All American WesternThursday, March 1st

Held at the “Crystal Ballroom” in the Hoff Building

Our Sweetheart dance was wonderful! Lots of fun with valentine balloon dance partners, and some spicy tango. The dancing was terrific! A big thank you to all chaperones and dance assistants.! If you would like to chaperone let me know. The boys, who have been invited as dance assistants, are needed again, and are much appreciated. Please let me know if this will work for your child.

Our next Cotillion will be held on Thursday, March 1st. This is our All American Western Dance. The Western will be held at our regular CrystalBallroom in the Hoff Building.

The dress is Western wear with red, white and blue encouraged! Suggestions for boys are: blue jeans, long sleeve shirt with sleeves rolled up (even Cotillion shirt would work great), a bolo tie, or a bandanna, will complete the look. Girls may wear denim or any type fabric dress or skirt, however, no pants please! A bandanna will add to the look. Of course, hats and boots are welcome but not required! PLEASE REMEMBER YOUR NAMETAG IF YOU TOOK IT HOME LAST DANCE (check on jackets and dresses from the Sweetheart dresses)

We are going to have a great time putting dance steps that we already know, to Western music. We could include the Cotton Eye Joe, and even some line dancing. I am looking forward to seeing you and seeing some fancy footwork!

Denise Hodges

Thursday, March 1st

Time Reminders for Start and End

Grades 4-5 5:45-7:00 Grades 6-9 7:15-8:30

Please arrive at least 5 minutes prior to the indicated start timel By the start time you need to have your nametag on, be in line and ready for instruction. Ending time is dismissal. Cotillion members will be exiting the rear door shortly after dismissal.

Chaperones or assistants will be outside to escort and supervise.*

Drop Off:

Address is 802 W. Bannock Entrance on 8th Street (one way) north of Bannock*

Pick Up:

Members exit on North side of the building into the alley behind the Hoff Building. Be aware of cars and children, drive slowly, and patiently. You may also park in the lot, and it is easy to spot your child.

If you are late, we will have children come back upstairs. You will then need to park and come upstairs to get them. Street parking is available, but limited. There is a Pay parking lot behind the Hoff Building available after 5:30.It is always fun for parents to come and watch the end of the Cotillion.