sDate: ______Name(s): ______

Assignment: SOL practice computer activityBlock: ______

Science __ Final Exam (______) and Science 6-8 SOL (______)

Directions: Login to the computer using your wgesol for username and password. Complete each activity in order recording the information where applicable and take turns/whisper if you have a partner. Follow the steps carefully, if you get stuck, raise your hand. Please stay on task, only visit the sites on this page, a violation will result in being asked to log off your computer and be assigned an alternate activity on paper.

  1. Follow “Directions for TestNav 8” packet
  2. This activity is to see the actual test format and content. Please fill out the packet and turn it in as evidence of your hard work, it will not be graded for correctness but rather effort.
  1. Go to website:

Choose our school and the password is “wgms.” Pick at least one topic to study or activity to try and let me know what you think of it. You can choose any grade because they will all be on your 8th grade science SOL. Have fun and learn something! Partners should each take a turn.

Complete the below for each one you try: How you get credit:

Date / SOL & Activity Name / Good Activity:
I learned something or enjoyed it / Bad Activity:
It didn’t work or something else went wrong
  1. Go to website:

Choose: Science Tests, Science 8

Choose number of questions: (at least 10)

Enter: your first name (both first names if partners)

How you get credit:

Skip past recording your code

Email a copy of my results to:

Choose: Send It!

Record your total score: ______= % correct and raise hand for teacher initials: ______Date: ______

  1. Go to website:

Answer questions.

How you get credit:

Record your score out of 50: ______= % correct and raise hand for teacher initials: ______Date: ______