds surrounding Baker school. Chairperson: Chrissy Wyke
Baker Bingo: Baker families get together for bingo, prizes and pizza. This is a free event held before spring break for the whole family. Chairpersons: Jody Yurcich, Vicki Strain and Cathy Roman
Birthday Books: For a small charge, students have the opportunity to donate a book to the library. Mrs. Gibson, the librarian, provides a wide assortment of books for the students to choose from. Chairperson: OPEN
Blue Moon Volunteers: Blue moon volunteers are contacted by committee chairs on an as-needed basis for specific committee needs. This way you can help out if you happen to be free that day, but aren’t obligated to come in if you can’t. Chairperson: PTA Secretary (Jody Yurcich)
Book Fair: Held in the fall during conference time and again in the spring, this is our second largest fundraiser of the year. Children and parents have the opportunity to purchase books, craft kits, posters, computer software, etc. through Scholastic Books. Chairperson: Susan Phillips
Book Swap: Students bring in gently used books to swap for new ones. Chairperson: Open
Box Tops for Education: Collect Box Tops from General Mills and other products to earn cash which we use to purchase items for school. The collection box is located in the office. Chairperson: Julie Halpner
Clothing Sale (aka – Spirit Wear): Clothing and other USC school spirit items are for sale via a flyer that comes out in the fall. Clothing items can be previewed in the library showcases. Chairperson: Lucy Higginbotham
Directory: A PTA sponsored publication distributed to families in early October. It is coordinated through the PTA Council but all schools help through their PTA volunteers Chairperson: Susan Phillips
Family Fun Activities: Bored on your days off from school? Are your children (and you) wanting to be busy doing something different and fun? Organized activities to keep everyone involved! Chairperson: OPEN
Family Read-In: The Baker Elementary Read-In is essentially a book fair held at Barnes & Noble from 4:00-6:30 on the first Thursday of February. Teachers from each grade level come and read stories to the students, the chorus performs and the classroom with the highest attendance (no purchase necessary) wins a $100.00 gift card to the store. Chairperson: Vicki Strain
Families and Flapjacks: not only is this a time to eat yummy pancakes for breakfast, but it is also a great opportunity to socialize with the Baker Community. This winter event is one of Baker’s newest fundraisers with a great family atmosphere. Many volunteers are needed to help flip those flapjacks! Chairperson: Baker PTA Executive Board
Field Day: Students in levels 1 through 4 have an end of the year Field Day, complete with games of all kinds. Weather permitting, games are held outside. Kindergarten has its own end of year party, separate from Field Day. Chairpersons: Aliceson Yates and Jen Dahlem
Fourth Level Activities: Volunteers organize activities for Fourth Level students. Various events are planned with an end of the year farewell and swim party at the High School. Chairpersons: Liz Leavy, Gillian Rose-John and Jen Dahlem
Grade Level Treasurer: Solicits and collects holiday party funds and holiday/year end teacher gift money in coordination with the PTA Treasurer and the Room Coordinators. Chairperson: PTA Vice-President (Kim Megonnell)
4th level Memory Book: The chairperson collects photos throughout the school year and creates a memory book of and for the 4th level students. Chairpersons: Ann Depolo, Dianne Gander and Jody Yurcich.
Holiday Shop: Kids can shop till they drop at our Holiday Shop held in early December. Not a school fundraiser; it is a lot of fun for the students who love buying gifts for family, friends, and even themselves. Each class has a scheduled time to shop. You can put restrictions on your child’s spending via a note attached to their money envelope. Many parent volunteers are needed to help the children shop. Chairperson: Kim Megonnell
Hospitality: Provides “goodies” and beverages at the PTA meetings and PTA sponsored events. Chairperson: Aliceson Yates
Internet Communications: Updates the Baker PTA website and sends out E-Alerts so that you can get information about our school in a convenient website format. Chairperson: Gillian Rose-John
Market Day: This successful fundraiser will help you to have something to serve for meals when you lack the time to cook. Place a Market Day order once a month and see how it benefits your family and your school. Market Day offers snacks, meats, appetizers and desserts. Chairperson: Chrissy Card
Membership: Solicits membership for the PTA. All families are encouraged to join the PTA at their youngest child’s school. When you are a member of the PTA it entitles you to voting privileges at the PTA meetings. Chairperson: Jen Gray
Open House: An opportunity in the fall for parents to visit classrooms and meet their teachers and get all the information they need to help their children have a successful school year.
Outreach: A very important part of Baker’s school life. The Outreach committee provides opportunities for students and families to give to others. Activities have included a hat and mitten tree; food, toy and book drives; and change collections just to name a few. The committee is open to suggestions for new activities that benefit specific organizations. Chairpersons: Kathy Teresi and Kate Mayberry
PTA: Parent Teacher Association: Your opportunity to get involved in your school! By being a PTA member you can work on committees that benefit students and families. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month and alternate between 9:30 am and 7 pm times. The meetings are an opportunity to meet people and hear first hand what’s going on. Meetings also provide a chance to solicit volunteer help and have discussions regarding pertinent items. Another reason to go to the PTA meetings is to vote on items that come up for review.
PTA Council: The Council is comprised of the PTA officers, plus committees that oversee activities that involve all of the district schools. Meeting dates and places are published in the district calendar available on the website.
Publicity: Responsible for writing articles about PTA programs and events for publication in local newspapers, magazines, and newsletters. Chairperson: Felicia Musillo
Reflections: (aka Arts in Education): A PTA sponsored program that promotes the arts. Students are encouraged to draw; write stories, poetry, or songs; take photographs; etc. that reflect a specific theme, which is changed each year. This is a competition with winners at the school, school district, state and national level. This program is held in the fall. Chairperson: Julie Halpner
Room Coordinators: Volunteers organize parties for the harvest, winter and end of the year seasons. Room parents meet, plan and implement parties with the help of other parent volunteers. Each child contributes a set amount of party money which is collected by the grade level treasurer in the classroom during the fall to fund these parties. Room coordinators also solicit volunteers to aid the teacher with additional activities such as Computer Lab, Writing workshop, Field Trips, etc. Chairperson: PTA Vice President (Kim Megonnell)
Spelling Bee: The spelling bee is held at Baker on a smaller scale of competition. Competition is between any interested Baker students. Chairperson: Ginny Wright
Spirit Nights: Held twice a year at a local Chick-Fil-A, a designated time is put aside for Baker Elementary to receive a percentage of all food and beverage sales at the restaurant. No volunteers needed, just hungry patrons. Chairperson: Jenn Glassbrenner
Spring Exhibit: Annual open house for the whole family to showcase students’ accomplishments during the year.
3rd Grade Tile Wall: Each third grade student will have the opportunity to create their own original art piece on a piece of tile that will be placed in the hallway of Baker for future years. Chairperson: Shelley Cicchini
Teacher Appreciation: Our staff recognition events include a fall breakfast and a spring luncheon for teachers and other staff members. We also work with the students to do fun things for teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week in May. Chairperson: OPEN
Variety Show: This major event is held every year and includes a variety of music, dance, magic, gymnastics, and other performances for our students and by our teachers. This requires a lot of volunteer help! The kids love the talent show! Chairperson: Marlo Oswald
Welcome Committee: provides snacks in an informal setting in the LGI room for new families to the school at the beginning of the school year. The principal, support staff and PTA president attend. Chairperson: Felicia Musillo