Upper Coastal Plain Learning Council
/December 14, 2010
/4:00 PM
/gateway Technology Center
Meeting called by / Agenda of the Upper Coastal Plain Learning CouncilType of meeting / Bi-Monthly Scheduled Meeting
Facilitator / Mr. Jim Pridgen, UCPLC Chairman
Note taker / Kathy Lawson
Note Taker / Karen Roddy
Attendees / UCPLC Members and Invited Guests
Agenda topics
/Dr. James Sadler and Mr. Leslie Boney
/Discussion / The important role of the UNC-GA in their continued support of the UCPLC and its initiatives for the enhancement of economics, health and education in the stakeholder area was shared. Dr. Sadler announced that he was retiring as of 1-31-11 and he wanted to make sure that Mr. Boney had been introduced to the Council members before that time and that Mr. Boney would be introduced to the important missions of the Council.
Amendments / Please write any additional items about this presentation that you would like to see added to these minutes and give your additions or corrections to Kathy or Karen before you leave today. Thank you.
Dr. karrie Dixon and Dr. Alicia chapman
/Discussion / Dr. Chapman works with University-School Partnerships and is the K-12 Leader at the UNC-GA. Dr. Dixon
Works with Academic and Student Affairs for the UNC-GA. Both of them discussed initiatives and collaborations that their programs have with schools in our area. In addition Dr. Dixon mentioned the Kellogg Grant, part of which supports initiatives of under-represented student populations in our area. They shared handouts about their coordinated efforts to provide more and better teachers and school leaders for our public schools and the NC College Access Challenge Grant opportunities. They also mentioned that they had shared the same information with Dr. Ross, the new President of the UNC University system.
Amendments / Please write any additional items about this presentation that you would like to see added to these minutes and give your additions or corrections to Kathy or Karen before you leave today. Thank you.
Dr. Kathy lawson
/Discussion / Dr. Lawson presented information about drop-out prevention programs in the UCPLC areas including statistics for the seven public school districts in the Nash, Edgecombe, Halifax, Wilson and Northampton Counties. All of the counties are working diligently every day to develop ways to keep students in school and engaged in success both economically and academically.
Amendments / Please write any additional items about this presentation that you would like to see added to these minutes and give your additions or corrections to Kathy or Karen before you leave today. Thank you.
angela Norris, Pam Lewis,
Discussion / Wilson/ NRMS Schools Career Education Activities: Sue Matthewson, (Bridgestone Firestone); Martha Wrenn (Wilson Educational Partnership) and Angela Norris (Wilson County Schools CTE Director) spoke about the wonderful outcomes of the Wilson County Schools Career Fair that was held at the Wilson Mall. Pamela Lewis, (Executive Director of CTE for Nash Rocky Mount Schools) and Wil van der Meulen (NCC Associate Dean for Student and Enrollment Services) spoke about the wonderful outcomes of the Career and Technical Education Showcase that was held at Nash Community College.
Amendments / Please write any additional items about this presentation that you would like to see added to these minutes and give your additions or corrections to Kathy or Karen before you leave today. Thank you.