Bishop Amat High School
World Language Department
Español II Accl. Syllabus 2017/2018 ¡Bienvenidos a las clase de español!
Mrs. Blanco
TEACHER: Xiomara Blanco
TEXTBOOKS: “ Así se Dice” Level 2 Workbook Level 2
“Así se Dice’ Work Book 3 Workbook Level 3
Highly recommended “501 Spanish Verbs”
Telephone: (626) 962 – 2495 Ext. 5805
Tutoring: Tuesdays- Thursdays
Welcome = Bienvenidos
Welcome students, I’m glad you are here. We are all going to have a
wonderful year! We will draw and write, we will sing and we will play, we will read and build, and learn new things each day!
The objectives of the class are to expand the student's proficiency of the
Spanish language through listening, reading, writing and understanding the
Spanish language and culture. Learning vocabulary, grammar and verb tense
conjugations are important parts of the curriculum.
- 3 ring binder with 5 divisions,
- paper (8/1/2" x 11") white college ruled paper
-1 Composition book
- Several pens (blue/black/red and green)
- #2 pencils with erasers
- White out..
Grading Policy
20% Homework
20% Classwork / participación
20% Quizzes/ Mini Project
20% Tests/ Project
20% Final Exam
Homework will be assigned every day. It must be completed, neat lest and
submitted on time. Homework must be done in black or blue pen only
(corrected with red ink). All homework will be stamped or sign, at the beginning of
the class and you will correct it in order to receive full credit.
No late homework will be permitted.
You will have as many days as you were absent to turn-in missed homework during that absence. That is, if you were absent 1day, then you will have 1 day to turn in your assignment and so on. Homework assignments will be written at the right side of the board, and it is your responsibility to take note of it every day, and to understand it clearly. If you are not clear about the homework assignment, it is also your responsibility to get a clarification, either from your teacher or from
others students. It is recommended that you keep a telephone number of at least one
other student, in the event that you may miss a class. No excuses of any
kind will be accepted for not completing your homework. If all the homework and
is 100% complete, after twelve weeks then the student will receive 2 homework
There will be a quiz, at least once a week, for about 15-20 minutes. There
will be no make-up quizzes, but at the end of the quarter, the lowest quiz
grade shall be dropped. There will be a test at the end of each chapter
unit. If the student is absent for the test, he/she is responsible for
making arrangements with the teacher immediately after his/her return to
classes, for a make-up test.
All students must have a notebook with them at all times. It is important to take notes in every class. Notebooks will be checked at any time; a grade will be given at the end of the semester this grade will be as class work. I will grade organization, notes, content neatness and creativity.
Participation is very important in the learning of a language and it shows
student's interest in the class and behavior (disciple[line). I will evaluate
student's participation with a grade in the class work category.
CLASSROOM RULES: (I will fallow stated rules in Lancer Life)
All students are expected to:
1. Come to class on time. Standing outside, the door and rushing in after
the bell has begun to ring will constitute a tardy. You must be INSIDE the
door when it begins ringing to be counted on time.
2. Begin the start up activity within 1 minute after the tardy bell.
Directions will be on the projection screen or the board. Please do not wait
for me to remind you to begin since I need to take roll and attend to other
3. Attend to personal needs before coming to class. I have been
instructed not to give passes to lockers and to limit them. So please do not
ask for a pass unless you have a true emergency.
4. Remain in your assigned seat unless you ask permission to get up.
Throw trash away at the end of the period on your way out.
5. Do not eat candy or other food in class unless you have been given
special permission. Chewing gum is prohibited, fine of $2.00 will be
6. Bring required materials every day unless you are otherwise
directed. Respect the property and rights of others. Always have your own supplies.
Sharing books/supplies will not be allowed in class.
7. Talk only when permitted.
8. Use polite speech and body language. Unkind teasing and impolite behavior is unacceptable.
9. Do not cheat. Students caught cheating will receive full consequences
as per Lancer Life.
10. Follow the teacher’s directions always.
11. Do not write or read any material, other than Spanish, while in
class is taken place. Any other subject material found in the student's desk shall be
confiscated and it will be given to the Dean.
Not following school and classroom’s rules will result in disciplinary
action, such as detention, referral to the Dean, contacting a parent, etc.
Note to Parents: Please be aware of your Child’s progress Report. Your
participation, in your child’s education is very important.
If you have any question, contact me as soon as possible. You may contact me by e-mail, voice mail or call to make an appointment.
Parent’s Signature
Parent’s e mail______
Student’s Signature______
Student’s e mail______
Prayers will be recited in Spanish at the beginning of the class. You need
to memorize the prayers shown below.
You will take a quiz by October 3,4,5,6,7I recommend, you study it every night, for about 10 minutes.
"En el nombre del Padre,
del Hijo,
y del Espíritu Santo"
"Padre nuestro,
que estás en el cielo,
santificado sea tu nombre,
venga tu reino".
"Hágase tu voluntad,
en la tierra
como en el cielo,
danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día".
"Perdona nuestras ofensas,
como también nosotros perdonamos
a los que nos ofenden."
"No nos dejes caer en tentación,
y líbranos del mal".