GA: 3030, p. 1

PRE: 1403, p. 1



This policy applies to all employees.


For purposes of this policy, a “college policy” has all of the following characteristics:

1. it has broad application within the college;

2. it helps to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations or applicable Board of Trustees’ policies, promotes operational efficiencies, enhances the college’s mission in a direct or material manner, or reduces institutional risks; and

3. it mandates actions or constraints.

For purposes of this policy, a “consensus” is achieved when all members of the deciding body have had a reasonable opportunity to express an opinion to other members of the deciding body and can support the deciding body’s decision as the best possible at the current time, even if the decision is not one that every person would have made as his or her own first choice.


1.All new or substantively revised college policies must be approved by consensus of the President’s Council or, if the President’s Council does not achieve consensus, by the president without other members of the President’s Council. Approval must be in advance of publication of the policy to the college community. All revisions to college policies are considered to be substantive except for revisions made to:

a) reflect revised position titles, department names, division names, or entity names; or

b) correct typographical, grammatical or citation errors.

Non-substantive revisions to policies shall be made by the executive assistant to the Vice President and General Counsel.

2.It is the responsibility of each member of the President’s Council to determine whether additional persons within his or her division or department should review a proposed new or substantively revised policy prior to approval and to effectuate such review. It is the responsibility of each member of the President’s Council to determine whether any college committee set forth in GA: 3005: College Committees to which he or she is a liaison or on which he or she sits should review

GA: 3030, p. 2

PRE: 1403, p. 2

a proposed new or substantively revised policy prior to approval and to effectuate such review.

  1. All college policies become effective immediately upon approval unless the policy states otherwise.

4. The official version of the Administrative Manual shall be maintained on the college Internet site by or at the direction of the executive assistant to the Vice President and General Counsel, except that the official version of policies updated prior to January 1, 2000 shall be maintained in a hard copy in the Office of the Vice President and General Counsel by the executive assistant. Policies updated prior to January 1, 2000 shall be made available for inspection during normal business hours by any college employee or student, upon reasonable advance request. Other copies of the manual may be maintained in college libraries, departments or offices.

5. All new or substantively revised college policies shall be communicated by the executive assistant to the Vice President and General Counsel to the college community by 1) “everyone” e-mail which includes a link to the text of the policy, and 2) placing a notice in the Friday Report which provides a brief summary of the changes or policy. This shall not apply to revisions to GA: 3005: College Committees that only revise the names of individuals on committees. Such revisions shall be communicated to the college community on a periodic basis, as deemed appropriate by the executive assistant to the Vice President and General Counsel.

6. All college policies shall use substantially the format set forth in attachment A to this policy. Revision dates noted on the policy may be limited to dates within the previous six years. Revision dates noted on GA: 3005: College Committees may be further limited to the six most recent revisions.

7.New or revised college policies may be recommended to the President’s Council by any member of the President’s Council, any committee set forth in GA: 3005: College Committees or by any employee, through and with the consent of the President’s Council member who supervises that employee’s department or team.

8.All policies shall be reaffirmed or revised no later than once every four years as measured to the month, except that policies most recently updated prior to January 1, 2000 shall next be reaffirmed or revised no later than as indicated on the attached schedule. Policies not timely reaffirmed or revised shall continue in effect, and shall be construed to be as consistent with college operations as possible. The department (or successor department) indicated on the policy is responsible for the timely completion of obtaining reaffirmation or revision. Effective July 1, 2005, on

GA: 3030, p. 3f.

PRE: 1403, p. 3f.

a quarterly basis, the Executive Assistant to the President will distribute to the President’s Council a chart showing, by division, the proportion of policies not

timely reaffirmed or revised. Effective January 1, 2006, the chart will be available on the intranet.


New or revised policies may be submitted to the President’s Council for review either by:

  1. Circulating the policy at a meeting of the President’s Council and requesting consensus during a meeting of the President’s Council in a subsequent week; or
  1. Distributing the policy to all members of the President’s Council by e-mail and allowing at least 10 college business days to pass. If, within those 10 days, no

member of the President’s Council has objected to consensus on the policy, or requested that it be discussed at a meeting of the President’s Council, consensus is deemed to have been achieved.

Reference:GA: 3005: College Committees

For more information contact: Executive Assistant to the Vice President and General Counsel, ext. 7654.

PRE: 3/98

Rev. 7/02

Rev. 11/04

Rev. 3/05

Attachment A

Policy Number

Policy Title

Scope: (Those groups of employees to whom policy applies. E.g., “all employees,” “full- time faculty,” temporary employees”)

Definition: (Insert definitions if necessary.)


Procedures: (The procedures section may be omitted, if appropriate, or may direct people to procedures set forth elsewhere — such as the intranet or the “I” drive — provided that a citation or link to the location of the procedures is listed.)

Reference: (If the policy is required by law or is implemented in furtherance of a Board of Trustees policy, such law or policy shall be listed. The Reference section may also set forth other related policies.)

For more information contact:

Date revised

Date approved