Texas State Historically UnderutilizedUPPS No. 05.02.04

Business Outreach Program (HUB-OP)Issue No. 3
Effective Date: 02/24/2014
Next Review Date: 08/01/2020 (E6Y)

Sr. Reviewer: Director, Procurement and Strategic Sourcing


01.01It is the policy of Texas State University to achieve annual Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) program goals by contracting with HUBs, directly or indirectly, through subcontracting opportunities. The Texas State Historically Underutilized Business Outreach Program (HUB-OP) shall be in accordance with Texas Government Code, Chapter 2161, Subchapter F, the State of Texas Building and Procurement Commission Rules, Texas Administrative Code, Title 1, Part 5, Section 111.21 and Texas State University System Rules and Regulations, Chapter III, Section 18“Historically Underutilized Businesses.”


02.01The Texas State director of Procurement and Strategic Sourcing shall:

a.act as Texas State's agency HUB coordinator;

b.have the authority to implement policies and procedures necessary for Texas State to comply with state HUB "Good Faith Efforts" (GFE) requirements;

c.compile and submit to the president monthly information relating to the use of HUB firms showing monthly expenditures, year-to-date expenditures and compared to previous reporting period; and

d.submit semiannual and annual HUB reports on expenditures for goods and services specified by object codes reportable under the HUB program.

02.02A HUB specialist reporting to the agency HUB coordinator shall establish a marketing and outreach program to include at a minimum:

a.participating in economic opportunity forums and fairs;

UPPS No. 05.02.04

Issue No. 3

Effective Date: 02/24/2014

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b.implementing a mentor protégé program to foster relationships with HUBs;

c.informing the HUB vendor community of the benefits of registration on the Centralized Master Bidders List (CMBL) and application for certification as a HUB firm; and

d.providing guidance and training on HUB issues to division HUB coordinators on an "as needed" basis.

02.03The director of Procurement and Strategic Sourcing shall appoint division HUBcoordinators. Division HUB coordinators shall assist the agency HUB coordinator in Texas State's HUB-OP activities, including:

a.assisting end users in their division by identifying potential HUB suppliers and goods and services;

b.attending HUB focused outreach events to meet HUB suppliers and discuss future procurement opportunities in their division; and

c.meeting with HUB suppliers interested in providing goods and services to the coordinator's division.

02.04It is the responsibility of the division HUB coordinators to encourage their units to provide certified HUB vendors with opportunities to sell goods and services to their units. The coordinators are also responsible for monitoring the purchases made from HUB vendors and apprising their managers of this information.

02.05The Texas State agency HUB coordinator may appoint additional HUB coordinators, as necessary to further Texas State’s HUB-OP efforts.


03.01Reviewers of this UPPS include the following:


Director, Procurement and StrategicAugust 1 E6Y



This UPPS has been approved by the following individuals in their official capacities and represents Texas State policy and procedure from the date of this document until superseded.

Director of Procurement and Strategic Sourcing; senior reviewer of this UPPS

Associate Vice President for Financial Services

Vice President for Finance and Support Services
