August 31, 2009 General Session First Day for Teachers

President Tim Kearnan called the General Session of the Hopkinton Teachers’ Association to order at 9:45

AM in the Field House of the Hopkinton High School.

Tim welcomed all to the 2009-2010 school year. Tim mentioned the quiet retirement of B.J.Capalbo during the summer. All current officers and Faculty Reps were introduced. Tim stated that all teachers who are in more than one building must choose one building to be their” home” school. The number of faculty reps is based on the numbers of members in the building. There is a faculty rep for every 25 members.

Board member and reps distributed the HTA information folders to all members present. Attached agenda itemizes the topics covered. Members were asked to fill out Membership slips and get them back as soon as possible and include their home email as this will be the start of negotiations this year. We will send updates to home email as needed.

Important statements made by Tim relevant to the agenda:

·  Hand in paperwork when you are sick

·  When you do not receive receipt of paperwork in a week follow up. Members are solely responsible for their own paperwork.

·  Note: Monday after Thanksgiving is a Teacher day.

·  Dec. a third paycheck month – dues not taken out.

·  Be careful who you friend on Face book.

·  Don’t be drawn into the discussions on Hop News

·  School pictures raised $13,500 which the HTA gave last year to seniors

·  Continue efforts to support collegiality by attending the social events

·  Take ownership of issues by personally going to administration with your concerns

·  Economy is in bad shape with declining tax revenue – we are up to the challenge of negotiations

Keith Verra passed out payroll ded. Forms- it is not a mistake for the person working in a .5 position to be paying $86. to NEA even though it is not exactly ½ of $162. Payroll and intent to submit forms were collected along with HTA membership info slips.

Tim asked for questions/comments. There were none.

Closing comment – Remember the teaching side of teachers: Do Your Job

Do It Well

Make It Count for Something

Respectfully submitted,

Leslie Prior, Secretary