Date: December 5, 2013 Number on council: 12
Date of Senate Meeting: December 4, 2013Number present: 10
Prepared by Amy Edgerton
Senate Chairwoman Shayla Woodhouse called the Senate meeting of the 2013-2014 Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at 9:12 P.M. via conference call.
Roll Call
The following Senators were not present at the meeting:
-Ryan Cook
-Zach Howard
Approval of Minutes
Motion: SenatorBoruch move to approve the minutes from the November 21st Senate Meeting
Second: Senator Libby
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, minutes from November 21st have now been approved
Call to the Audience
Unfinished Business
Motion: Senator Cabral move to remove Item B: OA: NAU Model United Nations Club, $500 and Item C: SB 26-29: NAU Model United Nations Club, $3500 from the table
Second: Senator Tillinghast
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, Item B: OA: NAU Model United Nations Club, $500 and Item C: SB 26-29: NAU Model United Nations Club, $3500 have been removed from the table
Motion: Senator Cabral move to vote on Item B: OA: NAU Model United Nations Club, $500 and Item C: SB 26-29: NAU Model United Nations Club, $3500
Second: Senator Gorshe
Discussion: Senator Cabral will be representing the Model United Nations Club as he has been working with them for a few weeks. The Model UN Club will be going to the world conference and eight members will be attending. The funding will be going toward airfare. This is the first time they will be going and will bring NAU growth and recognition by attending. The Model UN Club will represent NAU well at this event.
Vote: Unanimous, Item B: OA: NAU Model United Nations Club, $500 and Item C: SB 26-29: NAU Model United Nations Club, $3500 have been approved
New Action Business
Motion: SenatorLibby move to vote on Item A: Club Recognition: New Economics Northern Arizona University
Second: Senator Ortega
Discussion: Chairwoman Woodhouse speaks on behalf of New Economics Northern Arizona University. NENAU is a student organization that was founded to investigate sustainable entrepreneurship practice and economics business startups, illuminating the importance of diverse economic business structures, creating relational meetings with other NAU students and community members, and tackling economic issues faced in and around Northern Arizona University.Members of the organization will be involved in working with local business incubators, gaining internship experience, generating funding sources, and building leadership skills through mentorship. Members will practice the skills of community networking, market analysis, creating social and environmental capital as equal to money capital, and continue the goals and principles found in contemporary cooperative business institutions. NENAU members will be able to use this experience to improve their resumes and to network with other community members in the hopes of being part of new and innovative economic projects located in northern Arizona.
Vote: Unanimous, Item A:Club Recognition: New Economics Northern Arizona University has been approved
Motion: SenatorGorshe move to vote on Item B: IA: KylieKoerperich and Item C: IA: Robert DeLeon
Second: Senator Tillinghast
Discussion:Kylie is not present but Robert will be speaking on behalf of Kylie and himself. Robert and Kylie are both applying for funding to attend the Student Leadership Senate in Dallas. The dates are January 2ndto the 7th 2014. It is a great opportunity will help provide them with leadership skills that they will bring back to Northern Arizona University.
Vote: Unanimous, Item B: IA: Kylie Koerperichand Item C: IA: Robert DeLeonhave been approved
Motion: Senator Cabral move to vote on Item D: OA: Delta Sigma Pi, $500 and Item E: SB 26-37: Delta Sigma Pi, $1537.20
Second: Senator Simon
Discussion: Tyler is here representing Delta Sigma Pi. They went to LEAD Conference in Las Vegas. There is one every semester, chapters from the region meet and there are breakout sessions with everything from leadership to networking presentations. They teach professional skills, interview writing, and many other skills at the conference, and Delta Sigma Pi will bring this new information back to the business college. They are asking for $2037.20 total, to cover registration and hotel for 20 members that attended.
Vote: Unanimous, Item D: OA: Delta Sigma Pi, $500 and Item E: SB 26-37: Delta Sigma Pi, $1537.20 have been approved
Motion: Senator Gorshe move to vote on Item F: OA: NAU Women’s Club Water Polo, $500 and Item G: SB 26-38: NAU Women’s Club Water Polo, $3500
Second: Senator Boruch
Discussion: Senator Gorshe is speaking for the Women’s Club Water Polo Team. The Women’s Water Polo Club Team is requesting a total of $4,000.00 from the Associate Student Body of NAU, for the 2013-2014 academic school year. The Women’s Water Polo Team has in the last three years grown tremendously. From having a total team roster of 7 players in the fall of 2011 the team has grown to having 25 women this fall of 2013. Each year there are improvements to the team’s athletic ability, time management skills, and the ways to provide leadership opportunities for the individual women on the team. This year they have added a Junior Leader Committee that currently holds 7 positions: Secretary, Treasurer, Event Coordinator, etc. In order to make the team better as a whole try outs ran earlier this semester, will be voting on leadership roles in the spring, and were recently able to acquire a coach. Even with fast paced growth, they try to bring each girl who has the ability to go to every tournament they compete in, as well as to any invitational they travel to for independent tournaments. This is why they are asking ASNAU for a total of $4,000.00 in order to help pay for travel fees for three tournaments this year. This includes hotel and gas costs, as well as van rentals (Air Force only). This will not cover travel fees to all three tournaments: ASU, Air Force Academy, and U of A; but will help tremendously in making the team and overall team experience cost effective and friendly to each girl participating. The team will independently be paying League Fees, Training and Competition Equipment, Uniforms, and all Invitational Tournament costs. The team plans to pay for these items by collecting team dues, fundraising, and asking for parent and family donations. Last year they were able to utilize all but about $100.00 from the $3,500.00 allocated and they can guarantee none of the funds allocated will be wasted. The team appreciates ASNAU’s time and consideration regarding the request for funds this year, and for taking the time to hold this unorthodox senate meeting in the efforts to support the needs of the greater student body.
Vote: Unanimous, Item F: OA: NAU Women’s Club Water Polo, $500 and Item G: SB 26-38: NAU Women’s Club Water Polo, $3500 have been approved
Motion: SenatorGorshe move to vote on Item H:OA: NAU Women’s Lacrosse, $500 and Item I: SB 26-39: NAU Women’s Lacrosse, $482.50
Second: Senator Ortega
Discussion: Senator Gorshe speaks on behalf of Women’s Lacrosse. The NAU Women’s Lacrosse Team has been actively growing since 2009. With the increased interest of women on campus to play and the skill level of the team they have moved from the Provisional Division up to Division II. With that being said, the league dues required have increased. They are asking support from ASNAU to allocate funds to league dues. The team will continue to grow in upcoming years and the reputation and recognition of NAU as a whole will be represented within the league, tournaments attended, and tournaments that are hosted. The league dues are a crucial part of maintaining the team and within the league.
Vote: Unanimous, Item H: OA: NAU Women’s Lacrosse, $500 and Item I: SB 26-39: NAU Women’s Lacrosse, $482.50 have been approved
Motion: SenatorCabral move to vote on Item J: SB 26-40: Younglife, $1000
Second: Senator Gorshe
Discussion: Asking for the additional $1000 from the increase in the Senate Bill Limit. It will go toward their trip to Mexico, 66 students will go and funding will go toward gas and lodging. The cost of the trip will be well over $3500 but they are asking for funding to help reduce the cost for students. It is a good trip and provides students with a lot of unique experiences.
Vote: Unanimous, Item J: SB 26-40: Younglife, $1000 has been approved
No reports will be given tonight.
Discussion Items
Important Dates
NSG Toys for Totsis currently in progress.
NSG Ugly Sweater Christmas Party will be December 8th at 5:00P.M.
Finals Study Break will be December 12th, 15th, and 16th.
Motion: SenatorStartt move to adjourn the meeting
Second: Senator Simon
Vote: Unanimous, meeting adjourned at 9:42 P.M.