½ ATR Chassis Management User Guide
RS-232, DB-9 female connector
pin2 Tx, pin3 Rx.
Known problem.
- After power up, use ifree command from console port to clear the I2C, due to the SBC fru chip problem.
- Not all the fru are programmed.
- Call Philip if you see any problem.
Welcome PIC32 @ Themis
Build Date: Feb 2 2011, 16:48:08
I2C(0) clock frequency (100000) is ok
I2C(4) clock frequency (100000) is ok
I2C(0) clear all status bits
toggle clock to clear the SDA(0) line
I2C(4) clear all status bits
toggle clock to clear the SDA(4) line
GPIO port init.
ADT7462 Dev ID = 62
ADT7462 MFG ID = 41
ADT7461 MFG ID = 41
ADT7461 REV ID = 51
ADT7317 Dev ID = 01
ADT7317 MFG ID = 41
ADT7317 Chip Rev = 04
Fans are Auto.
IP Address:
IP Address:
# help <--- help command
PIC32@Themis V:0.1
Build Date: Feb 2 2011, 16:48:09
iprobe <-- probe I2C device
istatus <-- I2C bus status
istop <-- stop I2C bus
iclear <-- clear I2C error status
iclock <-- send extra clock to clear SDA
ifree <-- send out istop, iclear, iclock commands.
ibw <bus> <addr> <d0>..<d7> : i2c block write
ibr <bus> <addr> <size> : i2c block read
fan [init|auto|st|sp]
fru <bus> <addr>
psu [init|st|dac d d]
gpio rxx[=|?][0|1]
tmp75 [1-8]
temp <-- bp and slot temperature
ip <-- display current ip and mac address
loop <-- loop next command
time <-- display elapsed timer
doconfig <-- change network setup
reset <-- reset the CM
sbcpb [0=sbc1|1=sbc2] [0=short|1=long] power button
wp [0|1] <-- CM fru write protection off/on
slotwp [slot_n] [0|1] <-- slot fru write protection off/on
sleep <-- CM sleep forever
or help [command] for detail
#iprobe <--- probe I2C devices
scan the I2C bus - 0
21 24 49 4c 50 51 52 54 6e
26, 56 : SLOT 1 , Not Installed
25, 55 : SLOT 2 , Not Installed
24, 54 : SLOT 3 , Found FRU/IO
23, 53 : SLOT 4 , Not Installed
52 : SLOT 5 , Found FRU
21, 51 : SLOT 6 , Found FRU/IO
50 : SLOT 7 , Found FRU
27, 57 : SLOT 8 , Not Installed
4e : SLOT 1 , tmp75 Not installed
4d : SLOT 2 , tmp75 Not installed
4c : SLOT 3 , Found tmp75
4b : SLOT 4 , tmp75 Not installed
4a : SLOT 5 , tmp75 Not installed
49 : SLOT 6 , Found tmp75
48 : SLOT 7 , tmp75 Not installed
4f : SLOT 8 , tmp75 Not installed
scan the I2C bus - 4
44 48 4a 4c 4d 50 51 52 53 54 57 58 5f 61
57 : CM FRU , Found
58 : CM Fan , Found
52 : PSU-A FRU , Found
4a : PSU-A adt7317 , Found
44 : PSU-A ltc4260 , Found
51 : PSU-B FRU , Found
48 : PSU-B lm75 , Found
4c : PSU-B lm75 , Found
54 : IO FRU , Found
53 : Fan Card FRU , Found
4d : BP adt7461 , Found
50 : BP FRU , Found
# ifree <--- free the I2C bus, if the data line is low.
I2C(0) clear all status bits
toggle clock to clear the SDA(0) line
I2C(4) clear all status bits
toggle clock to clear the SDA(4) line
# fan st <--- read the fan controller status
--- Speed ------
Fan 1 = 6006 rpm, (0383)
Fan 2 = 5973 rpm, (0388)
Fan 3 = 5980 rpm, (0387)
Fan 4 = 5966 rpm, (0389)
pwm_aa set = 7a (47%)
pwm_ab set = 7a (47%)
pwm_ac set = 7a
pwm_ad set = 7a
--- Temperature ------
local temp = 44.75
D1 temp = 44.25
D2 temp = 43.0
D3 temp = 40.75
--- Voltage ------
pin-07 = 12.0 V (12V)
pin-21 = 5.02 V (5V)
pin-22 = 3.26 V (3.3V_aux)
pin-23 = 2.48 V (2.5V)
pin-25 = 3.33 V (3.3V)
pin-26 = 1.20 V (1.2V)
# fan sp 100 <--- set the fan speed to 100% duty cycle
# fan auto <--- set the fan speed to auto mode
Fans are Auto.
# psu st <--- read the power supply unit status
local temp = 30.75
D1 temp = 29.00
Vdd = 3.28
Hot Swap Voltage = 19.60[V]
Hot Swap Current = 4.40[A]
Status Reg = d0, FET On=1, FET Short Present=0
Fault Reg = 02, FET Short=0
# temp <--- read the backplane and slot temperature
BP(0x4d) int temp=31
BP(0x4d) ext temp=26
Error: Sent byte was not acknowledged. 0, 4e
Error: Sent byte was not acknowledged. 0, 4d
Slot 3 (4c) temp=26.50
Error: Sent byte was not acknowledged. 0, 4b
Error: Sent byte was not acknowledged. 0, 4a
Slot 6 (49) temp=27.50
Error: Sent byte was not acknowledged. 0, 48
Error: Sent byte was not acknowledged. 0, 4f
# ip <--- read the network ip address and mac address
# doconfig <--- configure the network in console port
Chassis Management TCP/IP Configuration
1: Firmware build Date: Feb 2 2011, 16:48:01
2: Change host name: HEMIS
3: Change static IP address:
4: Change static gateway address:
5: Change static subnet mask:
6: Change static primary DNS server:
7: Change static secondary DNS server:
8: Disable DHCP & IP Gleaning: DHCP is currently enabled
9: Exit.
0: Save & Quit.
Enter a menu choice:
Exit Now. Data are not saved, but it may be changed.
Overview front page, no password required.
Login with
Keep the Fan in auto.
View the Power Supply Unit A/B status, and voltages.
There are several ways to turn on system,
1. use hardware toggle switch to turn on power.
2. Use web gui select the PSU Control “ON”, then click on set button.
3. From console port type “gpio on”.
For the power on Default:
1. type “wp 0” from console port,
2. from web gui select the Auto On or Manual the click set button.
Note, if the micro controller
Read the Slot device type,
slot 1 is near by the Fan module.
View the FRU information, use drop down box to pick the device, then click on select button.
This page will be removed from the links.
Display the I2C device on the bus 0 or 4.
Display PLX link status, if the LED is black, then there is no device on that slot.
View the Network Configuration, this is place to change the MAC address.