Minutes for the meeting held:10/01/05

Present:Alana Lythgoe, Debbie Leadbetter, Diane Broughton, Elaine Craddock, Emeka Oguguo, Joanne Massey, John Barber, Judith Hadfield, Kate Rupa, Mick Sykes, Philippa Ashley, Quincy Chuka,

Apologies:Beverly Walters,Dave Horrocks,Keshi Minett, Laurie Waylen,Rupert Ellis, Tuheen Huda

  1. Minutes from the Last Meeting:

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed.

  1. Action Points From the Last MeetingALL

Quincy Chuka has spoken to Anita Finn about providing a more suitable prayer room for Muslim students. Anita confirmed that this is an issue that has been raised before and agreed that Muslim students can use the Chapel area on Fridays. It is felt, however, that the Chapel area is not suitably divided and that there are no suitable washing facilities for female Muslim students. Quincy Chuka will e-mail Anita and request these improvements.

Action: Quincy Chuka

Judy Hadfield informed the group that there will be a book sale between 12.00 and 2.00pm before the Year 5 Information Day.

The Reps will continue to collect suggestions for how to spend the money from Andrew Conway. Suggestions have, so far, included buying Journals and Books.

Debbie Leadbetter has contacted Cellular Pathology about supplying anatomy/post-mortem sign-ups. The response was very positive and the matter will be raised in the next Cellular Pathology Team Meeting. Debbie Leadbetter will keep the group informed of any developments.

Kate Rupa will e-mail the Year 4 Reps to ask for help in organising the Year 3 party. The first week in February has been suggested as a good time.

Action: Kate Rupa

Debbie Leadbetter confirmed that she is trying to set up some sign-ups with Nurse Specialists. It is hoped that this will lessen the problem of those in certain firms missing sign-ups. Debbie Leadbetter will continue to investigate the possibility of restricting the number of sign-ups per student.

Judy Hadfield has entered UME onto the mailing list for “Student Direct” magazine. Unfortunately we will only be sent one copy of each of the Salford and Manchester magazines but these have been put out in the Student Common Room.

  1. Support for St Andrews Students in Finding Accommodation

It is felt that St Andrews students often struggle to find appropriate accommodation and need more information and support. It was noted that the University have a list of properties and Landlords and there is also a web-site called “Manchester Student Homes”; msh.man.ac.uk.

It is felt that the organised visit to the bases does not leave enough time to look into accommodation. Judy Hadfield suggested that this is something that could be put into a guide, currently being designed by a Year 1 student. Judy Hadfield will mention this matter to him.

Action: Judy Hadfield

  1. Progress Test Date

The date is the 25th January. Details can be found at;

Kate Rupa will e-mail all students with this information.

Action: Kate Rupa

  1. AOB

Kate Rupa suggested, on behalf of Rupert Ellis, that an agenda item for the next SSLC meeting should be the Clarification of the Roles of the Reps. The Reps agreed to think about how they view their roles and what support they feel they need for the next meeting.

Action: Reps

Kate Rupa confirmed that the talk for Year 3 students with Prof Aziz and Dr Gwinnutt is to be held on Friday 14th January at 8:45am. It was stressed that students MUST attend this talk as important details of both the OSCE and the Pilot Mark-Scheme would be given.

Judy Hadfield reminded the group of the Board Meeting, held 11/01/05.

Judy Hadfield also noted that she would be attending a meeting with the Deanery about the Foundation Year and put post any relevant information on the web.

Action: Judy Hadfield

Kate Rupa will liaise with Keshi Minett regarding Year 5 Reps and the timetables of all Reps.

Action: Kate Rupa

Mick Sykes noted that the revision sign-ups available had had a good response and confirmed that revision would be centred around general topics within the modules.

Next Meeting: 2nd week in February. Kate Rupa will provide a choice of dates and confirm one a week before the meeting.

Action: Kate Rupa