Health Committee – call for evidence

London Assembly Health Committee review into eye health and preventing sight loss in London

The London Assembly Health Committee is conducting an investigation into eye health and preventing sight loss in London.

Why are we looking at this issue?

The RNIB estimates that there are more than 5.7 million people living with sight-threatening conditions in the UK. Many of these people require ongoing, recurring support to manage their conditions to prevent sight loss.

In London, around 193,000 are estimated to currently be living with sight loss, including over 25,000 people with severe sight loss (blindness). This figure is projected to rise to almost 268,000 by 2030, including 35,000 people with severe sight loss. Sight loss affects people of all ages, but prevalence rises with age. Around 50 per cent of people in the UK who lose their sight do so due to avoidable eye conditions.

Regular sight testing and early detection of eye conditions can prevent sight loss. There are significant health inequalities in relation to access to eye screening, eye health advice and treatment services in London. Take up of regular eye screening in London is low, particularly for some at-risk groups.

The Mayor has a statutory duty to produce a strategy to promote the reduction of health inequalities among Londoners. Access to appropriate prevention, diagnostic and treatment support for eye health in London is currently variable both geographically and across socio-economic boundaries and demographic boundaries. This investigation provides an opportunity to examine how to reduce these inequalities. Eye health and sight loss are also affected by a number of lifestyle factors. The Mayor’s election manifesto included specific pledges to support Londoners to adopt healthier lifestyles.

How you can help us

We are inviting organisations and individuals to submit views and information to the committee, giving you the opportunity to influence our work. In turn, we will draw conclusions and make recommendations to the Mayor with a view to influencing his policy development in this area.

We would welcome your views on the following key questions to help inform our work. And do feel free to add any further information that you think the committee should consider in relation to this topic. We also encourage you to pass this request on to anyone who might be interested in sharing their experiences.

1.  Why should eye health be a priority for London?

2.  What are the key factors that affect eye health? Which groups are particularly affected?

3.  How aware are people of the importance of maintaining eye health? What are the main barriers to raising awareness?

4.  How can eye health be integrated with other public health and social care activity at local or London-wide levels?

5.  What impact do poor eye health and sight loss have on wider health and wellbeing?

6.  What are the main challenges around improving screening and eye test uptake, in both adults and children?

7.  What impact is the rising prevalence of eye health problems having on the health care system in London?

8.  What impact does treatment delay have on patient outcomes and the wider health and care system?

9.  What additional challenges are there in supporting people who are homeless, in prison or have learning disabilities to maintain good eye health?

10.  How could the Mayor and the GLA further support better prevention, detection and treatment of eye health issues in London?

We will publish written submissions online unless they are marked as confidential or there is a legal reason for non-publication. We may be required to release a copy of your submission under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, even if it has been marked as confidential. In any event we will ensure that information or data that could identify particular individuals and service users will be removed before publication.

We would be grateful if you could reply by email to Lucy Brant, the officer supporting this investigation, either by email (preferable) to or by post to Greater London Authority, City Hall, The Queen’s Walk, London, SE1 2AA. We would be pleased to receive your submission by 31st July 2017.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Onkar Sahota AM Chair of the Health Committee