Club development plan 2014


The club was jointly founded by Terry Dennis and Laurie Smith in October 1989. Concerned about the lack of Lifesaving activity within the Droitwich area, Terry decided to start the club with little to no resources. He was approached by Laurie Smith, an experienced Lifesaving teacher and examiner, who offered his services.

The idea of a club in the area was sold to Droitwich Leisure centre management on the grounds that it would be an ongoing source for casual leisure workers. The club started with one hour of pool time very late on a Thursday night and only had the use of an old anatomic resuscitation manakin which was way past its sell by date.

There were very few members in the early days - approximately 10 - but enthusiasm was high and by the end of its first year of existence the first piece of club equipment (a baby resuscitation manakin) was purchased. Numerous fund raising initiatives enabled the club to purchase further valuable pieces of training equipment.

25 years later, Terry Dennis is still with the club and is its only life member. Droitwich Lifesavers Society has had through its 'hands' no fewer than 332 senior members. Since starting the junior section ('Rookies'), there have been a further 107. There are currently 70 active members.

A picture of the club’s desired future or where the Club wants to be.

We wish to provide high quality training in Lifesaving to people of all ages to our maximum capacity. This will help individuals reach their potential and make a difference if an incident were to occur. We also wish to support and help develop those that wish to teach in Lifesaving by providing courses and the mentoring within the club to facilitate this.

We would also like to provide social events whereby the members of the club can interact with each other outside of the club.

We would like to hold a 30th Birthday party in 2019, with full member support, a strong committed teaching side and plenty of cake.

o Large junior membership.
o High quality facility available for club use.
o Support and guidance from RLSS
o A good local reputation
o Support of Droitwich Leisure Centre o Multi- skilled and aged committee. / o Communication to members and parents/guardians.
o Dropping off of senior membership throughout the year
o Poor social calendar
o Disorganisation between the management committee and teachers
o Make better use of website
o Promotional events in the local community
o Local Schools, Scouts and Guiding
o Funding opportunities
o Future Beach training / o Poor attendance at club events due to lack of awareness and organisation.
o Junior members leaving club to access higher education.
o Reduced adult membership



To manage the club in an effective and efficient manner

• To improve communication with members and parents. / • SMART tasks.
• Improve social events / •

Action Plan

(what needs done) / How
(how you intend to achieve objective) / Who
(responsibility) / When
(timescale) / Finance
(cost - if any) / Completion
(month & year completed)
communication / Form a club e-mailing list data-base / Secretary / By November 2014 / None / November 2014
communication / Update Website regularly / Marketing promotions AD / Continued / £12 per month / Completed, ongoing
communication / Deliver business cards to members and parents regarding the way in which we communicate: E.G Web, twitter and Facebook / HG secretary to have printed,
All teachers to hand out to members
KH to hand out to parents at membership sign up / October 2014 / £50 printing / October 2014
Social events / Consult with the club with what social events they want. / RW chairperson / AGM April 2014 / none / AGM 2014- inconclusive
Social events / Plan the year calendar of events / Management
Committee / June 2014 / none / June 2014



■ To provide high quality teachings for all members.

■To have an Lifesaving Instructor for each group
■Outside Speakers coming to visit / ■Additional support staff
■Maintain teacher qualifications

Action Plan

(what needs done) / How
(how you intend to achieve objective) / Who
(responsibility) / When
(timescale) / Finance
(cost - if any) / Completion
(month & year completed)
To have an Lifesaving Instructor for each group / Sign of probationary Lifesaving Instructors / RW/LM / September
2014 / £0 / September 2014
To have an Lifesaving Instructor for each group / Identify those with LI potential
Identify courses that are suitable / RW/LM / December 2014 / £0 / December 2014
Additional support staff / Identify Open water endorsements for current
LI / LM / June2014 / £0 / Not completed
Maintain teacher qualifications / Monitor for those awards close to relapsing. Arranging time for this to be completed. / CR/LM / June 2014 / £0 / June 2014
Outside Speakers coming to visit / Invite a member of Stroke club to present. / RW / November 2014 / £10 / November 2014



To provide members with high quality and appropriate facilities

■Secure booking for Open Water training.
■Successful Beach Training

Action Plan

(what needs done) / How
(how you intend to achieve objective) / Who
(responsibility) / When
(timescale) / Finance
(cost - if any) / Completion
(month & year completed)
Secure booking for Open Water training. / Email booking to Upton Warren Outdoor centre, with dates and times / LM / April 2014 / £25 per session / April 2014
Successful Beach Training / Book and arrange transport, accommodation / RW / April 2014 / £1000 / April 2014
Successful Beach Training / Risk assessments and appropriate documentation / RW/ HG with support from RLSS / June 2014 / £0 / June 2014
Successful Beach Training / Parents evening to involve and update them / RW to arrange / July 2014 / £0 / July 2014
Successful Beach Training / Ensure volunteers have appropriate DBS checks / SE / April 2014 / £0 / April 2014