Mr. Richard Rice
September19, 2006
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September19, 2006
Mr. Richard A. Rice
Capital Projects Director
City of PalmCoast
2 Commerce Park Drive
Palm Coast, Florida32137
Re:City of Palm Coast, FL Continuing Engineering Services Contract
Civil Engineering Design Services for the Ralph Carter Park
Scope & Fee Proposal
Ayres Associates Inc.
Dear Mr. Rice:
Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal for professional architectural and engineering services for the above referenced project. Our submittal is in response to your verbal request, during our site visit at City Hall in Palm Coast, FL on July 21, 2006. This presents ourscope of services, schedule and fee estimate.
The intent of the project is to furnish architectural and engineeringdesign services for the development of the 13.1 acre Ralph Carter Park. The project will include multi-sport fields, mini skate park, basketball court, walking trails, parking lots, playground, gazebo, and picnic pavilion with restroom facilities. The civil engineering design shall incorporate the impervious area for restroom pavilion facilities and gazebo into the stormwater treatment facility.
The architectural construction documents for the construction of this project will include architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing. The civil construction documents for the construction of this project will include demolition, site geometry, required paving, water and sewer utilities, grading and drainage, erosion control, planting plan, irrigation,and related details. Submittals to the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD), Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and the City of Palm Coast will be prepared as required. An approved Conceptual Master Plan was completed and provided by Ayres Associates, and the following tasks are required in this effort:
- Conduct two (2) meetings with the appropriate City building department staff.
- Complete a code research to obtain preliminary planning and zoning requirements.
- Prepare a set of architectural construction documents for the gazebo, playground, and picnic pavilion with restroom facilities. This work includes architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical (including energy calculations), plumbing, assistance in obtaining Building Department (BD) approval, and assistance in obtaining Development Review Committee (DRC) approval.
- Conduct two (2) site visits for observation and to gather and review collected data.
- Demolition of incidental features and trees for construction to proceed. Demolition design includes a protection plan for trees.
- Geometric design of driveways, parking lots, walkway trails, playground area, basketball court, multi-purpose fields, mini-skate park, landscaping (planting plan), and storm water treatment facility.
- Drainage design of stormwater collection system and storm water treatment facility.
- Site grading of driveways, parking lots, walkway trails, playground area,basketball court, multi-purpose fields, mini-skate park, and storm water treatment facility.
- Site lighting for safety and security purposes (includes two blue light emergency phones and lightning detection system). General site lighting for the basketball court and multi-sport fields.
- On-site utility (water and sewer only) distribution and collection systems. A small, package sewer lift station (if necessary) and irrigation system using on-site surficial wells (reuse water will be used for irrigation, if available).
- Development of civil construction plans and technical specifications which will include legend & general notes, demolition, site geometry, utility (water and sewer only),lift station (if necessary), grading and drainage, landscaping (planting plan), irrigation plan, site lighting, and related details.
- Preparation of submittal packages for the City at 30%, 60% and Final including two (2) formal plan review meetings. An order of magnitude cost estimate will be provided with the 60% submittal. Construction quantity takeoffs and a construction cost estimate will be provided the Final plans.
- Obtain approval from the City of Palm Coast Development Review Process (DRC). This includes two (2) DRC submittals. Preparation of a submittal package for SJRWMD review for the design of storm water management facilities. This includes response to two (2) requests for additional information (RAIs). It is assumed that an Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) permit will not be required for this project.
- Preparation and submittal packages to FDEP for lift stationfacilities, if necessary. This includes response to one (1) RAI.
Agency Coordination: Coordination with the City, FDEP, and SJRWMD will be provided as necessary.
Permitting: Permit applications, technical data, and supporting documentation will be submitted to the City, FDEP, and SJRWMD as required.
Bidding Services: Attendanceat one (1) pre-bid conference, response to three Requests for Additional Information (RFIs), completion of three (3) Addenda, and attendanceat one (1) bid opening will be provided.
Public Involvement: One (1) presentation to the City Council will be provided.
Survey: No additional effort is included in this proposal.
Soils and Subsurface Investigations: No additional effort is included in this proposal.
Right-of-Way Mapping and Acquisition: No additional effort is included in this proposal.
Utilities Relocation and Coordination: No additional effort is included in this proposal.
Traffic Design Report: No additional effort is included in this proposal.
Phase I Environmental Assessment: No additional effort is included in this proposal.
Environmental Studies and Reports: No additional effort is included in this proposal.
Archaeological and Cultural Surveys: No additional effort is included in this proposal.
Wetlands Mitigation/Design: No additional effort is included in this proposal.
Construction Administration Services: No additional effort is included in this proposal.
City will provide to Ayres Associates any Study information needed for the development of the project.
City will provide to Ayres Associates any standard Contract Documents needed for the development of the project.
City will provide to Ayres Associates any locations of existing Underground and Overhead (UAO) City-owned utilities needed for the development of the project.
City will pay any permit application fees associated with the proposed project.
Notice to ProceedOctober 2, 2006
30% Plans submitted to CityNovember 6, 2006
60% Plans submitted to City/PermitDecember 15, 2006
Final Plans submitted to City/PermitJanuary 26, 2006
Should additional services be requested or required beyond that indicated herein, mutually agreed scope, terms, and conditions will be established prior to any work being initiated.
The lump sum fee for the above-described scope of work is $94,800.00. The total proposed lump sum fee basis summary is presented below.
30% Design Plans: $32,300.00
60% Design Plans: $16,400.00
Final Plans/Bidding: $11,800.00
Permitting: $14,600.00
Subconsultants/Meetings: $19,700.00
TOTAL LUMP SUM FEE: $ 94,800.00
Ayres Associates looks forward to working with the City on this project and we await your approval of this Scope and Fee Proposal. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at your convenience.
Ayres Associates Inc.
Paul E. Ina, P.E.
Senior Project Manager
cc: David Kemp, PE