Tuesday December12, 2017
The Parkland Football Booster Club meeting started at ___7:05 pm______
There were ___3 board members present and ___14_ members
The minutes are on the Gridiron and the web site. First motion for approval by Patick and second motion by Mary.
1.Treasurer’s Report:
Beginning balance:$12,086.34
Ending balance:$9,841.45
- Deposit of $3,002.00 from snack stand change and $917.00 from coordinated health reimbursement for lunch.
- Coaches gifts to be paid this Friday Dec 15, 2017.
- Bills left to pay videos of game and program books. Have reached out to program book people and no invoice yet.
- Suggestion for next year after games do a night deposit at bank.
2. President’ Report:banquet to be discussed at end of meeting
3. Coach’s Report
- gifts for coaches will be distributed by coach on Friday Dec 15, 2017
- Coach happy with season and proud of boys, maybe 8-10 players to continue playing football in college.
- all area and all state player recognition will be coming out soon
- Players were given lifting schedule through January
4. VP Report no report
5. Secretary Report no report
- Six time district champs logo from SVS has been delayed. Will talk to Ryan and try to speed up online store.
- Online store will raise some funds
- Super bowl Charity mania fundraiser tickets are $5.00 each, profit $3.50 per ticket voted and PFBC approved purchase of 400 tickets. Each player and senior trainer will sell 5 tickets.
- Nominations for new officers are being taken for the 2018/2019 season. All positions are open please submit name to Candy Lewis. You may nominate yourself also.
- Pierogi sale from Clover Farm an option for fundraising can do during lent season, Heather will get additional details.
- Phantoms management asked if we would like to honor players as district champs at a game cost is $17 per ticket. Howie Lessel will take the lead on this event.
- PFBC representative may speak directly to players in locker room for fundraising this may increase communication and encourage responsibility for players with fundraising.
- New fundraiser idea a pizza fundraiser with Biaggio’s
- Would like to offer a scholarship in memory of Roger Haas.
- Don Herb would like to offer a team picture for the platinum and gold sponsorships for the program books
- JV/V banquet ticket prices. Lots of discussion about how to cut costs of banquet and keeping the tickets free for players. Also do we have to pay for tickets for administration? PFBC and banquet committee will work with Betty to cut catering costs. Betty was asked to give prices for 3 different menus. Also looking for alternate gift for sophomore class which is more cost affordable.
- Spirit wear sale not an option at basketball game on December 15 voted down by Mr Geisel.
- Scholarship chair to send out criteria for essay to the seniors
The meeting ended at 8:27 pm.
The next meeting will take place on Tuesday July 9 in room D133 at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Heather Fitzgerald PFBC Secretary