R U T H A. G Y U R E

Assistant Professor, Coordinator of Medical Technology Program

Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences

Western Connecticut State University, Danbury, CT 06810

PHONE: 203-837-8796; FAX: 203-837-8769

EMAIL: WEBSITE: www.people.wisc.edu/gyurer


·  Ph.D. 1986 Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN; Microbiology/Microbial Ecology (Department of Biological Sciences).

·  B.S. 1973 Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN; Bionucleonics/Environmental Health (School of Pharmacy) Phi Beta Kappa, Full Academic Scholarship.


·  Fall 2000 - Present: Assistant Professor, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Western CT State University, Danbury, CT.

·  Fall 1998 - Spring 2000: Guest Professor, Biology Department, Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY.

·  1993 - 1995: Assistant Professor, Edgewood College, Madison, WI.

·  1988-1993: Adjunct Professor, Edgewood College, Madison, WI.

·  1987-1988: Research Specialist, Department of Bacteriology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI. Molecular genetics (puf operon) of Rhodobacter sphaeroides, laboratory of Dr. T.J. Donohue.

·  1981-1982: Laboratory Technician, Biology Department, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. In vitro chromatin assembly in eukaryotic systems, laboratory of Dr. A. Stein.

·  1980-1981: Peace Corps, Freshwater Fisheries Consultant, Central African Republic.


·  Gyure, Ruth A. and Brad C. Goodner. 2006. "A Bioinformatics Problem Space to Study Clostridium difficile Outbreak," Focus on Microbiology Education, Fall 2006, American Society for Microbiology.

·  Gyure, Ruth A. 2006. Field Sampling and Extraction of Biological Material from Soil. Final Report of Grant Activity to Science Applications International, as part of Environmental Protection Agency Risk Management and Reduction Laboratory Project to study mercury reduction at Barnum Court, Danbury, CT. Report submitted July 2006.

·  Kozuchowski, Jack, Rogers, G. and Ruth A. Gyure. 2006. Final Report to Environmental Protection Agency (Environmental Protection Agency Risk Management and Reduction Laboratory Project to study mercury reduction at Barnum Court, Danbury, CT). Submitted June 2006.

·  Gyure, R., Konopka, A., Brooks, A. and W. Doemel. 1987. “Algal and bacterial activities in acidic (pH3) strip-mine lakes,” Applied and Environmental Microbiology 53 (9), 2069-2076.

·  Konopka, A., Gyure, R., Doemel, W., and A. Brooks. 1985. “Microbial sulfate reduction in extremely acid lakes,” Konopka, A., Technical Report 173, Water Resources Center, Purdue University, October 1985.

·  Klug, M., Boston, P., Francois, R., Gyure, R., Javor, B., Tribble, G., and Varavmurthy, 1985. “Sulfur reduction in sediments of marine and evaporite environments,” A. N.A.S.A. Technical Memorandum 87570, July 1985 (Washington, D.C.).

·  Article submission to ASM MicrobeLibrary, Fall 2005: Gyure, Ruth A. “Use of MBECä Plates in Inquiry-Based Investigations of Biofilms,” Ruth A. Gyure. These submissions are peer-reviewed for acceptance into the online library. This manuscript was accepted, with revisions. It has not yet been resubmitted but I have been strongly encouraged to do so as ‘there are few published student protocols on biofilms.’

·  Newspaper Article: Gyure, Ruth A. “Trees siphon toxins out of soil: Genetically engineered plants added to mercury-polluted area,” Poughkeepsie Journal, July 17, 2005.


·  Dunagan S.C., Gilmore M.S., Gyure, R.A. and J.C. Varekamp 2006. “Phytoremediation of Hg-contaminated Soils with Genetically-modified Cottonwood Trees,” 7th International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry, Sept. 2006, (Beijing, China).

·  Gyure, Ruth A. 2006. "Using Clickers in the Classroom to Strengthen ‘Just-In-Time’ teaching," American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Conference for Undergraduate Educators, May 2006, (Orlando, FL).

·  Ratajczak, W. and R. A. Gyure. 2005. “Community Metabolic Profiles and Enhancement of Mercury Volatilization of Cultivable Isolates from Mercury-Contaminated Soil,” American Society for Microbiology Region I and CT Valley Branch Meeting, Nov. 2005 (Hartford, CT) and Northeast Microbiology: Physiology, Ecology, Genetics (NEMPET) annual meeting, June 2006 (Blue Mt. Lake, NY). Wendi won a $100.00 award for the poster at the ASM meeting.

·  Ratajczak, W. and R. A. Gyure. 2003. “Substrate Utilization Patterns Across a Gradient of Mercury Concentration at a Phytoremediation Pilot Project in Danbury, CT,” 103rd Annual Meeting of ASM, May 2003 (Washington, D.C.). Wendi received 300.00 from an Esther Wagner Fund at WCSU to attend this meeting.

·  Fairchild, Shanna and Ruth A. Gyure. “Mercury Resistance and Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria Isolated from Mercury Contaminated Soil,” Regional Microbiology Conference, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY, May 2002. She won a 3rd place award for her poster. And also received a Sigma Xi Research award through our department for this work.

·  Gyure, Ruth A. and Laura Ovvitore. 2002. “Bringing Case Studies to Life in the Undergraduate Microbiology Laboratory,” Ninth ASM Undergraduate Microbiology Teaching Conference, Salt Lake City, UT. I received a competitive travel award from ASM to attend and present this work (see attached letter and press release).

·  Feiner, K., Galovich, J., Gyure, R. and D. Westenberg. 2006. “The Puzzling Properties of the Permease.” American Society for Microbiology Bioinformatics Workshop, Washington, D.C.


·  Scholar-In-Residence, 2006-2007, American Society for Microbiology, Program for Research and Advancement in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.

·  WestConn Institute for Science Teacher Research (WISTR), Faculty Research Mentor. July 2006- June 2007.

·  Undergraduate Teaching Travel Award, to attend and present at 9th ASM Undergraduate Education Conference (ASMCUE), May 2002 (Salt Lake City, UT).

·  Selected participant: American Society for Microbiology, BioQUest Consortium BEDROCK Bioinformatics Institute, Washington, D.C. Editorial Review Board, Focus on Microbiology Education, American Society for Microbiology, 2005-2007.

·  Assistant Branch Councilor, Connecticut Valley Branch, American Society for Microbiology, 2006-2007.

·  Selected participant: “Advanced Course in Molecular Microbial Ecology,” Alpine Center, Piora, Switzerland, July 12-19, 2003.

·  Selected participant: “Microbes and the Global Sulfur Cycle,” NASA-sponsored research program, June-July 1984 (San Jose, CA).


·  Recipient, Assessment of Learning for Educational Improvement Grant, Connecticut State University System, $1000.00, 2006-2007 academic year.

·  Recipient, American Association of University Professors/Connecticut State University Research Awards: 25,992.00 between 2001-2006.

·  City Of Danbury, Environmental Protection Agency Joint award for study of microbial ecology at a mercury phytormediation test site: $23,500.00 October 2002;

·  Environmental Protection Agency subcontract award (Science Applications International Corporation) for $5000.00, October 2005.


·  Interview: Phytoremediation Project for Cable TV program “Real to Reel” aired on Earth Day (April 22, 2006). 10 minute segment on CD-ROM attached. Catholic Communications, Springfield, CT.

·  “Role of Bacteria in Phytoremediation of Mercury at a Brownfields Site in Danbury, CT”

Wesleyan University, April 9, 2004.

·  “The Role of Microbial Communities in a Phytoremediation Pilot Project in Danbury, Connecticut,” Connecticut State University Faculty Research Conference, April 24, 2004

·  “Microbial Ecology of a Mercury Phytoremediation Site,” April 19, 2002, Hartwick College, Oneonta, NY.

·  “Microbes and Mercury,” Oct. 2002. Central CT State University, guest of Biology Department, Dr. T. Mione.

·  “WCSU and City of Danbury use Biotechnology to Clean Up Toxic Waste,” Science at Night presentation, Western CT State University, October 6, 2004.

·  ‘West Nile Virus – What’s the Risk?’ May 31, 2001, Sheldrake Environmental Center, Larchmont, NY; June 28, 2001, Trinity College, Hartford, CT; July 27, 2001, Danbury Hospital, Danbury, CT (Clinical Pathology Conference).


·  American Society for Microbiology (ASM)

·  Northeast Microbiologists: Physiology, Ecology, Taxonomy (NEMPET)

·  Connecticut Valley Branch of ASM

·  National Association of Biology Teachers

·  National Science Teachers Association

·  Sigma Xi Research Society

·  Association for Environmental Health and Sciences.