Meeting of 18th October 2011 8.00pmin The Birbury

DRAFT Minutes

Present: Cllrs. D. Turner (Chair), G. Davy, I Tipton, C Morton,C Cartwright Carol Pratt (Clerk) 3 Residents and 1 member of the public. Dallal Stevens (for website) Graham Stanley WCC


County Councillor Hazelton

2.Declarations of Interest

Cllr Davy items 6.1 and 6.7 Personal

Cllr Cartwright declared a personal interest during questions from residents.

The Clerk declared a personal interest in correspondence relating to Warwickshire Library Service.

3.Questions from Residents

A resident and a member of the public raised the issue of the 106 agreement on Masters Court

and the difficulties in selling these houses because of this. Concerns were raised about the

valuation of the houses, and the problem of finding first time buyers living in the village. After

discussion the council agreed that it did not wish to see the Section 106 agreement removed. The Clerk was asked to find the original letters and documentation relating to the

Section 106 agreement if possible. And write to Rugby Borough Council informing them of the concernsraised and drawing attention to the fact that the Parish Council felt that previously the agreement had not been upheld by the council and this was now leading to problems.

Action: Clerk

The Chair asked that the following items be now taken, in order that speakers could leave as soon as possible. Item 5 Speed Aware Report, Item 6.4 Website Issues.

5. Speed Aware Report. Graham Stanley (WCC) reported on the recent speed aware campaign. Birdingbury had an exceptional safety record and the report showed that there was a fairly low level of speeding vehicles. Therefore, it was agreed that it would not be best use of the grant money to spend it on Vaz signs particularly as these now attracted maintenance charges which would be a high cost for the Parish Council. Instead the following measures were agreed.

Dragons teeth marking, renew 30mph Roundel and Slow at Munroe entrance, Marton Road

Between Gateway on Marton Road and Leamington Hastings Road junction Birdingbury Road add additional 30 mph repeaters and renew 30 mph Roundels.

Proposed Cllr Tipton, Seconded Cllr Turner.

It was also agreed to look at ways of improving road safety in other ways, including footpaths, grit bins community speed aware initative. Graham Stanley to provide estimates and details.

Action:Clerk Graham Stanley WCC

6.4Web Site Issue. Dallal Stevens demonstrated the new website and updated the Council on progress. Councillors were asked to look at the website It was agreed that the Parish Council would take responsibility for the website and that it would be purely for information and not a forum for discussions. Some discussion took place on whether the Council could charge for people to have non endorsed links to the site. Thanks were expressed to Dallal Stevens and Graham Faulkner for their hard work.

6.4.1 It was agreed to advertise the surplus Apple Mac Pro Book Computer in the village at a price of £650. Advice had been taken as to the price asked. If the computer did not sell by the November meeting it would be advertised to other parish councils by WALC. Action:Clerk

  1. Approval of the minutes of the 20th September 2011.

These were agreed with no amendment.

  1. Matters arising from the Minutes of 20th September 2011 (an not elsewhere in this Agenda)

There were none.

6.1The Hovel Correspondence had been received from Mr Munroe as requested in order to aid the discussion on the fencing at the Hovel. It was agreed that further information was needed the Clerk was asked to write to the land agents Geoffrey Payton for clarification on the boundaries and land on the immediate vicinity of the Hovel and what the Councils access rights are. Action: Clerk

6.2Housing needs Survey. This had now been lodged with Rugby Borough Council and they would contact the Council if they needed more information. Noted.

6.3Replacement of Main Street Trees. A verbal quote had been received from Mr Byrne Tree Surgeon following a site visit at which the Chair was present. It was agreed to accept the quotation and the recommendation of the variety of trees to be planted. These would be a Crab Apple, Prunus Serula Golden Ash. Mr Byrne to be asked to source trees. Action: Clerk

6.5 Heartstart. Following the village meeting volunteers had come forward The volunteers were now waiting for clarification about training.

6.6Emergency Planning Cllr Tipton had no further information to report. It was decided not to sign

For severe weather warnings.

6.7 Gates at Yellow Brick Road. Following representations from Councillors the Clerk had contacted

Rugby Borough Council Planning enforcement regarding the gates. Rugby Borough Council had confirmed that the gates were allowed under permitted development rights. During this discussion a resident expressed concerns about the gates and the style. The Parish Council expressed its disappointment in the style of gates.

6.8 Minutes report from Clerk following training. Following the Clerk’s training a paper detailing proposed changes to the agenda and minutes had been circulated. The Council agreed the following

  • That agenda in future be sent by post and be worded as advised by WALC to be received by Councillors on the Wednesday prior to the meeting on the Tuesday. Agenda items to be sent to Clerk if at all possible by Monday of that week.
  • Standing items should also be on the agenda at present these would be Parish Plan, Budget Mointoring, Road to Infinity.
  • That residents questions be answered only by the Chair any item which needed discussion should be put on the Agenda for the next meeting.
  • That apologies for absence should be submitted with a reason i.e. Personal, Holiday or Work Commitments.
  • That draft minutes be put on notice board.

The Clerk was thanked for the work on this. Action: Clerk

6.9 Flytipping. Rubbish still remains under the viaduct Clerk to ask RBC to remove this. Action:Clerk

7.0Reports of Councillors (other than Planning and Highways issues)

7.1 Parish The Chair expressed congratulations to people who took part in the working party at the Recreation Field, lots of work was carried out including goal post strengthening.

7.2 Village Meeting Cllr Morton reported on the Road to Infinity project BT was making progress and it was hoped that by March high speed broadband would be available in the village.

Discussion took place on the Queens Diamond Jubilee it was agreed to put this on the agenda for November with a view to giving children a commemorative gift. Cllr Morton agreed to look at what was available. Action: Cllr Morton

Cllrs Davy and Turner stated that they would be bringing a draft children’s survey to the November meeting . Action Cllr Davy & Turner

7.3 District and Council Cllr Hazleton was not present having sent apologies.

8.0Correspondence Requiring Action (and not elsewhere in this Agenda).

There was none

9.0 Circulars for Distribution.

Cllr Davy and Cllr Turner asked to attend planning training in February this training is free of charge

Action: Clerk

10.New Arrivals to the Parish

1 new arrival had been reported in the village Cllr Davy to visit 7 Back Lane Birdingbury with a ‘Welcome Leaflet’ and a copy of the Parish Plan.

11.Financial Issues.

There were none.

11.2Approval of cheques for issue

Following cheques issued

Chq 461 Carol Pratt Clerk fee September 2011 £121.42

Chq 462 HMRC Clerk tax £ 30.20

Chq 463 Carol Pratt ½ yearly office costs and travel expenses Sept 2011 £ 91.88

Chq 464 MFM Grass cutting £ 256.00

Chq 465 Cllr D Turner reimbursement flowers for acting clerk, photocopying £ 36.49

12.Planning Issues.

R10/1295 West View RoadStockton Road. Permission had been granted for this development.

R11/1768Signage Erection of two non illuminated directional traffic signs including one V board.

Cllrs Tipton and Cartwright had visited the site. It was agreed to send the following objections to

Rugby Borough Council.

The Council questions the need for further signage which was felt would lead to a cluttered appearance at any entrance to the village.

The Council strongly objects to the moving of the BirdingburyVillage sign which acts as a gateway to the village Action: Clerk

Concern was expressed that the road at this property had not been completed in accordance with previously granted planning permission. Clerk to contact Rugby Borough Council to ask them to check. Action: Clerk

Listed Building Consent.Clock House Frankton Road Birdingbury no comments made.

13. Highway Issues The poor state of the road between Birdingbury and The Boat Inn was noted

Clerk to write to highways authority drawing their attention to the problems. Action: Clerk

14. Confirmation of Date of next meeting: Tuesday 15th November 2011 8pm.

15. Any other urgent business.

Cllr Cartwright tendered her resignation for personal reasons. Thanks were expressed to her and Clerk asked to write formally. Action: Clerk

The Clerk detailed the procedure to be followed to fill the vacancy and the Returning Officer would be informed that a casual vacancy had been declared from 19th October 2011. Action: Clerk

Meeting closed 10.45 pm

Carol Pratt

Clerk to Birdingbury Parish Council


Tel 01926 812533