Course Description

Students will use and explore the language through classroom discussions, dialogues, music, video, and reading and writing activities. Traditions, customs, geography, and other aspects of Spanish speaking cultures are explored also through readings, videos, visual and oral activities, and projects.

At the end of the semester, students should be able to:

·  Engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings, and exchange opinions in Spanish.

·  Demonstrate an awareness of the practices of the Spanish speaking culture.

·  Connect Spanish with other disciplines and acquire information.

Course Material Requirements

1 Spiral Notebook


Pencil or Pen

1 Spanish/English Dictionary recommended (electronic version is acceptable)

Grading Procedure

Student performance will be evaluated based on their class/group participation, and completed classwork and assignments. Mastery will be assessed through observations, conferencing, dialogues, rubrics, checklists, and test items. The grading procedure is as follows:

10% Homework, class work, and class participation

60% Tests

30% Quizzes and projects

(9 Week Final Exams = 10% of final grade)

Class Rules

•  Be prepared to learn with materials everyday

•  Personal electronics are for educational use only

•  Be responsible for your own learnin

•  Respect the classroom, yourself, and others

Students are expected to follow the school code of conduct as well as classroom policies while in Spanish. Any student who violates a rule will be required to sign the classroom discipline log.

Consequences of violating classroom rules:

1st offense: verbal warning

2nd offense: Teacher/student conference outside of class

3rd offense: Parent will be notified

4th offense and beyond: office referral and parent conference

Unit / Unit Topic / Learning Targets
1 / Greetings,
Alphabet, numbers through 100, days, months, seasons and weather, phrases to use in class / ·  Recite the Alphabet
·  Use formal and informal greeting expressions in oral and written formats.
·  Use appropriate gestures, etiquette, and oral expressions for greetings, origin and where you’re from, farewells, and common classroom interactions.
·  Tell when your birthday is and give other dates, subject pronouns
2 / Likes and dislikes with infinitives and nouns, afterschool activities / ·  Form sentences talking about what you like to do
·  Identify afterschool activities/infinitive verbs
·  Use gustar to talk about what people like to do.
3 / Describing yourself and others, ser, definite and indefinite articles, subject pronouns, comparisons / ·  Create simple sentences describing self and others.
·  Introduce people and tell where they are from.
·  Subject pronouns
·  Ser and descriptive adjectives
·  Nouns for people (el chico, la mujer, amigo, etc….)
·  Use definite and indefinite articles to talk about people.
·  Comparing people
4 / -ar verbs, negatives, telling time,class schedules, personal “a” / ·  Talk about your daily schedule.
·  Tell what time it is.
·  Tell what time something begins.
·  Use time expressions.
·  Use verbs that end in “ar” in the present tense to talk about what people do.
·  negatives
5 / Expressing emotions, describing location, the verb “estar” / ·  Describe a typical school day.
·  Describe classes.
·  Identify classroom objects.
·  Tell where things and people are.
·  Describe how you and others feel.

Classroom procedures

1.  Notebooks: Students will be required to bring their Spanish notebook to class daily. I will give notebook checks that will be counted as a class work grade. Students who do not have their notebook for a notebook check will be given a zero. I will drop the first zero. Any zero after the first will be counted.

2.  Assignments: Any late assignments are subject to a 20 point deduction per day late.

3.  Absences: If you are absent the day an assignment was due, it is due the day you return. It is your responsibility to find out what you missed while you were absent. You can check the class website to see what we covered that day.

Spanish 1, Semester 1 Scope and Sequence


I have read the Spanish policies and understand what is expected of me while in Spanish class.


Student Signature

I have read these policies and understand what is expected of my child and agree to support Mrs. Perez in upholding these policies.


Parent Signature Parent email (please print clearly)

Unit / Unit Topic / Unit Objectives