Application for Position of Commissioner for First 5 Alameda County
Please attach a copy of your resume.
Last Name / First Name / EmailStreet Number / Street NameUnit # / City / Zip Code
Home Phone / Cell Phone
Current Employer / Position/Title
The State Law that established First 5 requires that Commission members have one or more of the following backgrounds. Please check all that apply to you.
Representatives of a local child care resource or referral agency, or a local child care coordinating group
Educators specializing in early childhood development
Representatives of a local organization for prevention or early intervention for families at risk
Representatives of community-based organizations that have the goal of promoting nurturing and early childhood development
Representatives of local school districts
Representatives of local medical, pediatric, or obstetric associations or societies
Recipients of project services included in the county strategic plan
Preferred Skills and Experience Please check all that apply to you.
Experience working with various levels of government
Knowledge of AlamedaCounty and the various supervisory districts
Knowledge of current AlamedaCounty systems for delivery of children’s services
Experience with the culturally diverse communities of Alameda County including working with children with special needs
Familiarity with Proposition 10, the Children and Families First Act
Professional experience in a field related to the Children and Families First Act
Ability and willingness to work as a team, keeping the welfare of all young children and their families in the county as the top priority
Administrative experience in the government, non-profit, or private sector
Experience serving on governmental boards or commissions and/or non profit boards
Experience in making funding decisions and providing fiscal management oversight
Excellent communication and public speaking skills
Experience as a parent
Non smoker
- Please describe other relevant skills and experience:
- Why do you want to serve as a First 5 Commissioner?
- Anything else that you think we should know about your ability to serve as a Commissioner?
- Can you make the commitment of time required to attend regular Commission meetings and meetings of your assigned sub-committee, and to review materials: Yes No
- Languages other than English in which you are fluent:
First 5 AlamedaCounty Commissioner ApplicationJune 20112