
Second Quarter Independent Reading (IR) – Conflict and Resolution Writing Component

Due Date – Friday, January 13, 2017

The writing component of this IR project will be two paragraphs long. Below is the information that must be in each paragraph.

  1. The first paragraph must be a summary of the story.
  2. This paragraph must include

the title and author of the novel

the genre of the book

the setting of the story

a short summary of the story

  1. The second paragraph must supports the prompt:how the author uses the characters, setting and plot/events in the novel to lead to the resolution of the conflict.
  2. Your paragraph must include

the conflict and resolution of the story

two specific pieces of text evidence

  1. Use the graphic organizer to write down notes.

Creative Component Choices – Choose one.

  1. Book in a Bag – include five specific items that relate to the conflict and resolution of the story. For each item write a few sentences explaining how it relates to either the conflict or resolution of the story.
  1. Create a comic stripfor five major events in the story. The first event should be the conflict, the second event should be rising action, the third event should be the climax, the fourth event should be falling action, and the last event should be the resolution. Be sure that the illustrations and dialogue clearly explain each event.
  1. Imagine you were to go through the trash of one of the characters. Provide a picture or object of each item in the trash and explain how it relates to the conflict and/or resolution of the story.

Plot/Story Mountain: Use to help with writing the summary.

Summary Verb Graphic Organizer: Use to help with the topic sentence of the summary paragraph.

Identify the Item / Select a Summary Verb / Finish your Thought

First Paragraph Graphic Organizer – Due Thursday, January 7, 2017.

The first paragraph must be a summary of the story.

Book Title and Author (Identify the Item, Summary Verb, Finish your Thought)

Second Paragraph Graphic Organizer – Due Thursday, January 7, 2016.

The second paragraph must supports the prompt: how the author uses the characters, setting and plot/events in the novel to lead to the resolution of the conflict.

Topic Sentence (restate the topic)
Thesis Statement (answer the prompt)
Concrete Detail (provide evidence) / Concrete Detail (provide evidence)
Commentary / Commentary
Concluding Sentence (sum it up)


Second Quarter Independent Reading (IR) – Conflict and Resolution

Due Date – Friday, January 13, 2017

Everything needed to complete this IR project is attached.

Second Quarter IR Project will include the following components:

  1. Selecting a fiction book. Final choice due Friday, December 9, 2016.
  2. The book cannot also be a movie.
  3. The book cannot be a graphic novel.
  4. It must be the first time you are reading the book.
  5. It cannot be an author you read in sixth grade.
  6. Graphic Organizer dueThursday, January 5, 2017.
  7. There will class time to ask questions and begin writing the paragraphs for this piece on both Thursday, January 5 and Friday, January 6.
  8. Creative and Writing Components due Friday, January 13, 2017.
  9. These components are to be completed at home.


Please read through this packet of information with your child, then complete this form and return by Friday, December 9, 2016.

Final book choice title and author ______

Student’s Name______

Parent’s Signature______


You will be completing a reading journal entry on your IR project book.

Use the form below for your entry.

Your entry will be graded using the English Language Arts Extended-Response Reading Rubric.

Your entry must include at least twopieces of text evidence and examples that support your answer.

Book Title and Author______

Question: Choose one character that made an important decision and describe that incident. Would you have made the same decision? Why or why not?
