Title I/LAP

Asotin-Anatone SD #420—Asotin Elementary

Please revise this document as you wish and return to Jenny Petty or John Heley at Asotin Elementary School.

2014-15 School Year.

Elementary Title I staff, consists of one full time teacher and one paraprofessional whose duties also include part time Title I parent coordinator. We will continue to provide the best remediation services possible to the students in our elementary school with the greatest need as far as our resources allow. Philosophically and practically it has always been true that we are not able to meet the remedial needs of every child with a legitimate need. Now that will be especially true in light of current federal and statefinancial reductions.

Our philosophy of Title I and LAP services for elementary is placed in the following priorities:

  1. Reading - We want to be sure that every student becomes a successful reader at grade level. Helping young students in reading is our highest specific remediation priority. This means kindergarten for readiness skills followed by students in grades 1 and 2.
  1. Math services to intermediate grade students, grades 4, 5 and 6.
  1. We will offer only extensive services to students in our Title I and LAP remediation programs. This means that students will receive services a minimum of 5 days per week, whether pull out or in class services. We will attempt to provide interventions on an informal basis when time permits.
  1. We will offer small group services only. We will limit the number of students who receive Title I and LAP remediation services. This means 3 students or less in kindergarten, 5 students or less for Title I teacher or classroom assistant working alone or 8 students or less for Title I teacher and classroom assistant working together.

Rationale to points 3 and 4 above:

There is a temptation to help “every child” who is academically behind and honestly “needs” extra help. With the money available, that is not possible. There is a temptation to offer a small amount of extra help to every academically needy child. This means helping children once or twice weekly. We believe that level of support will not allow students to grow academically and become independent functioning students who are successful on state assessments. In rejecting this philosophy and practice we realize that some needy students will not be served and will remain on our rank order waiting list.

  1. Math support - Some students in grades 3 through 6 have difficulty in math, especially as math concepts become more complex at these grade levels. These students are at risk for failing math portions of state assessments in grades 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.
  1. Other support - As we mentioned above in our rationale to points 3 and 4, we are not able to provide support to every child in every grade level who needs help in basic math and reading skills. Therefore our lower priorities are writing skills in all grade levels, math skills in grades K-2 and reading skills in grades 4 – 6. We offer these services to the extent that we have staff and time available once our higher level priorities are met.
  1. Our after school tutoring program is to help intermediate students with an extended academic support service.

Procedures for establishing the Asotin Elementary Title I Building Plan

  1. Sent home Title I/LAP surveys to every parent
  2. Invited parents to be part of our periodic meetings with option for giving program feedback and sharing ideas from home.
  3. Teacher surveys for all of our teachers
  4. Parents were sent home with the draft document to study, critique and make comment for changes
  5. There are additional parents who are not able to attend the meeting(s), but they can support this process from home.
  6. Asotin Elementary Title I Building Plan will be finalized at the all elementary Title I meetings The afternoon and/orevening sessionswill be open meetings to all Title I and LAP parents.
  7. Final parent policies will be sent home during the week of first week of February
  8. Additional small group Title I/ LAP parent meeting will be held in 2014 to include the start of planning for the 15-16 school year and evaluating our program
  9. Documents to parents about the progress of their own child –
  10. School parent compact for Title I students and ALP for LAP students will be handed out and reviewed with parents at fall elementary parent teachers conferences
  11. For JHS and HS students, these documents will be shared with parents no later than the first week of February.
  • Parents have ongoing and frequent opportunities for participating in the life of the school to include participation in decision making. This includes PTO in the elementary and the Boosters organization for JHS/HS.