2017 Williams Field High School Men’s Volleyball Program

Team Expectations


Varsity - Coach Rich Lanzone

JV Coach – Jeremy Hutter


Williams Field High School

2076 South Higley Road, Gilbert, AZ 85295

Phone: (480) 279-8017

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A Letter to the 2017 WFHS Black Hawks Men’s Volleyball Players

Dear Black Hawks Volleyball Players and Parents:
We welcome you to the 10th season of the Black Hawks Men’s Volleyball program! The Varsity and JV squads are anticipating on having another successful year.

You have been chosen to become a member of the WFHS Men’s Volleyball Program. As a member of the team, there is inherent responsibility. You must fulfill this responsibility with 100% effort. Being a part of a team also means you make a commitment to your team, the program, your teammates, your school, and your coaches.

Since the 2008 inaugural spring season, the WF Men’s Volleyball Program has built a strong foundation through a high level of effort and commitment. It has produced many successful seasons and successful athletes who have enjoyed its benefits and thus creating important and cherished memories.

The coaches want our 2017 season to be a rewarding experience for everyone. In order to help it become a successful year, we ask all athletes and parents read, sign and support the WFHS Men’s Volleyball Team Expectations packet.

Go Black Hawks!

Coach Rich Lanzone

Coach Jeremy Hutter

Proud Coaches

WFHS Black Hawks

Men’s Volleyball


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2017 Williams Field High School Men’s Volleyball


Position / Name / Phone / Email
Varsity Coach/ Head Coach / Rich Lanzone / (480) 239-2872 /
JVCoach / Jeremy Hutter / (480) 406-9561 /
Athletic Director / Darrell Stangle / (480) 279-8013 /
Athletics Secretary / Marissa Horton / (480) 279-8017 /


This is one of the most important areas to emphasize. The coaching staff truly believes that if all of us are conscientious in following through with this, we can resolve any and all issues.

The number one communication rule we have is that we will discuss any and all topics EXCEPT PLAYING TIME. (Playing time policy on page 5)

Players - If you are having frustrations or problems of any kind it is very important that you speak to your coach as soon as possible. The coaching staff is best available before and after practices.

As a final note, parents may not approach the coaches during practices and matches about a non-emergency issue unless a meeting has been scheduled. We always enjoy chatting with parents at the conclusion of matches, but cannot address non-emergency issues at that time. We also cannot interrupt practice, pre-game or during game sessions.

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2017 Williams Field High School Men’s Volleyball


“Development Towards Excellence!”

We employ a philosophy of coaching where beliefs & values form the foundation of the volleyball program. This philosophy is reflected in the program goals, policies, & expectations.

Coaches’ Commitment & Goals.

Your coaching staff loves volleyball and loves coaching it. Volleyball played well is a thing of beauty. Athletes who study the game and apply the lessons learned, relish every opportunity to practice and play. Your coaches are committed to your development as students, as athletes, and as young men. We are motivated on a daily basis to do all we can to make this team successful and strive to help you and your teammates become the best team you can be.

We also want you to understand that success is not only measured by awards and wins and losses; just as important as these rewards is enjoying the game, the process, and what we learn along the way. We want you to grow as athletes and people. We want you to learn the meaning of commitment, discipline, responsibility, and hard work. We want you to be confident in yourselves. We want you to take the lessons that you learn from competing in volleyball and use them to help you achieve in all areas in your life. We strive to inject each player with a love for the sport and to find enjoyment through competing on the court.

Player’s Commitment.

Each player must commit themselves to the team and Black Hawks Men’s Volleyball Program.

Expectations of a Player’s Commitment include:

1. PUTTING THE TEAM FIRST- As a Black Hawks volleyball player, you agree that the team is paramount. Your individual goals and your team’s goals do not necessarily conflict, but when they do, you accept that decisions are made for the good of the team.

2. BUILDING TRUST & RESPECT- You must trust your coach and your teammates, and behave in a way that keeps their respect. It is highly probable that if you have this trust and follow our advice, your game will improve greatly.

3. BEING COACHABLE- Our job is to coach you. We have a great deal of experience and success doing this. You must be willing to make changes according to your coaches’ suggestions. If we are “on you”, correcting you and pushing you, it is because we have confidence in your abilities.

4. DEVELOPING A WORK ETHIC- This program is built on a strong work ethic. We will give you our best effort and we expect that you will do the same. Everyone wants to win- you must be motivated to give it your best!

5. BEING POSITIVE- Infect others with your enthusiasm! A positive attitude is a winning attitude.

6. COMMUNICATING- Communicating loudly and ALWAYS is the critical element on the volleyball court that makes the difference between a good team and a great team.

7. HAVING BALANCE - To balance athletics, academics, work, and family, you must plan ahead and sometimes make difficult decisions. The decisions you make affect your future opportunities. Successful student-athletes take their obligations and responsibilities seriously on the court and in the classroom.

8. DEVELOPING SPORTSMANSHIP- Victory with honor while taking losing with grace. Respect the opponent, and thus, love the game. Play with class. Focus on your play and that of your teammates. Celebrate good plays on our side of the net!

9. FIND THE JOY IN THE GAME- Volleyball is one of the most fun sports in the world. You know you’ve chosen the right sport if you simply can't wait to get back in the gym, and absolutely love stepping on the court with your friends and teammates every chance you get.

10. “PLAYING” IT FORWARD! - As you move through high school, share your new skills and insight with new or younger players. Be generous with your time. Later, you may consider helping at the high school, middle school, or other levels as a coach, assistant, or referee. Black Hawks Volleyball is looking forward to developing a strong tradition of active and involved volleyball alumni.

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2017 Williams Field High School Men’s Volleyball


Discipline Procedures

I. Athlete Responsibilities and Requirements

The Black Hawks Men’s Volleyball Program adheres to all Athlete responsibilities and requirements stated in the WILLIAMS FIELD HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC HANDBOOK. This includes AIA rules (academic eligibility and WFHS/Team grade requirements for participation), attendance, school related behavior, terminating a sport, equipment, transportation, and Athletic Trainer Clearance. Players must maintain a minimum of “C” in each class.

II. Black Hawks Volleyball Team Discipline Policy

If discipline is needed, it will be administered in a fair and firm manner. Each case of discipline will be judged individually. The coach, with the assistance of the administration if deemed necessary, has the final decision in any discipline situation.

Rules of Conduct

Your coaches do not expect or need a lot of rules, but we do expect you to realize that the manner in which you conduct yourselves directly reflects on you as well as the entire team and school. Team members should play, behave, and act like student-athletes with class who promote good sportsmanship, enthusiasm, and a positive attitude on the court, in school, and in the community.

Attendance Policies

Student athletes are expected to attend and participate in all practices, game matches, tournaments, conditioning sessions, meetings, fundraisers, and team functions. This level of commitment is necessary in order to help structure a successful season.

1. Unexcused lateness disrupts practice flow and will not be tolerated. Rule of thumb is if practice is at 2:45, plan to be there ready 5 minutes earlier; two unexcused “lates” will count as an absent practice.

2. One unexcused/uninformed absence - expect a meeting with the coach; The athlete will be informed they have used their “mulligan”.

3. Two unexcused/unapproved absences - athlete will be informed that they will miss the next game.

4. Three unexcused/unapproved absences - athlete will forfeit their place on the roster

5. Absences are considered excused if:

A. the player notifies the coach in advance and the coach approves the absence.

B. a conversation occurs with a parent or a note is received that is written, signed, &

dated by a parent only and the coach approves the absence.

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2017 Williams Field High School Men’s Volleyball

TEAM POLICIES (continued)

Playing Time

Playing time is a sensitive subject on any team. Your coaches will attempt, whenever possible, to provide playing time for every athlete on the roster. But these opportunities cannot be guaranteed. The decision to give one player more time on the court means another player will get less. As such, the coaches know that with each decision, however well-considered, comes the likelihood that someone will be disappointed. Strong teams have strong benches. Players who keep focused on the match while not on the court greatly increase their chances of success once they enter the game. Spirited bench players almost always infect their teammates with optimism and extra energy. Also, lineup decisions are primarily the result of careful consideration about our own team’s abilities and chemistry, in conjunction with our opponent’s strengths and weaknesses. Playing time is earned by hard work, proven performance, and a positive attitude. A player’s volleyball experience should not be judged solely by the amount of playing time they get or do not get in matches.

As a Black Hawks volleyball player, you maintain the same focus and enthusiasm whether you are between the lines or on the bench. You accept that playing time is decided by the coaches for the good of the team in the circumstances of the moment. You know that WFHS’s bench is its secret weapon: every player has their head in the game at every moment, and is ready to come in at any opportunity.

Practice Policy

Practice is the time and opportunity for athletes to work on their skills without worrying about outside influences. Because of this, practices are closed to limit distractions for everyone.


1. Safety is our first priority.

2. Follow the rules stated for absences and latenesses.

3. Practice starts promptly at 2:45 (Vars) & 3:30 (JV)- players are expected to be dressed and have the nets set up.

4. Practice uniforms should consist of comfortable & appropriate clothes: shirt, shorts, and sneakers.

5. Do not wear jewelry to the gym.

6. Knee pads are required at all times- at practices, matches, and tournaments.

7. Each day every player should try to warm up with, and practice with a different player in practice drills.

8. Conditioning will be a regular part of our practice sessions.

9. Cell phones should be turned off during the entire time of practice or placed in the athlete’s locker. Messages can be checked at the end of practice, not during.

10. At the end of practice, everyone participates in equipment removal and appropriate storage. Only then will the team be dismissed!

Matches & Traveling

1. On match days, the Varsity and JV teams must attend each other’s matches as well as their own. The team not playing helps the other team during setup, warm-ups, and cleanup. The team not playing should be a vocal supporter of their teammates who are playing! No one may leave the combined Varsity/JV matches early unless he receives permission from their coach.

2. Cell phones should be turned off during the entire match or tournament. Messages can be checked at the end of the game, not during.

Facebook Policy

Use of any social media to post negative or derogatory comments, photos, videos, etc. of the coaches, athletes, managers, and/or anyone else associated with the Williams Field High School Men's Black Hawks Volleyball Program is strictly prohibited. Those in violation of this policy will be removed from the team.

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2017 Williams Field High School Men’s Volleyball


As a team member I understand that I will, by my participation, contribute to team development and performance.

Furthermore, I know that I am committing myself to work together with other individuals,

players, and coaches, who will expect me to participate to my fullest. I will work to alleviate any conflicts that arise as I manage my time as a student, family member, friend, and volleyball player. I understand that my commitment to my team will require some sacrifices that may require tough decisions.