MARCH 18, 2009
Public Works
Summary Minutes
Work Session was held between the County Commissioners and Public Works on Wednesday, March 18, 2009, at 9:00 a.m., in the Island County Annex Building, Commissioners’ Hearing Room, B-102, Coupeville, WA. Present were:
County Commissioners: John Dean, Chair (Excused) Staff: Pam Dill
Helen Price Johnson, Member
Angie Homola, Member
Staff Present: Bill Oakes, Director, Dave Bonvouloir, Mike Morton, Pete Seybert, Randy Brackett, Bryant Mercil, Dave Jamieson
Others Present: Elaine Marlow
Executive Sessions
Chairman Dean announced the Board would meet in Executive Session as allowed under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) to discuss potential/pending litigation with Chief Civil Deputy Prosecutor Dave Jamieson. He did not expect an announcement afterwards in open public session and anticipated the session to last approximately 40 minutes.
Chairman Dean announced the Board would meet in Executive Session as allowed under RCW 42.30.110(1)(b) to discuss acquisition of real estate. He did not expect an announcement afterwards in open public session and anticipated the session to last approximately 10 minutes.
Solid Waste
Subject: Paradigm Scaling/Accounting System; “Piggyback” Contract with City of Seattle
Attachment: no
Proposed Action: Contract with Paradigm Software, LLC for Paradigm Software CompuWeigh
Scale house Operations System;, Amount: $53,895.50 (SW-0409) [RM-SW-09-0048] ; Standard
Support Services Agreement with Paradigm Software LLC for Services Support for Software;
Amount: $6,224.25/year (SW-0509) [RM-SW-09-0074]; Escrow Agreement with Paradigm
Software, LLC for Software Contract (SW-0609) [RM-SW-09-0075] Dave Jamieson has signed off
on the contract. The support and escrow agreements take place under the laws of the State of
Maryland. Dave Jamieson is not licensed to practice law in the State of Maryland and cannot approve
the agreements to form.
Follow Up: Okay with Board.
Public Works
Subject: H.W. Lochner Contract Extension
Attachment: Supplemental Agreement No. 2; PW-0720100, WO No# 119
Proposed Action: Supplemental Agreement No. 2 H.W. Lochner, Inc.; Transportation Plan Update;
Completion Date revised to December 31, 2009 (PW-0720-100C) [RM-PW-09-0104].
Follow Up: Okay with Board.
Subject: LID
Proposed Action: postponed
Follow Up:
Subject: Swan Lake Drainage Basin Description & History
Proposed Action: postponed
Follow up:
Subject: Parks
Proposed Action: Postponed
Follow up:
Surface Water
Subject: WO No. 442- Dan Dapper Abutter’s Agreement
Attachment: Abutter’s Agreement & Drainage Plan
Proposed Action: Abutter’s Agreement between Island County and Daniel and Susan Dapper to cooperate to resolve a neighborhood flooding problem occurring on the Dapper property and neighboring parcels and within the County right-of-way. The Dapper’s and the community residents desire County assistance and support for relief from the flooding problem. The County will provide flooding relief in phases. The first phase will be to replace that portion of the existing surface water outfall that lies within the Dapper’s property and the County’s right-of-way. The County will provide the materials (approx $30,000). The Dapper’s will obtain the survey and design services necessary; obtain any necessary permits required and contract for the construction of the project. The County will pay for a follow on neighborhood improvement project (gravity outfall or a pressurized discharge). After completion of the new outfall the Dapper’s will provide the County with an easement for the operation and maintenance of the outfall.
Commissioner Homola asked about the need to install tide gates.
Bill indicated that there was an existing tide gate structure. All construction on this project is landward of the ordinary high water mark. There is an existing outfall that goes from the last catch basin seaward.
Commissioner Price Johnson asked if the materials list the County will provide incorporates the emergency outfall piping. There was some discussion about putting in some emergency overflow piping while the trench was open so people didn’t have to trespass across the Dapper’s property they could just hook a hose up at the other end and pump the water out.
Bill indicated the agreement could be modified to add language indicating the materials list can be adjusted as mutually agreed by both parties.
Follow up: Okay with Board.
Subject: CRAB Reports – Annual Certification: Fish Passage Barrier Removal; Certification of Road Fund Expenditures by Law Enforcement
Attachment: CRAB reports
Proposed Action: Bill reviewed the 2008 annual County Road Administration Board Annual reports
(CRAB) for Fish Passage Barrier Removal outside County Right-of-Way and Certification of Road
Fund Expenditure by Law Enforcement with the Board.
Follow up: Okay with Board.
Subject: Access Easement Agreement between Whidbey Island Public Hospital District & Island County
Attachment: Easement & Agreement
Proposed Action: Whidbey Island Hospital District is building a new medical facility adjacent to the Bayview Road Shop and needs an easement across a portion of the County’s property. The Board will need to bring forward a resolution declaring the property surplus and directing the County Engineer to negotiate a price for acquiring the property.
Follow up: Okay with Board
Subject: 2009 Island County TIP Amendment
Attachment: yes
Proposed Action: Bill reported the County received $.5 million dollars in Safety Grant funding from
the state. The following projects met the criteria of the grant and were added to the TIP:
§ Hunt Road/Taylor Road Curve Widening Project
§ Hastie Lake Road/Zylstra Road intersection improvement
§ Reservation Road & Polnell Road guardrail installation
Follow up: Okay with Board to bring forward a resolution amending Island County’s Six-Year
Transportation Improvement Program for the Years 2009 -2014.
Subject: Purchase of Software – Renewal of 2009 AutoCAD License
Attachment: Declaration & Resolution, PO, Autodesk Subscript8on & Software License Agreement
Proposed Action: Purchase Order No. 7240 DLT Solution Inc/Pacificad; 10 each Auto Cad 2009
and Map 3d Renewal License; $6,379.84 (incl. WSST) [RM-PW-09-0059] and request sole source
purchase exempt from competitive bidding requirements.
Follow up: Okay with Board.
General Services Administration
Summary Minutes
Work Session was held between the County Commissioners and General Services Administration on Wednesday, March 18, 2009, at 10:15 a.m., in the Island County Annex Building, Commissioners’ Hearing Room, B-102, Coupeville, WA. Present were:
County Commissioners: John Dean, Chair (excused) Staff: Pam Dill
Helen Price Johnson, Member
Angie Homola, Member
Staff Present: Betty Kemp, Director, Dave Hollett
Others Present: Elaine Marlow, Larry Larson, Justin Burnett “Whidbey Examiner”
Property Management
Subject: Trust Land Transfer – Monroe Landing
Attachment: no
Proposed Action: Quit Claim Deed and other documents accepting land transfer from WA State DNR for
Monroe Landing Property. Trust Land Transfer file No. 02-081931. Tax parcel number R13216-226-3120.
Follow Up: Okay with Board.
Risk Management
Subject: Claim for Damages R09-07 CD , Jay Wallace
Attachment: yes
Information: Betty explained that it is the policy of the Washington Counties Risk Pool that all claims for monetary damages that equal or exceed 50% of the member’s deductible amount be submitted to the Washington Counties Risk Pool. Island County Code requires that the Risk Manager investigate and make certain recommendations to the Board. Due to the complexity of this claim and time restraints the claim has been forwarded to the Risk Pool. The damages demanded are in excess of $500,000.00 and the County’s deductible at the alleged time of loss, April 11, 2006, was $10,000.00.
Subject: DEM vehicle – authorization for equipment installation
Attachment: yes
Proposed Action: Purchase Order No. 8936 Auto Additions. Purchase of equipment to install in DEM
replacement vehicle and labor to install equipment; $7995.19 [RM-GSA-09-0114]- grant funded
Follow Up: Okay with Board.
Subject: Purchase Order - Day Wireless
Attachment: yes
Proposed Action: Purchase Order No. 8716 Day Wireless. Purchase and installation of repeater, antenna and
cable for (7) Island County Sheriff Vehicles; Cost $8979.37 [RM-GSA-09-0063]
Follow Up: Okay with Board.
Subject: Purchase Order – Motorola
Attachment: yes
Proposed Action: Purchase Order No. 8715 Motorola c/o Day Wireless Systems. Purchase of Mobile radios
for (7) Island County Sheriff Vehicles; Cost $23,093.58 [RM-GSA-09-0062]
Follow Up: Okay with Board.
Subject: Revision to Resolution C-21-09, 2009 Surplus list
Proposed Action: Revision to Resolution C-21-09 Exhibit “A” 2009 Surplus List for County Property Annual
Surplus Sale; this resolution authorizes additional items to be sold or disposed of, and to remove item in
accordance with Island County Code Chapter 2.31
Follow Up: Okay with Board.
Subject: Interlocal Agreement between Island County Fire Protection District #1 and Island County for the provision of emergency management services
Proposed Action: postponed
Follow up:
Subject: Appointment
Attachment: no
Proposed Action: Betty noted that the Whidbey Camano Land Trust, under Island County Code, has a
representative on the Conservation Futures Technical Advisory Group (TAG). They need to replace their
current representative and have recommended Lenny Corin.
Whidbey Camano Land Trust is the entity that fills this position. Island County does not need to advertise for -the position.
Follow up: Okay with Board to bring recommendation forward for approval.
Human Resources
Summary Minutes
Work Session was held between the County Commissioners and Human Resources on Wednesday, March 18, 2009, at 10:35 a.m., in the Island County Annex Building, Commissioners’ Hearing Room, B-102, Coupeville, WA. Present were:
County Commissioners: John Dean, Chair (excused) Staff: Pam Dill
Helen Price Johnson, Member
Angie Homola, Member
Staff Present: Larry Larson, HR Director
Others Present: Elaine Marlow, Keith Higman
§ Larry attended a Washington Counties Insurance Fund/Pool meeting in March. He will be attending another meeting in Pasco on May 7, 2009 at which time WCIF will be looking at possible changes to medical plans.
§ Larry requested approval from the Board to bring forward two LWOP requests on Monday, March 23, 2009.
Erica Martel/Health Department - LWOP period - 3/24/09 -6/29/09
Carrie Anderson/Planning Department – Extension to LWOP period - 5/11/09
Larry noted that both employees have been informed that they would be able to return to their
former position if that position has not been eliminated.
§ Larry informed the Board that ads for the Planning Director position have been placed in the local papers, AWC job net, Washington Chapter of the American Planning Association and public sector jobs.
Commissioner Homola asked Larry why they were only advertising with the Washington Chapter of the American Planning Association and not on their regional website.
Larry said it has been his experience that if anybody was looking for a job in Washington State they would go to the Washington Chapter of the American Planning Association. It is less expensive then advertising on their regional website.
Commissioner Homola noted that when she viewed the regional American Planning Association website there was a link for job postings and there were actually two Washington State jobs on the listing. She asked Larry to look into the cost of advertising on the American Planning Association’s regional website. She was concerned that the position was not being posted outside of Washington State.
Human Services
Summary Minutes
Work Staff Session was held between the County Commissioners and Human Services on Wednesday, March 18, 2009, at 10:45 a.m., in the Island County Annex Building, Commissioners’ Hearing Room, B-102, Coupeville, WA. Present were:
County Commissioners: John Dean, Chair (excused) Staff: Pam Dill
Helen Price Johnson, Member
Angie Homola, Member
Staff Present: Jackie Henderson, Director
Others Present: Elaine Marlow, Cathy Caryl, Diana Vaughan, Larry Larson
Subject: Division of Alcohol and Substance Abuse, Amendment No. 3
Attachment: yes
Proposed Action: Contract with WA State DSHS/Division of Alcohol and Substance Abuse, Amendment
No. 3 to move monies between fiscal year where necessary and to reduce funds to meet the governor’s budget
reductions. The specific amount of each fund source change is reflected in the new Awards and Revenues
page. Contract No. 0769-20291; Program Contract No. 9501-3; Contract Amount: $ -92,926 [RM-HS-09-
Follow up: Okay with Board.
Mental Health
Subject: North Sound Mental Health Administration, Amendment No. 1
Attachment: yes
Proposed Action: Contract with North Sound Mental Health Administration, Amendment No. 1, replaces
Section D.5 – Financial Provisions – Reimbursement Requirements and the maximum consideration amount.
Contract No. NSMHA-ISLAND COUNTY-JAIL SERVICES-07-09; Contract Amount: $ -15,000 [RM-HS-
Follow up: Okay with Board.
Subject: North Sound Mental Health Administration, Amendment No. 1
Attachment: yes
Proposed Action: Contract with North Sound Mental Health Administration, Amendment No. 1, replaces
Section D.5 – Financial Provisions - Reimbursement Requirements and the maximum consideration amount.
Contract No. NSMHA-ISLAND COUNTY-ADMIN-09; Contract Amount: $ -3,268 [RM-HS-09-0080]
Follow up: Okay with Board.
Subject: Stanwood/Camano School District #401
Attachment: yes
Proposed Action: Contract with Stanwood Camano School District #401 to house the school-based mental
counselors in the School District; Contract No. HS-02-09, Contract Amount: N/A [RM-HS-0-0083]
Follow up: Okay with Board.
Subject: Oak Harbor School District #201
Attachment: yes
Proposed Action: Contract with Oak Harbor School District #201 to house the school-based mental
counselors in the School District; Contract No. HS-04-09; Contact Amount:N/A [RM-HS-09-0090]
Follow up: Okay with Board.
Jackie briefed the Board on two issues with regards to Whidbey General Hospital (WGH). The first is that Skagit County wants to start billing Island County $177.00 a day for the use of their detox center. Jackie no longer has money in her budget to pay for that. WGH keeps people until they are medically stable and then sends them on to be further detoxed at the Skagit facility. Jackie notified WGH that they will have to stop sending people to the Skagit facility unless they have the money to pay for it.
The other issue is when people come to WGH in a mental health crisis they will call the regional crisis line and in most cases a designated crisis responder will be sent out. The crisis responder will determine whether the person they are seeing should be involuntarily committed to a mental health facility. If it is determined the person needs to be committed and a facility is found the hospital has been transporting them by ambulance. WGH no longer wants to provide that transportation service and has asked the Sheriff to do the transporting. The Sheriff is willing if Human Services fronts them the money and does the billing.