To:Deans, Directors, Department Chairs and Supervisors

From:Gregory W. Johnson, C.P.M., Director

Ph: 757-221-3954E-mail:

Date:February 18, 2016

Subject:Cut-off Dates for 2016Fiscal Year Funds

The requisition cut-off schedule outlined below is established in order to comply with the end-of-year deadline for payments using the current fiscal year’s funds.

Mar 18Deadline for receipt of requisitions for furniture (non-custom)exceeding $50,000

April 1Deadline for receipt of requisitions for furnitureup to $50,000

April 1Deadline for receipt of requisitions for purchases other than furnitureexceeding $50,000

April 29thDeadline for receipt of requisitions for purchases other than furnitureup to $50,000

June 10BOA VISA Small Purchase Charge Card purchases (Note third paragraph below.)

Requisitions of any dollar value submitted later than the stated cut-off dates must identify the fiscal year for which the purchase is intended.

Purchase orders created in eVA for delivery and/or payment in the next fiscal year, FY 2017, should have the appropriate fiscal year selected when creating an eVA Purchase Requisition (PR) and should include a line item level Comment that clearly states for the vendor’s benefit that budget for payment is not available until July 1 and delivery should be made on or after that date. A Purchase Order with FY17designated will immediately transmit to the vendor; however, the budget encumbrance will go into a holding table until July 1, 2016 after which FY17PO’s will be completed in Banner for encumbrance against the new fiscal year.

Purchases made using the Bank of America VISA Small Purchase Charge Card (SPCC) should be processed by the vendor by June 10, 2016 to be sure the transaction posts to your card account by the close of the June15thVisa billing cycle.Allowing additional processing time for these purchases will ensure that orders placed through June10will be included on the June statement if the items ordered are available for immediate shipment. The processing date for charge card transactions is dependent upon the merchant’s accounting practices and could take anywhere from 1 to 4 days for the transaction to post and be included in your June statement.

If you have questions regarding these procedures, please contact Staci Longest at 1-3960 or by e-mail at for purchasing questions and Marra Austin at 1-7636 or by e-mail at for small purchase charge card questions.