Instructions for using the 2010 New Member Spreadsheet Template

  1. Click on the 2010 New Member Spreadsheet Template link to download the document.
  1. Window will appear asking What do you want to do with this file?
  1. Select Open with [Microsoft Office Excel]. If you do not have Microsoft Excel, open the document with the spreadsheet application available on your computer.
  1. Click OK.
  1. Start entering your first new member on Row 6, in cell C6.
  1. Enter the individual OR organization name only in the Title, First, Middle, Last, Suffix and OrgName columns. Do not enter husband and wife names in the first name cell i.e. Martha and Bob. Enter only one name per paid membership.
  1. Enter Spouse/Partner full name in the Spouse Full Name column, if applicable.
  1. Enter mailing address information in the Add1, Add2, City, State and Zip fields
  1. If you do not have a valid address for this member, enter Yes in the NoValidAddress column.
  1. Enter Phone, Fax and Email in their respective columns.
  1. Enter the Full Affiliate Name (you may copy this value down the column to speed data entry)
  1. Enter the Full State Organization Name (you may copy this value down the column to speed data entry)
  1. Enter the correct Payment Type.
  1. Regular - $10 dues per member to National; full voting rights
  2. Open Door - $1 reduced dues per member to National; full voting rights
  1. Enter the date the member joined at the affiliate level.
  1. Enter the Expiration Date. Must be a quarterly date of 3/31, 6/30, 9/30 or 12/31 one (1) year from the Join Date.
  1. Enter the Dues Amount paid to NAMI for the member.
  1. Enter the Dues Amount paid to your State Organization for the member.
  1. Repeat steps 6 – 17 in the next line for each new member you are entering.
  1. When finished entering all new members into the spreadsheet, you may tally the dues amount columns to get the total amount of dues owed to NAMI and your State Organization.
  1. Save your spreadsheet as {AffiliateName}New Member1_{Date}. Change the number if you send multiple spreadsheets. For example, NAMI Virginia New Member1_3.9.10, NAMI Virginia New Member2_4.15.10, NAMI Virginia New Member3_5.1.10, and so on for each spreadsheet submitted.
  1. Email the spreadsheet to with the file name as the Email subject.
  1. Send payment for the National portion of dues by mailing a check to:

NAMI Member Services

3803 N Fairfax Dr, Suite 100

Arlington, VA 22203


call Elizabeth Monrad with credit card information at (703) 516-0684

  1. Send payment for the State portion of dues to your State Organization.

Please direct questions to:

Rashida Brown, Director, Information Services


Elizabeth Monrad, Information Coordinator
