Bagworth and Thornton Parish Council

Bagworth and Thornton Parish Council

Minutes of the

Extra Ordinary Parish Council Meeting

Held at Bagworth Community Centre on

Monday 18th April 2016 at 6.00 pm

Present: Chair Cllr R. Auckland, Vice Chair Cllr S. Smith , Cllr P. Brighouse, Cllr J. Brown,

Cllr M. Holt

Clerk to the Council: A. Murray

County Councillor: Cllr D. Sprason

Borough Councillor: Cllr O. O’Shea & Cllr C. Boothby

12 x member of the public

999.  Apologies for absence – Cllr D. Parry – Work Commitment

Cllr J. Bhundia – Absent and no apology received.

1000.  Candidature to meet seat requirement for Thornton Ward – Co-option. There being one candidate who expressed an interest in being co-opted for the Thornton Ward, Gemma Whittingham. The candidate was given the opportunity to address the Council and Members put questions to the candidate. Resolution passed. Proposed by Cllr Brown and Seconded by Cllr Smith and passed by unanimous vote that Gemma Whittingham be co-opted onto Bagworth & Thornton Parish Council, Thornton Ward. Cllr G. Whittingham joined the meeting.

1001.  Planning application 16/00311/OUT – Residential Development of up to 48 dwellings (outline – access only) resubmission – Land at Beech Drive, Thornton. Resolution passed to object. Proposed by Cllr Smith and seconded by Cllr Brighouse and passed by unanimous vote. Clerk to Action.

1002.  Resolution on the level of contribution towards legal costs for Thornton Residents regarding the planning appeal against application 14/01274/OUT – Residential development on Land off Beech Drive, Thornton. Resolution passed to a contribution of £4,500.00 under the Localism Act 2011, with contribution from Thornton Residents being taken in to account. Additional funds to be approved by Council on a case by case basis. Parish Council are to appoint counsel. Proposed by Cllr Brighouse and seconded by Cllr Smith and passed by unanimous vote. Clerk to Action.

1003.  Meeting closed at 7.00 pm.

Signed ...... Date ......

Chair / Vice Chair

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