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The ARD Committee recommends a Counseling Evaluation for special education students that could benefit from services. Prior to recommending an evaluation for counseling through Special Services, the ARDC must ensure all of the following have been met.
- Criteria:
Prior to recommending an evaluation for counseling services, the ARDC should determine that all of the following requirements have been met.
- A Functional Behavioral Assessment and a Behavior Intervention
Plan have been in place for at least 6 weeks. Documentation as to the effectiveness of the plan will be required.
- A record exists of conferences or contacts with parents or legal guardians.
- Documentation of general education counseling efforts must be presented and discussed before special education counseling will be considered. Keep in mind that special education counseling is IN ADDITION TO, NOT IN PLACE OF, counseling from the general education counselor on the student’s campus. Our students should be seen by the general education counselors as any other student. This is a Least Restrictive Environment issue.
- Student has a current psychological evaluation recommending a structured management support system. If a psychological is not deemed appropriate, a BIP must be implemented before counseling may be considered. (Refer to A)
- It has been determined that the student cannot be educationally successful without Special Services counseling.
- Special education counseling follows an educational model stating that this related service is appropriate and most beneficial when there is an educational need in the school setting.
Considerations before request:
1)Students with behavioral problems resulting from Conduct Disorders or Social Maladjustment and not due to emotional factors are usually not good candidates for counseling.
2)Students with limited language and self-awareness (intellectual disabilities, ASD, Selective Mutism, etc.) have difficulty benefitting from counseling.
3)Some students with emotional disturbance are excellent candidates for general education counseling.
4)Unwilling participants, generally, do not benefit or improve with counseling.
5)In general, students in grades 3 – 12 are good candidates for counseling recommendation after having benefitted from a structured environment for one semester. Younger students need to have the opportunity to benefit from a structured environment (point sheets, social skills, etc) before a counseling request is considered.
- Procedure
- Diagnostician will send the completed Counseling Evaluation Request and signed Parent Consent to Yvonne Santa Ana at Special Services.
- Diagnostician/Folder Teacher will be notified by counselor when the evaluation is completed in order to set a date for a Special ARD to present the results of the counseling evaluation.
- Counselor will present the results at the scheduled meeting and if necessary the recommended counseling goal, objective, and schedule of services.
Note: Please respect the counselor’s professional judgment regarding the eligibility, schedule of services, and recommendations.
Updated 6/1/2010