SingsingngTanikala(OutstandingC / MLGOO)
O Completely filled-up assessment form
O Candidate’s Personal Data Sheet with passport sizephoto (3.5 cm x 4.5 cm or 1.4 in. x 1.8 in.)taken within the last six months prior to the nomination.
O Documentation of accomplishments and results achieved (activity reports, minutes, mention in publications—print, social media, TV, etc.)
O Other supporting documents (certification of recognitions, awards, etc.)
Self-Assessment FormName:
Position/ Designation:
Landline Number:
Mobile Number:
Email address:
Your answer for each competency must not exceed 200 words and should cover:
O the circumstances (nature of the problem or objective) and impact (this should not be more than a brief sentence or two)
O behavioral evidence, i.e. what you actually did.
High WorkStandards:
- Tell us about a time when you had too many things to do and you were required to prioritize your tasks.
2. Whatpersonalweaknesshascausedyouthegreatestdifficultyinfacilitatingyourteam?Whatpersonal strengths have brought you success in facilitating yourteam?
3. Describeatimewhenyouhadtouseyouroralcommunicationskillstoobtainanimportantpointfromyour participants.
4. Giveanexampleofatimewhenyouwereabletosuccessfullycommunicatewithanotherpersonevenwhenthat individual may not have personally liked you (or vice versa).
1. Give a specific example of a time when you used good judgment and logic in solving a problem.
2. Tell us about a time you had to make an analysis but did not have all the information you needed.
3. Tellusatimewhenyouformulatednewideasorusedexistingideasinaneworunexpectedcircumstance tosolve problems.
1. Give examples of the types of approaches you used in implementing your projects.
2. Give an example of a time you had to make an immediate decision/s. Tell us the result.
3. Tellusofsituationsinwhichyouhadtoadjustquicklytochangesoverwhichyouhadnocontrol.
Whatwastheimpactofthechangeonyou and your team?
Byprovidingexamples,convinceusthatyoucanadapttoawidevarietyofpeople,situationsand environments.
1. Tellusatimewhenyouformulatednewideasorusedexistingideasinaneworunexpected circumstancetosolve problems.
2. How have you created opportunities and maximized them especially in generating external resources?
3. What is your view of technology? How has it affected your management system?
1. How do you adapt to and work with a variety of situations, individuals and groups?
2. How is the decision-making process observed in your team?
3. Whatsystemsorprocesseshaveyouusedtoencouragecollaborationamongdivisionsandsectionsof the LGRRC?
4. Whatspecificprograms,projects and/orinterventionshave youinitiatedwiththe MSAC?