St Fagans Community Council

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Monday 13th April 2015

at 7.00pm in the St. Fagans Village Hall

Present: Councillors T. Pallier (Chairman)

S. Chedzoy, B. Critcher, J. Griffiths,

J. Hughes, F. Lewis & M. Parry.

In Attendance: County Councillor G. Thomas

Village Association B. Penfound

Public C. Critcher & B. Lewis

Clerk D. Barnard

Apologies: Councillors C. Price

The Chairman welcomed everyone present to the Meeting.

284.04.01 – Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 2nd March 2015

Members approved the Minutes and the Chairman signed them accordingly.

284.04.02 – Matters arising from the Minutes

No matters were raised.

284.04.03 – Police Reports & Neighbourhood Watch

The Clerk reported that he had received no communication from either police officer regarding this meeting and accordingly had nothing to report.

Cllr. Parry referred to the email from Mr Biles regarding complaints about the noise from off-road bikes in and around the Village. He had also contacted 101 on Easter Sunday about the noise and had received a phone call from the police who said they were following the matter up with the Plymouth Estate.

The Chairman agreed that the noise from the off-road bikes was a real problem. He reported that there had been a large police presence on Westfield Park asking residents for views and suggested courses of action. Most people are completely fed up with the problem and get no joy when they contact 101. He added that there is a proposal for an off-road bike track in this area. Cllr. Parry said that the 101 service doesn’t record reports of noise problems and added that, in his view, the noise over the Easter weekend was atrocious. The Chairman advised that the police are constrained in their efforts to catch the bike riders because they are not allowed to chase them. Cllr. Lewis mentioned that she thought an off-road bike track was one of Redrow’s ideas. Cllr. Hughes suggested they could use the bull-ring off Grand Avenue. County Cllr. Thomas added that noise pollution is a real problem for Cardiff Council. He suggested that the Clerk contact Rebecca Thomas to ask what the Council is doing it about it and for advice as to what residents should do. Cllr. Griffiths pointed out that both police districts have relatively new police inspectors and questioned whether we should invite them both to attend a Council Meeting. Cllr. Lewis suggested that once some more information is available, the Community Council could issue a newsletter to residents with details of who to contact, etc. Members agreed and the Clerk was asked to prepare a draft.

Cllr. Hughes reported that ten sheds had been broken in to on the allotments site on Cowbridge Road.

No other police-related matters were raised.

284.04.04 – Village Association

a) Proposed alterations to the Village Hall

Brian Penfound was invited to address the meeting. He said that plans had been drawn up and presented a copy of them. Two quotes had been received so far. He gave details of the figures and said that the Village Association should be able to meet the cost of the works. Cllr. Lewis explained that as the Council is the leaseholder any agreement has to be between the Council and the Plymouth Estate. Issues raised included the matter of re-instatement, which will need to be considered, and the storage of alcohol – it was confirmed that none is stored on the premises.

Cllr. Critcher explained that there will be additional costs for curtains, etc., and he asked whether the Council would consider a grant to enable everything to be done in one go. A discussion on funding ensued. Mr Penfound said he estimated that to do it in one go would require a grant of around £5,000. Cllr. Lewis advised that the Association is hoping to apply for other grants to fund additional work regarding disabled access. She also pointed out that there is currently no central heating in the committee room. After a further brief discussion, Cllr. Lewis proposed that the Council support the project up to a total cost of £20,000 with a contribution from the Council of up to £5,000 plus legal fees. The Chairman asked for Members to vote on the proposal. With five Members voting in favour, none against and one abstention, the proposal of Cllr. Lewis was approved.

The Clerk was asked to contact Chris Hyde to establish how the works could be progressed.

b) Village Hall Risk Assessment

This matter had been deferred from the last meeting and a revised assessment had been circulated. The Chairman reported that he had met with Cllr. Lewis and was satisfied that the assessment now met with requirements. The risk assessment was duly accepted. The Chairman offered to conduct the assessment in future years.

c) Financial Report

A report prepared by Laura Jones had been circulated showing the income and expenditure of the Association during the past year, together with a financial overview as at the end of February. Members accepted the report. Cllr. Griffiths questioned where the loan repayments to the Council were shown and Cllr. Critcher agreed to find out and report back.

284.04.05 – Reforming Local Government – Welsh Government White Paper

The Clerk advised that he had gone through the White Paper and made a note of the points on which he thought the Council should comment, but had not yet drafted a response. He also referred to the draft response by OVW that he had circulated. Cllr. Hughes advised that Leighton Andrews, the Welsh Office Minister, is not a supporter of community councils. He had attended a presentation by Dan Jones. The WG strategy is for the new County Councils to organise the structure within their areas. He made the point that community councils are the grass roots of local government. It was agreed that the Cllr. Hughes and the Clerk would draft a response, circulate it for comment and submit it by 28th April.

284.04.06 – Planning

a) Cardiff LDP

County Cllr. Thomas reported that Cardiff Council is working on the Action Points that arose from the Hearing Sessions.

b) Redrow / Plasdwr proposals

County Cllr. Thomas reported that the application is pending, no date has been set to consider the application and it is likely to be after the approval of the LDP.

c) Museum Development Plans

A meeting with the Museum and contractor had been arranged for the following day. Cllr. Hughes opined that Members need to be firm about the routes taken by coaches. Cllr. Critcher agreed and suggested there should be a sign saying ‘Restricted Access – not suitable for large vehicles’. The Clerk was asked to write to Highways suggesting this.

d) Planning Application at Clos-Y-Cwarra

Cllr. Hughes reported that he had spoken to Simon Gilbert in Planning and they are hoping to have the S106 agreement by the end of April.

e) Other Planning Applications

With regard to the Cwrt-y-Cadno development, Cllr. Hughes advised that the progress of this scheme is in the hands of the developers.

Cllr. Griffiths asked if there was any news about the application for a broadband cabinet. The Clerk advised that no further communication had been received.

The Clerk gave details of the following planning applications:


15/00182/MNR – Museum: Removal of a Sycamore tree. (amendment to earlier application 12/00697)

15/00004/MJR – Goitre Fach Farm, Llantrisant Road: Environmental Impact assessment – Scoping Report. (The Clerk was unsure whether this property is in St Fagans)

15/00471/MNR – Great House Farm, Michaelston Road: New detached single storey dwelling.

15/00522/MNR – Museum: Erection of a multi-functional Visitor Building

15/00523/MNR – Museum: Non-material amendment to car parking

15/00548/DCH – 5, Cwrt y Cadno: Conservatory to rear.

15/00584/MNR – Great House Farm, Convert existing farmhouse into two 2-bed semi-detached dwellings. Members agreed that the Council should object to this application on the grounds of over-development, restricted access onto Michaelston Road and safety concerns. The Clerk was asked to submit an objection accordingly.


14/02968/DCH – 9, Maes Y Gad: insertion of two dormer windows. Permission granted.

15/00112/MNR – St Michael’s Church: alterations to parking. Permission granted.

15/00270/DCH – 41 Denison Way: detached garage. Permission granted.

15/00522/MNR – Museum: amendment to erection of visitor building. Response sent.


15/00004/MJR – Goitre Fach Farm, Llantrisant Road: Environmental Impact assessment – Scoping Report. Withdrawn by applicant.

15/00182/MNR – Museum: Removal of tree. Withdrawn / returned.

284.04.07 – Community Review

The Clerk had circulated an email from Paul Keeping confirming that this matter had finally been agreed by Cardiff Council at its March meeting and the two proposals relating to the community area of St Fagans had been rejected. The Council’s recommendations now have to be considered by the Boundary Commission and it was agreed that the Clerk should write in support of the decision of Cardiff Council.

284.04.08 – Environmental Matters

a) Highways / Lighting / Traffic Concerns

Cllr. Hughes reported that two manhole covers opposite No. 8 Clos-y-Cwarra are loose and need attention. Cllr. Critcher commented that the large pothole on Cardiff Road had not yet been repaired. The Clerk was asked to report these problems to Cardiff Council.

b) Street Cleansing / Litter

Cllr. Lewis commented that there is a lot of litter around the Village and that she would arrange to do a litter pick soon. Cllr. Griffiths agreed there was a lot more of it and mentioned that, strangely, the litter in the woods behind St Fagans Drive was in tidy piles!

c) Village Walkabout

Cllr. Parry advised that he and Cllr. Price had completed a walkabout. There were three main issues – blocked drains, grubby street furniture, and out-of-date notices. Cllr. Griffiths pointed out that the non-slip road surface in front of the Church had disappeared. Members advised that the road had been resurfaced.

d) Plaque at railway crossing

Cllr. Hughes explained that he had been contacted by a lady who was quite upset that a floral tribute in respect of her late son that she had placed on the fence at the railway line, had been removed and put in a bin. He had spoken to the man on duty at the railway crossing and established that it is Network Rail’s policy to remove flowers from its land and buildings, though it does have a fund to support the provision of plaques. Cllr. Lewis suggested that the Council could allow the lady to place a small pot or container with commemorative words on the Council’s land at the location, that she could maintain. It was agreed that the Clerk should write to the lady and put that suggestion to her.

e) Other environmental issues

No other issues were raised.

284.04.09 – Wales National History Museum / St Fagans Castle

The Clerk had circulated details of a new farmers’ market being held regularly at the Museum on Sundays from 10am to 4pm. The Clerk had added the information to the Council’s web site and it was agreed to include it in the next newsletter.

284.04.10 – One Voice Wales

The Clerk had circulated an email from OVW inviting Councils to consider motions for the AGM. No proposals for motions were suggested.

Cllr. Hughes gave details of the next meeting of the South Wales Area Committee on 20th April.

284.04.11 – Charter with Cardiff Council

Cllr. Hughes reported that he had had a good meeting with County Cllr. De Ath and Marie Rosenthall. A new draft charter should be ready later this week and community councils will have a dedicated liaison point or direct ‘phone line.

284.04.12 – Correspondence and other communications

The Clerk reported on the following:

Cardiff West Neighbourhood Partnership – Weekly updates.

10/03/15 – Welsh Government. New Accounts & Audit Regulations that come into effect on 31st March 2015 and will apply to the accounts for 2014/15.

12/03/15 – Wales in Bloom competition – inviting Councils to take part.

16/03/15 – OVW / Wales Gov. – Consultation on Council Tax exemptions for long-term empty homes and second homes in Wales. (c/d 13th June.)

19/03/15 – County Cllr. Bob Derbyshire re Cardiff’s Pollinator Project.

25/03/15 – OVW / Wales Gov. – call for evidence for Stage 2 of the Review of Designated Landscapes in Wales. Evidence / comments by 29/05/15.

/03/15 – OVW / WG – Assets of Community Value – Minister’s statement. Consultation paper to come out in May that will analyse options.

284.04.13 – Finance

a) Requests for Financial Assistance

The Clerk advised that no requests had been received. The Chairman apologised that he had forgotten to speak to Peggy Jackson, as agreed at the last meeting, but would now do so.

b) Clerk’s salary, gratuity and working hours

The Clerk had circulated a report setting out the details of his current salary and the arrangements for a gratuity in lieu of a pension. Members approved the continuation of his salary on SP24 (£4,655) for 2015/16 and an additional provision of £224 to the gratuity fund to reflect a further year of service.

The Clerk had also provided details of the hours he had worked during the past 6 months, which totalled 197, compared with his contractual hours of 180, based on a working week of 8 hours. After a brief discussion Members agreed that the Clerk should be paid for the extra 17 hours worked and that he should continue to record the time that he works.